
Sunday, February 27, 2011

The language of ears

Saturday morning, once the boys had finished up most of their breakfast, it was time to let George and Alan meet Lucy on the same side of the fence. I'll preface these photos – and there are many – by saying the herd quickly sorted itself out without any hoof-to-hide contact whatsoever. Whew.

I am fascinated by herd dynamics (as if you didn't know that) and could not stop taking pictures, so this will be the first post of several about George and Alan's meet-and-greet with Lucy.

I'll try to translate for those who don't speak "ears."

I let George into the corral first. He walked directly to the hay tub. 
Some things are way more important than girls.

After he had a few nibbles and fortified himself, George decided it was time to show Lucy he was #2 in this herd.

Lucy: You're delusional if you think I'm going to relinquish my position to you, Pipsqueak.

George: Yeah, you're probably right. Can't blame a guy for trying.

But determined little burro that he is, George decides to try again and makes one more lap around Miss Lucy.

Lucy: Just who does he think he is?

George: Hmm...nice ass.

Lucy: Don't you dare speak to me that way!

George: Whoops. I may have crossed the line.

Lucy: I will not tolerate your insolent, disrespectful behavior. Do you hear me now?

George: Hail Mary, full of grace...

George: Save me, mom!

George: Our father, who art in heaven... 
Crap. I forgot the rest of the words.

Lucy: Do. Not. Mess. With. Me.

George: #3 isn't so least I'm not #4.

Within a half hour's time, George, Alan, Hank and Lucy were peacefully sharing the remnants of breakfast and all was right with the world. But the magic of the day did not end there. Next on the agenda was a saddle-fitting for Lucy...

... which evolved into our first ride ... our first oh-my-god-I'm-the-happiest-girl-in-the-universe ride.

To be continued...


  1. My comment this morning is pretty much the same as most of my comments--can't wait for the next installment!

  2. What a great series of pictures, and I love your captions! I'm amazed/thrilled at how well things are going and can't believe that you are already riding Lucy! Hurray! I can hardly wait for the next installment!!!

  3. Yup. The photos pretty much say it all! Oh, can't wait to see the ones of your first ride on Lucy!

  4. I could hear those long ears talking all the way to WI this morning! Soon the entire herd will be one big happy family and living in the same peaceful space.

    So excited that you got to ride Miss Lucy! When you feel comfortable, take a video of one of your rides, please...I've never ridden a donkey before, and I'd like to live vicariously through you. :)

  5. Great photos - herd behavior is just fascinating. And you rode - how wonderful!

  6. Poor George got his lil' ass whooped. By A Girl. Imagine the chatter around the water tank, fella. A Girl. (shaking head)

    Can't wait to hear about the first ride!

  7. Can't believe how addicted I am to your blog LOL It's like waiting for the next comic strip in the news paper LOL Hope today proves to be as magical as you dream ! Jeanne in SC

  8. WHAT A TEASE!!!!!!!! to be continued...I'm up at 5:00 just to see how it went with the boys. I laughed until I cried, the body language, THE EARS. AND NOW I have to WAIT until tomorrow.... shame on you.:) Actually it works out quite well, since I've become a follower of 7MSN, I get up earlier and get my day started with a smile. Thank you I'm surprised the saddle fits as well as it does, with those withers of hers. I'm sooooo happy (I have tears of joy) for you and Lucy (and the boys).

  9. Here I sat, innocently enjoying your photo story when all of a sudden...nice ass. Snorted coffee from my nose. Not pretty.

  10. The language of ears speaks volumes! I had no idea! Looks like Lucy isn't taking any guff. What a woman!

  11. Giant smile on my part! I'm so happy for you all.

  12. Carson, you are hysterical, love your comments. You have such herd-dynamics insight. I was enjoying the pictures and captions and then I came to the 7th picture and burst out laughing and could hardly stop. This has been a priceless journey and I thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sandra in Oklahoma

  13. Well, I think my heart just doubled in size. LOVE how it all worked out so beautifully! And you've delivered the most exquisite, summa cum laude translation Ears>English ever!!

    Very, very happy for you, Carson.

  14. Lucy is one tough girl! I like it. The story brought a smile and laughs. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I can't believe we have to wait, just kidding, you know we will all be here to see the next event. Great blog, love the kids pics.

  16. It's about time someone told him so.

    Love this post and it's comical value!


  17. My heart is doing the 'happy dance' for you - as I am sure YOU are doing that dance and walking on a cloud! Congratulations! All seems well at the 7MSN! Amen!

  18. Even though I know that well-adjusted animals [nearly] always "work it out," I would have been a wreck.
    Herd/pack dynamics *are* interesting. So much meaning in the head being kept down, or the direct gaze. When, finally, the charge takes place, it's an end to the tension!

  19. Those of us who have survived, learned early on---- DO NOT MESS WITH THE LADIES!!!!!!!!

  20. okay.... first of all, I HATE "to be continued's"... sigh... second of all, I was laughing my head off with the captions; you are always so dead on with the words capturing the body language. third, I too am fascinated by the non verbal communication of animals and mainly that it is so effective. We humans are too stubborn to communicate that efficiently. Fourth, I would have never guessed Lucy could muster up that much "anger" (not really anger but firmness); she is so gentle and quiet but when she needs to bring it on, she brings it! I am proud of her and she is now my new role model for setting boundaries in my life!!! Fifth, poor George and Alan, I know they are happy but do they feel a bit "second hand" (even though I know they are not)? and finally, were you nervous watching this all play out???

  21. Do love to see an assertive woman in action - way to go, Lucy!

    Are we take it that Alan maintained a respectful distance while all this was going on? I like Alan loads, so some pics of him too please?

    Also look forward to seeing your grin on riding Lucy. I think equines are the answer for anyone feeling down, so am off out to play with mine in a lovely sunny Scottish afternoon :)

  22. The more I read and reread Lucy's words, the more it seems that I might be hearing Carson in her business career days...?

  23. I love the 2nd picture with their pinned ears! Then 11, 12 & 13! And Hank looks so concerned..... Lucy looks pretty special with the saddle and tack :)

  24. Wonderful photos and translation. the Save me Mom photo cracked me up.
    How exciting that you got to ride too. Glad the saddle fits, would hate for you to have to wait for a saddle.

  25. Way to go Lucy! Nice post Linda.

  26. This is wonderful! Look at Lucy sticking up for herself. The 7th picture down really surprised me - look how much smaller George looks than Lucy!
    And oh-my-gosh, Lucy standing there all sweet and patient with her saddle on? ...Just gives me happy-chills!! I can well imagine how tickled you are right now. :-)

  27. That was great and gave me big smiles and a few laughs. I am looking forward to the rest of the story

  28. Thanks for the translation - even though I'm a little fuzzy on ear speak (just couldn't resist that one), I was able to use the context and body language to figure out the story! Quite a story! Poor George - he looks so sad in the last shot!

  29. Hooray! Glad it went well and that you're happy. You so deserve it.

  30. I would have been yelling at them to get along. Good for her ...

    She looks so cute with her saddle.

  31. Thanks for my morning entertainment!

  32. I'm with you -- it is interesting to see how they get along. I was thinking that Lucy's calmness in general must be confidence. She handles confrontation gently, but firmly and is ok with however it works out. I had to grin at Hank back there with his head in the hay bin while Lucy and George were getting things straight between them. She looks so big next to him, too. He's got guts for challenging her in the first place and sense enough to know when he overstepped. I'm so glad it worked out and that you can have the joy of riding. I second the request for a video during your ride. You talked about Alan's snore -- if you could tape that I'd love to hear it, too. I'm looking forward to the next installment!

  33. Thats right Lucy, donot take any "snart ass" (heheh) disrespectfull comments from anyone :p Lucky looks like she was ready for ride also!
    Theresa in Alberta

  34. Too funny...they are so cute! So happy the togetherness went so well for all of you. Have lots of fun and good times with your little family!

  35. I love that Hank lets George & Lucy sort everything out on their own while he nimbles hay in the background lol

    "Save me Mom!" was great but I think the best pic is Lucy in her 'new clothes' She looks like she's saying "Well what are you waiting for Mom, get on!!" :D

    (didn't know George was Catholic) ;)

  36. I don't usually read my blog friends' posts every day - but I can't wait to see the next installment of 7MSN at the moment. I'm so happy you have ridden Lucy and that George has accepted her.
    All best wishes.

  37. Haha, your translations are hilarious :D. I always thought George and Alan were big compared to our English Donkeys, but Lucy Dwarfs them!

    Congratulations on your first ride ;).

  38. Happy dance! SO glad Lucy and George came to an understanding quickly (although I knew they would sooner or later) - and Miss Lucy looks darn good all saddled up and ready to go!! Hugs and scritches to all the ears at 7MSN :)

  39. I didn't know George was Catholic! :D Actually, it was quite nice to see somebody putting him so firmly in place; the panicked look on his face is classic, unforgettable. I guess Alan's ok w/#4?

    As with everybody else, I can't wait to read more about The Ride!!

  40. Yep, way to go Lucy! You show them boys you are no push over.

    And the saddle fitting and 1st ride. It has to be one of you best days ever, with so many more to come. Looking forward to tomorrows report.

  41. I love the captions on your photos! These were dead-on! Lucy knows how to handle the boys-that's for sure. Can't wait to see photos of you on Lucy!

  42. Well this post simply made my heart very happy!

  43. This post is fantastic! I feel as though I'm there with you, watching the action. Thanks for the translations - as always, they are perfect!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  44. So happy for you! Can't wait to hear all about your ride!

  45. So happy for all and surprised to hear you went for a ride.

  46. Hi there,

    I haven't visited since Lucy's last night in CO.

    This is such a fun journey for me to follow. I'm so glad Lucy's transition to her new home is going so well.

    I'm not used to dealing with this type of four-legged dynamics, but when I was heavily fostering dogs for rescue, it was quite educational to watch the pack dynamics!

  47. If Alan ever tires of being 4th in line, I think I've found a perfect new friend for him ;)

  48. Love the photos, the ears and the outcome for your special day.
