
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Part Heeler, part Shar-pei, part Squirrel

Last fall, I had Smooch's DNA tested to determine her ancestry. The results revealed she is 25% Red Heeler, 25% Chinese Shar-pei and 50% unknown. Had the scientists dug a little deeper, they would have figured out that Smooch is part squirrel.

Me: Smooch, must you store food all over the house...particularly on my bed?

Smooch: I might get hungry in the middle of the night.

Smooch: Is there a problem with that?
Me: Now that you mention it, yes. I don't like sleeping with crumbs.

Smooch: All right. I'll try to clean up my act. 

Smooch: Just let me finish these couple of bits.

Me: Now about your table manners...


  1. OK, that gave me a good laugh first thing in the morning! Smooch is such a pretty girl that crumbs in the bed or not, you gotta love her!

  2. It's the Shar-pei in her having a little dim sum.

  3. It's been so cold lately, she wants to have breakfast in bed where it's warm! Where is her serving tray? And bed jacket?

  4. Smooch is a beautiful, smart, sweet girl. She could leave kibble crumbs in my bed anytime.

  5. We have a couple of nibblers in our house too, but never to the bed.... just to the family room area rug..... ai ai ai Whatever makes them happy.

    Love ya Smooch!

  6. Howdy from COLD DARK Colorado, just can't sleep tonight..ALL EXCITED...rumor has it that mom is going to clean us up today. Yesterday we all got to go out into the pasture and did we have FUN. We each took a spot and rolled and rolled and rolled some more (REALLY getting the dirt in deep). When we can in last night she just shook her head, Lickory (the black demon), told us he knew what that most likely after breakfast and when it gets warmer mom will come out with curry combs, brushes, hoof pick, and warm wash clothes AND THE LEAF BLOWER. We laugh at her because she tells us the same thing everytime when she washes our face "I need to clean your ears, eyes, nose and gums, because if you get in an accident and have to do to the doctor, you'll be use to being handled there", REALLY mom. I bet she's never had a tube put down her nose. I know it's early, BUT where is breakfast??? Any way, after the lecture will come THE LEAF's loud,and I'm not all together sure I need it, but mom thinks we need to get use to wierd things like it. I must admit it's a hoot the watch Lickory when mom uses it on him...he stands there like a rock, even when she does his face (those big lips flap away). Oh! I think I hear her coming. BREAKFAST is on the way. All I wanted to say this morning was I CAN'T wait to meet the gang, BUT in donkey style I SLOWLY got carried away. IT'S HERE later

  7. How fun- to find out what your dog's genetic make up is! 50% unknown? I wonder why they can't come up with anything? Interesting! Do you know any of Smooch's parentage?
    Smoock is adorable no matter what she is. I always think she looks part Pharoah Hound, myself.

  8. :) I'd forgotten about dogs being part squirrel.
    We had a dog that would bring a mouthful of dog food to whatever room we were in, and then eat it.
    I guess they don't like eating alone.

  9. Smooch is such a cutie. Aren't dogs great companions??

  10. Your Smooch is just so adorable!! My pittie Milo hides food all the time. I think it goes back to his days of abuse and neglect (fearing for when his next meal might come). He used to eat 1/2 his bowl of food and try to bury the other half for later. Although it's kinda hard to bu=ry something under a rug. On more than one occasion I've given him a treat (an oreo cookie) and he hides it in the couch for a few days until he's ready to eat it. Dogs can be quite goofy

  11. My dogs are part squirrel, too! I actually think Smooch is very neat and tidy, compared to mine. :-)

  12. I just did a DNA test on mine; they found 5 different breeds. She also hides things, but only when she steals them off the counters. If there's enough to be worth saving, she'll stuff them in between the couch cushions. It's hilarious, if a bit messy sometimes.

  13. Smooch certainly is talented. I've had dogs that hid bones, but never their dry food.

  14. Smooch is a funny girl! My dog scarfs up everything so fast...he never hides food.

  15. Shar Pei? Didn't see that coming! The Heeler makes total sense, though. As for the other 50% - Basenji?

    Whatever the case she's definitely 100% wonderful :).

  16. Smooch is 100% character, that's for sure. Luna, our new kitty, is 80% hoover and 20% racecar.

  17. gordy and georgie2/10/11, 6:54 PM

    Gordy likes to get his kibble and carry it to the living room. I guess he doesn't like dining alone. Smooch is 100% adorable! It looks like Lucy has a great sense of humor (and loves her breakfast).

  18. Not table manners, bed manners! Mine will grab a mouthful from her food bowl in the kitchen area and bring into the living room to eat. Gotta love em!

  19. Smooch looks always adorable!

    PS: Next week I will do a post about my and Flora's "virtual dogs friends" who loves to take a nap on Mom's bed and on the couch too. May I post a Smooch photo on my blog? Please, let me know if I could do it. Thank you.
