
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Love Lucy...and here's why

Ten days ago, I told you I was 99.9% sure I had found the riding donkey of my dreams. That number has changed to 110%.  She will be mine as soon as I can get her here. And I still haven't met her in person. I know...I know...some of you are shaking your heads and thinking I'm nuts. But I'm not. Allow me to introduce you to Lucy:

I edited this video from three discs' worth of footage that Lucy's mom, Estella, made and sent to me. Can we have a shout-out for Estella and her husband, Bud? The nicest people in the world whom I've never met? Estella wants only the best for Lucy, where best equals a home that's not covered in rich Colorado grass. Lucy is a very easy keeper and will do better where the pasture is poor and the exercise is abundant ... somewhere like the 7MSN.


  1. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Lucy is a dream come true, and so cute!!! You were lucky to find her Carson and I guess spring can't come soon enough for you to go and get her.

  2. Amazing - how soon can you bring her home?

  3. You forgot to mention one thing: she's beautiful. Congratulations!

  4. Jenny in MN (now in AZ)2/2/11, 5:44 AM

    Wow! She's perfect! I'm so happy for you. :)

  5. I can't wait to see the reactions of the locals (a.k.a. 7MSN residents)to the new comer. That will be very interesting!

  6. Groom with a leaf blower??? Now, that's broke!
    You'll have to change the name of this to Who Wouldn't Love Lucy? She's adorable!

  7. Wow - you two are going to have so much fun :) What good fortune for you to find each other :) Happy for you!

  8. I'm a frequent reader, rare commenter. I'm so excited for you! She looks like a wonderful animal! And I am excited for us, the readers, to get a chance to see her introduction to your place! How fun!

  9. What a sweet girl. I'd buy her in a New York minute just from what we've seen in the videos. The boys need a girl around too! I can't wait for you to get her home!

  10. Without a doubt. Go today. Perfect in size, disposition and training. Can't wait to hear of fun you are going to have. Excited for you.

  11. Lucy is one in a BILLION donkeys! Lucy and Linda are two lucky gals.

  12. She's really really lovely! Can't wait for her to come home to you!

  13. Fantastic! She is an absolute doll. Congratulations on your new companion.

  14. OMG - a female equine on the 7MSN!! What are the boys going to think/do? I am sure we will all find out!

    Congratulations. She definitely looks like s true pleasure and very very savvy donkey.

  15. I love Lucy too. She's adorable and smart and looks lovely to ride. Love those ears too! Good luck with her when you finally get her. She'll be a great addition to the herd and will most likely love playing with her new friends. Very exciting news!

  16. Woot-woot! A shout out for Lucy from Morning Bray Farm!

  17. Grooming by leaf blower says it all. She is a keeper!

  18. Gaited, too?! You really, really lucked out there. You'll be stylin' for sure, and super comfy to boot!

    Congrats to both you and Lucy for a match made in equine heaven!

  19. That's exciting!! She looks like a good one.

  20. She's very cute -- since the boys will love her, it should work out perfectly for everyone. I can't wait until this snow is gone (at least from the roads) so you can fetch her home.

    Congratulations! Lucy doesn't have any idea how lucky she is.

  21. Lucy definitely looks like a keeper!
    But I hope the boys don't get inferiority complexes in the presence of such a talented lady...

  22. Wow... I have never seen a donkey that well trained. How wonderful. Read your blog all the time, love the animals and the happy you will get to ride again. Lisa in Tennessee

  23. Congratulations on your impending arrival! I'm sure she will be ruling the pasture in no time.

  24. Congratulations on your impending arrival! I'm sure she will be ruling the pasture in no time.

  25. But... does she make a good cup of coffee?

    Love her allready

  26. Lucy acts like a dog but looks like a burro :p She should fit in nicely with the rest of the gang at 7MSN eh! Congratulations on your addition!
    You will have to get smooch to operate the camera so we can see you riding k :-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  27. Gosh!! what can I say..thank all of you for welcoming me to the 7MSN with Linda and the boys AND I'm not even there yet. I promise to do my best for my new family. I'm looking forward to all the good times ahead ???? a change in diet will be good for me (I keep telling myself). I'm looking forward to getting my girlish figure back. I know I'm going to like it with ALL the nice things you say about Linda (mom) and the boys. Donkey hugs to everyone

  28. OMG. I think Lucy is perfect for you, Linda, and I can not wait to see how the boys respond to her !

    This is all SO exciting and I'm so happy for all of you !

  29. She looks like a perfect addition to the 7MSN! I think you sre going to have a blast riding her, and I'm betting she'll be the queen of the ranch in short order!

  30. Wow, Carson, you really have found a treasure in Lucy. I'm thinking forward to the parade that takes place in town. She'll be the star of the show.
    I bet the rest of the crew will love her too.
    Best always, Sandra

  31. Congratulations!! She is a cutie! The boys will go crazy over her too! The leaf blower was unbelievable! You point a leaf blower at any of my five donks and they would be in the next county in 1.3 seconds!

  32. What a great video - everyone loves Lucy! Are you searching for Ethel yet? Can't imagine Lucy with her...

  33. Wow. She's better behaved than a certain Appy gelding I know. Bet your boys will love her too!

  34. She's perfect! Wish I could be there when she arrives. Leaf blower? Wow, my dogs freak at the sound of a hair dryer after their baths.

  35. a leaf blower...too funny! i was wondering if she would go through a car wash and then i saw her go through those sheets(?) hanging from the overhead gate yes, i think she would go through a car wash!

  36. Linda you found a dream donk for sure. Here is a big kudos to Stella and Bud. The training you've put into this cute girl is wonderful. Congrats to you Linda for finding your new ride and to Stella and Bud for finding one of the best homes ever for their precious donkey.

  37. Amazing.
    Look's like another perfect fit for the 7MSN. Stella and Bud seem awesome, and I have a sneaky suspicion they may have a visit to a certain ranch in New Mexico in their future.....
    Congrats to all!!


  38. Holy Smokes! She's perfect. *grin* Clearly, she's a lady. I don't know how Stella and Bud can bear to give her up. Well, this is just one more reason to come back and visit the 7 MSN - as if I needed one. *smile*

    Wait til the boys meet her! They're gonna go crazy for her.

  39. So happy for 7MSN herd and you. Lucy is a doll.

  40. At the beginning of the video I started to wonder about bridling a donkey, and whether you just fold those big ears through or if they make special bridle. I was happy the question go answered! Not very dignified, but Lucy doesn't seem to mind.

  41. Ah, Lucy, you are going to love your new home with the boys. She is a beauty, Carson. Nicely trained and she side passes well too. She would be great to enter into competitions. Can't wait to see her in her new home. Hopefully the weather here in Colorado will clear up soon.

  42. Oh myyyyy...when Stella was giving Lucy the bit and pulled those big, beautiful Lucy ears through the bridle straps, my heart about swelled up and burst.
    Stella and Bud, you have done an AMAZING job with Lucy! It takes special people to convince a donkey that she's wants to do half of that!
    I'm so happy for all of you. Lucy is going to an amazing home and Linda - you are SO lucky to be welcoming this precious jenny into your life!

  43. She sure is a treasure!
    Love the ears.
    Love that you/they think Colorado grass is too lush and rich - what would they think of pastures "back east"?!
    Will you have to buy a special saddle?

  44. I'm Estella's neighbor, and ride with her frequently. Lucy is a wonderful girl, and I know that you'll enjoy every minute of owning her! Lucy is very reliable, and really good out on the trail. Estella is such a sweet lady, and she just wants someone to take care of Lucy as well as she's a high standard to live up to, but from what I've heard about you, it looks like you'll fit the bill! Enjoy!!

    Jennifer's Mountain Horse Farm

  45. She looks so sweet and gentle. She went sideways when the gate was being closed! Very talented. What a doll.

  46. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! She is adorable. As if I wasn't already envious enough of your wonderful lifestyle now this!!! Can't wait for Lucy's arrival at 7MSN :)

  47. Congrats from J and P at the "beach house" in South Fl.... us "seniors" met several yrs ago on now happily married! We think it is great that you found Miss Lucy on the web as well... Think maybe your matchup could be referred to as SOOOO happy for ALL of you. Know the herd (and head herd-mom) will welcome her with open hooves!! :>)

  48. She is just a doll! I am so happy for you. Hopefully you will be able to bring her home soon.

  49. Linda, how absolutely fabulous Lucy is. When you know something is right there is not question about it. Good for you, Lucy and the 7MSN family. Now if the weather would just cooperate up betwixt here and there. Brother in law is a trucker and travels Denver to Durango to Abq.....not a good ride according to him.
    She's a beauty indeed. The Olde Bagg

  50. oh my gosh, I am so filled with emotion, what a darling donkey, I'm in love with Lucy. Those video's took a lot of work. Can't wait until Lucy arrives and we see her everyday!

  51. Lucy is absolutely perfect! Her owners have done a fantastic job with her. With her willingness and skills you should consider competing in the ACTHA trail rides. You two would probably win all the awards and could showcase the wonderful abilities of riding donkeys.


  52. She could be a mounted patrol donkey! She does all the sensory stuff so well!! Congratulations-

  53. Absolutely!!! What's not to LOVE!! Bring that girl on home to the 7MSN ASAP! Congrats to all of you!!

  54. She's beautiful! I hope the introductions go well....they'd have to with all her sweetness and the wonderful boys of the 7MSN!

    Nancy in Iowa

  55. OH Wow, lots of comments!!

    She looks like and absolute Gem!!!!

  56. If you don't buy her, I just might have to! Looks fantastic.

  57. Are you going to change your name to Ethyl? Lucy is a gem.

  58. This is exciting! I hope you will enjoy Lucy immensely!

  59. I live in the city and dogs and cats are the only critters I can have but I have fallen in LOVE with Donkeys! I want one! Maybe someday...
    Are they all as sweet and darling as yours?

  60. I agree with Lisa at Laughing Orca Ranch. You will be able to shine out there on the trails and the best thing will be able to promote donkeys as riding buddies...hmmmm, and maybe a driving buddy?

  61. Lucy looks wonderful. Congratulations!

  62. I'm so excited for you! I hope the boys don't put up a "NO GIRLZ" sign!

  63. Wow! Who wouldn't love Lucy! Looks like Bud and Stella really took the time to introduce her to just about ANY situation you might come across! A leaf blower-wow. I can't wait to see the adventures of Lucy and Carson! :)

  64. Bud and Stella are amazing with what they have accomplished with Lucy! Would like to learn more about this devoted couple who seem to be doing a lot of things right.

  65. Lucy is one awesome partner, from the looks of it. Congratulations. She has no idea how famous she'll be, does she? ;-)

  66. Lucky Lucy and you! She is like the perfect ranch, trail, obstacle challenge horse (bridge, tarp, cowboy curtain)in a shorter, cuter, long-eared package!

    So sorry about the terrible weather you, and over 1/2 the country (including me) are dealing with......

  67. what an amazing creature! I think it would be safe to say that we are all giddy with excitement for you! You deserve it! thanks for sharing your excitement with us.

  68. "Riding Donkey". Hmmmm. Thought bubble over head with light bulb. Perfect for the uneven, rocky terrain at Two Terrier Vineyards! Does Lucy have a sister?

  69. Oh Linda she is perfect for what you want to do, I love her too! Can I have her?

  70. I can't get the video to load, but I'll try again later.

    Was thinking of you guys today, well more or less everyone getting nailed with that storm. Feel bad enough for the people dealing with it, especially those not used to such weather. But I really feel bad for the animals... no one can explain it to them or let them know it will pass. What must they be thinking!?

    Wondering how your solar waterer is holding up in that mess?

  71. I tried the video once more and it worked! Also I clicked the link to your previous post... not quite sure how I missed it.
    Congrats again on the new family member :)

  72. That was FABULOUS and I am SO excited for you and Lucy and all the critters!!! Lucy seems amazing; what a delight she will be!

  73. Due to the low humidity, i would never consider Colorado as having rich grass! Learn something new every day! I can't wait to hear about how the boys get along with Miss Lucy.


  74. Oh, Carson! She is SO cute! I'll bet that you can't wait. :)

  75. What a sweetheart! I hope Lucy, you and the Boys will be very happy together :).

  76. She's da bomb.

    But grooming with a leaf blower? Seriously? Hard core about her pompador! ==;} <--lucy in emoticon

  77. Lucy's better behaved/better trained than most of the horses I have owned! What a lucky find!

  78. We so loved you video of Lucy thank you for sharing!

    How is everything going with her? We are working to get our Mammoth donkey Rio started this spring and summer as he turns five and is still growing and we are waiting for him to grow up. Lot's of ground work in place and he is being trained with the Dr. Cook bittless bridle and Parelli.

    GOD bless you and your family two and four legs!
