
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lucy can't believe it either

Lucy: Do they always carry on like that?
Me: Why, yes, as a matter of fact, they do.


  1. As usual, cute, cute, cute pictures!

    I guess Lucy is wondering if the boys will expect her to carry on like that with them when they're all together.

  2. I think she'll be a part of that soon? :)

  3. Jealous of your weather, would be riding everyday if I were there. Looking forward to seeing how they handle Lucy when they all get far so good. Boys WILL be boys, wish I had ALL their energy. By the way did Lucy come with a blue rope halter?

  4. Love Lucy... she's perfect! All boys act that way, Lucy. You just have to ignore them.


  5. Too cute. Are the boys showing off for Lucy? Any attempts to introduce George or Alan to Lucy yet??

  6. And maybe soon, Lucy will be playing the giddy fool right along with the boys. Or will she maintain her ladylike dignity? We'll just have to wait and see! We're certainly glad to have her here at the 7MSN.

  7. She's the voice of reason, that's for sure!

    Wonder if she'll join in the burro games when she gets a chance?

  8. Soon Lucy will be joining her brothers. It will be interesting to see how she reacts with all this romp and play. I'm sure you'll bet some fun pictures of them having a great time together.
    Best always, Sandra

  9. Boys will be boys eh Lucy?
    Theresa in Alberta

  10. I wonder if donkeys are like horses? The mares at my barn don't run around and play like all the geldings do. It will be interesting to see if Lucy watches or joins in at all!

  11. Was Lucy one to join in the fun with the herd at her former home?

  12. I just can't stop looking at her face, such an old soul. You definitely struck gold!

  13. That third photo is ... priceless!

  14. Lucy is probably wondering if she is going to be stuck playing with those two clowns...or should she join in the fun? :)

  15. Lucy looks so adorable and she is trying to tell you that she wants to join and play with her new siblings... :-)

  16. HAAAAAAAA! The looks on Lucy's face are priceless! That top photo is a prizewinner. Alan sure has pretty teeth. :-)

  17. Her face ... no wonder you had to have her.

  18. Good fun - just like little kids! I bet you are anxious to see how this is going to play out...☺

  19. I wondered the same thing as Cathie - the boys remind me of little boys tussling in front of the pretty new girl, showing off for her!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  20. I would love to know what's really going through her mind. She doesn't seem too impressed with those two rascals. *smile*

  21. It's a good thing the boys have each other because no reasonable burro/donkey would act that way!
    Oh, but will she surrender her wise, ladylike way to their antics??? Maybe she will prefer to hang out with Hank?? Or, maybe Smooch? Or, say Carson let's go for a ride!

  22. Well so much for maintaining their cool rep! It's like my fair lady in reverse!

  23. Great photos! I think she wants to join them.

  24. G & A - the biggest show-offs EVER! So freakin' cute. One of these days I'm driving from Arizona to meet them... (and of course, the new gal, too!)
