
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random Ranch Revue

I was sorting through a month's worth of pictures last night, saving the good and trashing the bad. These three never made it into a post, but I couldn't bear throwing them away.


  1. Ha .. toooo cool!!! I can see why you wanted to share with us.

  2. Ah...such noble steeds! And ... uh, a steed with a cone.

  3. I wonder if Alan knows that his muzzle looks like a skull.

  4. Those last 2 shots must be from down under eh?
    Theresa in Alberta

  5. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! It all worked out for the best - they got their very own post. I just want to hug them all :)

  6. I LOVE the middle picture! The long-suffering (yea, right!) look and the flared nostrils are great, not to mention the gorgeous blue sky.

  7. you should post random pictures and let people come up with captions for them...these would be perfect for that!

  8. I couldn't have tossed those, either! :)

  9. The blue skies are just a stunning backdrop for the boys. I love the one with Hank and the contrails in the sky. George looks like he is napping in the cone zone.

  10. they just make me smile! love the trust you have to be able to lie on the ground benieth a HUGE animal who if he chose could really hurt you and take beautiful pics of them... you give them a human quality that is just too cute and sweet.

  11. George is doing what I do at work - head bang, head bang, head bang.

    Caption for Allen:
    "But Mom! I didn't do it!"

    Caption for Hank:
    "Hey, hey, good lookin'!"

    Thanks for the smile!

  12. Well, of course! George is doing the Vulcan mind meld with the cone: Be one with the cone, be at peace with the cone...

  13. So glad you decided to share these instead of trashing 'em. I couldn't have done that either. Love the one of George w/the cone.

  14. "I love my cone, I love my cone, I love my cone."
    "Mom, whatcha layin' on the ground for?"
    "I think I hear carrots calling."

  15. They are adorable! I'm so glad you saved those pictures and shared them with us. I love seeing their eyes -- such wonderful beings in there looking out. Thanks, Carson. :)

  16. So glad you didn't toss these. There is never a bad picture of a beautiful face!


  17. Is that George praying to the cone gods??? Great pictures! They are for sure keepers.

  18. Thanks for the nostril shot (my favorites)! I'll be cracking up all day long.

    Love you Alan!!!

  19. The second one just melts my heart. Such a happy guy.


  20. Thanks for sharing! What absolutely beautiful creatures.

  21. You're right, they are keepers!!!

  22. Nothing to do with the pictures---
    I was looking at weather bug and noticed there's another snowfall headed your way. Hopefully the temperatures will NEVER be the temps they were last week. Hang in there, March is headed this way.

  23. I can see why. They're gorgeous, the lot of them.

  24. The caption for the first one:

    "Be ONE with the cone."

  25. I have a feeling your "bad" photos are better than what I consider my "great" ones.

    Love these shots....

  26. Hank looks like he's just getting ready to tell a good joke!

  27. Howdy everybody this is Lucy and I like the pictures mom posted today. All my longeared brothers and sisters here had a good laugh this morning. I'm going to LOVE Hank, but man he has a small BUT cute set of ears. I'm looking forward to my new journey, cause my mom here tells me all the good things that will be happening to me and all my new friends, but she's so sad...I can see it in her face. I'm getting a lot of attention lately, too. The big, black, mule (Lickory) even said he'd miss me, but I know all he'll miss about me is running after me for exercise. I haven't told the others yet, I think they will REALLY miss me and I don't want to make them have sad faces like mom. I'll let her tell them after I get on the trailer. (She'll give them lots of packer pellets and loving) Well, bye everybody and see ya soon :) Lucy

  28. AWW Lucy! You had me crying for your Mom. I'm sure she will miss you because you seem like such a sweetheart. But your new Mom and family will love you too. Mom #1 will still be able to see you and read about your great adventures everyday! Can't wait to "meet" you!

  29. George looks like he fell asleep in the middle of playtime, Hank looks handsome as always and Alan looks like his channeling Eeyore

  30. There's definitely a lot of character in those shots!

  31. soooo handsome!

  32. This photos are great, good that they made it in a special post!
    Lucky you, that you sort through your pictures and are able to throw away the bad. I can only trash the very very very bad ones.

    Lucy, I´m sorry for you Mom1 and happy for your Mom2. But don´t worry, I had myself two moms. Everything is going to be alright!

  33. Hi, Lucy! Thanks for writing, and we look forward to seeing you in your new home. We thank your first family for giving you up so you can join the guys at 7MSN. You'll love them all!

  34. Caption for # - I luv my cone and I'm not sharing.
    Caption for #2- Mom! George won't share!
    Caption for #3- I am soooooo ignoring those silly burros.

  35. #1. '98...99...100...Coming! Ready or Not!'.
