
Friday, February 25, 2011

George and Alan invite you to their pity party

George: Is she ever going to let us play with Hank and the new girl? I've been on my best behavior.
Alan: Please, mom? Can we? Can we? We'll be good. We promise.
Me: Alright already. Your pathetic faces are killing me. We'll give it a try on Saturday.


  1. Fingers are crossed that all goes smoothly. All 'meet and greets' have gone well so far, so I'm thinking the boys will be on their best behavior.

  2. It's SOOO hard to wait your turn. I bet they'll be good as gold and love Miss Lucy when their time comes.

  3. OHMY Gosh!! those poor little guys! ;-p
    Theresa in Alberta

  4. Lucy may be a darling but these two will always be my favorites... you tell'em...

  5. They DO look positively angelic...
    So, question: When you do this . . . when you get them together . . . will your heart be in your throat?

  6. Yes, indeed! They look pathetic!

  7. Such sad little donkey faces. Linda, what are you thinking by not letting them play with Hank and Lucy? You are so mean. J/K I can't wait until you let them get together and see the interaction. They will probably get along just fine as if they were meant to be together. Is it Saturday yet?

  8. Aww...they look so sweet and innocent. What trouble could they get into? ;) Suzanne

  9. Come on, give the boys a break... they're begging for heaven sakes.... :-)


  10. Those are pity party faces if I've ever seen them...

  11. Love the pitiful faces and 7MSN free of snow.

  12. Excited for their meeting. I also keeping my fingers crossed. Hoping for the best.

  13. Can't wait to see how "our" boys welcome Lucy.

  14. They do look sad. The last picture is priceless--George's ear all pushed down and Alan clinging tightly to his side.
    Will you introduce them one at a time or together?

  15. How can you resist such sweet faces??

  16. They are so cute, all I want to do is go up and pinch their cheeks and give them a big kiss on those large, oh so soft lips. Donkey lips are the best, along with the long ears (all the more to whisper sweet nothins in).

  17. I can't wait for them to join in the fun... Look at those adorable faces - they would NEVER do anything to upset the apple cart...

  18. George and Alan look so left out! I can't wait to see the pictures of there meeting with Lucy! I am sure they will all get along nicely.

  19. Nothing wrong with being cautious. No one knows your boys any more than you do, but sometimes boys don't like to share... Especially when it involves a girl! Have you decided when and who gets to meet her first? Very nice anticipation expressions on the boys faces! Good luck, and I hope all goes well.

  20. Oh my heart! They look SO innocent (and pitiful) in that photo! I can't wait til Saturday.

  21. Hurray!! But oh no!! I'm nervous!
    Good luck, everyone. I'm sending you my very best gettin'-to-know-you thoughts! :-)

  22. Are those violins I hear....?

    The title alone had me laughing. Honestly, those really are the most pathetic faces. Tomorrow's going to be a BIG day!! Can't wait to hear how things go. *squeal*

  23. How can you not give them what they want .. with those faces ... so so cute.

  24. Oh my word, are those not the most darling expressions?

  25. And they are absolutely beside themselves, aren't they? Hope, hope all goes well! Look out Lucy, here they come!

  26. Oh my heartstrings...

    Wondering whether George's attitude/demeanor toward you has changed in any way since Lucy's arrival? At any rate, you must be doing everything right if George has been on his best behavior.
    May tomorrow's get-together be blissful - or at least "blissfully uneventful"!

  27. Ooh! Ooh! I can't wait until Saturday!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  28. Gosh, they are so cute! I just love those guys.

  29. It´s saturday and I get nervous! The boys promised to behave and I keep fingers crossed, that they don´t forget ist.
