
Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Smooch for Lucy

When Lucy was delivered, I made sure Smooch was in the house. 
No sense getting her all riled up by a barking dog running up and down the fence. 

I expected that when Smooch and Lucy did meet, a game of tag might ensue 
as it usually does when Smooch and Alan face off at the fenceline.

Ok, I was wrong. Lucy was calm, so Smooch was calm. 
Perhaps they've both been watching Cesar Millan in their spare time.

Lucy was more interested in the dirt near the fence than she was with Smooch...

...much to Smooch's dismay.

Lucy: Blcch...tastes like dirt.

Lucy: I guess I'll just stare at you for awhile instead.
Has anyone ever told you that you have very short ears?

I'm hopeful that these two Smooch can keep her energy in check when I try to walk them together. If the wind calms down today, my young neighbor is coming over to assist me in my first attempt at "Down the Road with Smooch and Lucy." If all goes well, I'll have those pictures for you tomorrow.


  1. What a good girl Smooch is! Isn't that interesting how calm she stayed upon meeting Lucy, and, of course, with all you've said about Lucy I just couldn't imagine her getting all riled up.

    Good luck on your walk today ... the way things have been going I'm thinking we will see pictures of that adventure tomorrow.

  2. It would be so neat if Lucy and Smooch would become good riding buddies! Then Smooch wouldn't have to stay home when you rode Lucy.

    I love riding with dogs on the trails. They alert me to all sorts of things (turkeys, deer, hikers, etc.), and I think it's good for the horses to get use to unexpected noise and movements. Because it's "just the dog"!

  3. Good luck for "Down the road with smooch and Lucy"! Not only because of new photos.
    Miss Lucy seems to be very self-confident.

  4. What a fun walk that will be. It would be great if they could be trail buddies.
    Even though Lucy is a sweetheart have you thought any about showing her a few areas that she needs to respect since you will riding her. You might consider when walking her teaching her to back out of your space some just general commands so she will respect you riding.

  5. Lucy seems like a very level-headed gal. I bet your ride goes without a glitch.

  6. Aww...poor Smooch. You can almost hear what she is thinking. "you're not going to run from me so I can chase you? Bummer."
    Tee Hee. Suzanne

  7. That 4th photo is priceless with the body language...."Aw shucks, Lucy, yer no fun!!"

  8. I really like her fluffy coat of winter hair.


  9. Enjoy the ride. I am enjoying visiting with Lucy every morning BTW!
    Theresa in Alberta

  10. Smooch looks sooooooo disappointed!
    too funny

  11. Poor Smooch - he wants to play in the worst way!
    Lucy is such a doll!

  12. Nice! Smooch and Lucy looks like they'll be good friends.

  13. good luck with your outing, take lots of photos, and hugs to smooch for her good behavior.

  14. haha I love your last comment about short ears, sure made me laugh! Heres hoping your walk goes smoothly so you can take them both always :)

  15. They look so sweet! I can't wait to see you riding Lucy with Smooch tagging along :-)

  16. Lucy looks like a such a sweetie! How old is she?

  17. Maybe Lucy is used to having a dog or two around. And of course she will enjoy Smooch. I can just imagine Smooch's brain wheels tumbling around. "She looks more like George and Alan, but almost as big as Hank. Has exotic smells from far away. This one is a bit of a mystery. Just going to trust Mom and go with along with it."

  18. Lucy seems like such a calm girl. Hopefully, Smooch won't mind sharing her walks with Lucy.

  19. Love these Lucy updates !!!!!!!!!

  20. Smooch is probably glad to have another girl to talk to!

    I hope your trip down the road went well :).

  21. Lucy has had dogs around her when I've ridden out with friends. The dogs knew better than to get under her feet. My dog (Maggie), would go in her run and for most of the time it would be o.k., then for some reason Lucy would chase her out...never figured out why sometimes it was o.k. and other times she didn't want to have her around. At least Maggie was smart enough to know "THE LOOK", and left. Sometimes I think she just wanted to play but Maggie didn't want to take a chance, because my john mule (Lickory) has killed many a coyote and hurt a couple of our ranch dogs. Lucy was NEVER THAT aggressive.

  22. Lucy is an amazing beauty! I foresee the not so distant future when ALL the gang enjoy each other's company!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  23. Exciting! Hope all goes/went well. Looking forward to the next update.

  24. I thought there might be a "smooch" at the fence between the two. Since a horse friend uses his dog at the arena and in parades, the horses I have ridden have become used to a dog being "underfoot"...which is good. Saw you twitter notes and very happy the walk went well! Also want pics of Lucy and Hank!

  25. I'm glad to see that Lucy has some experience with dogs - bodes well for Smooch and it is so fun to trail ride with a dog around.

    Can't wait to hear how the walk went!

  26. This just goes to show how chilled out Lucy is!

  27. I love this. There may just be some kindred spirit stuff going on. Lucy does seem to have a Guru Zen energy that produces a calming effect in the other herd members.

    I'm interested to see how introductions go when she meets Wynnona up close & personal. *smile*
