
Friday, February 18, 2011

FAQ Friday ~ It's all about Lucy

Lots of questions about Lucy have popped up in the comments this week. Let's see if I can get them all answered.

Q. How old is she?
A. 11.

Q. Is she the same size as George and Alan? She looks bigger.
A. Lucy is about 14 hands (Hank is 15.2, George is 12.2, Alan is 11.2.) 
Q. When are you going to ride her? Might need new tack...
A. I'm going to let Lucy settle in for another week or two before saddling her up. Tack is going to be an issue. I have a lightweight synthetic saddle that might fit her, but I most likely will have to buy a mule saddle. Until I start riding Lucy, we're just going to spend lots of time together. We took our first walk off the property on Thursday and had a marvelous time.
Q. Does she have those puffy eyebrows year-round, or is it a winter thing?
A. Lucy's eyebrows will probably be a little less pronounced when she sheds her winter coat. With them or without them, she's a beauty.
 Q. How was your night in the barn? Sleep well?
A. No. But it was interesting to lay there and watch what went on while I couldn't sleep. Lucy stood in her stall, alternating between sleeping and munching loudly. Hank, George and Alan kept popping in  to see what Lucy was doing, stopping to munch loudly on leftover hay. And we all could hear Smooch barking loudly from the house. I gave up halfway through the night and took my tired self inside.
Q. I noticed what appears to be an anchor shape on Lucy's upper front left leg. Is that mother nature or a brand? Do I see another tattoo in your future?
A. Estella got Lucy from a cowboy pastor and remembers that Lucy's freezebrand has something to do with an anchor to the cross. Once Lucy sheds out and I get a good look at the design, I'm thinking there might be some room on my ankle for another tattoo.

Though she's only been here for two days, I'd say Lucy is feeling right at home. She's figuring out the daily routine, she knows which door to watch for me at what time, and is learning the boys' quirks and habits. I think they've been teaching her a few tricks, too.


  1. She is really a beautiful girl and I'm tickled for you with how easily she has fit in.

    I have to admit I did giggle over your night in the barn, and did wonder how Smooch would react to mom not coming to bed in the house.

    The last picture is a classic (LOL!) and I love the moon in the background.

  2. Glad you finally went to bed in your own bed. Smooch must have been missing you!

    Sounds like all is well there! Lucy is so darn pretty!

  3. HA! love that tongue ;-) silly lucy!
    Theresa in Alberta

  4. She looks like she is settling right in with your family!

  5. She's a good sized gal at 14 hands, plenty big for you to be riding. I think you are really going to love riding gaited. I've never ridden a gaited donk, but all my rides now are gaited, and I'll never go back to trot again!

    Your body will smile as you toodle down the road. :)

    Happy bonding!

  6. Thank you for the FAQs answers. So glad she's making herself at home.

  7. Linda, I think you found a jewel with Lucy. I can't wait until she sheds that wooly coat. She is so beautiful. I am thrilled she is settling in and is bonding with you and the rest of the family. The last photo is too cute. George and Alan are giving her hints from the looks of it on being cute.

  8. Love the picture of George and Alan - they are so attentive of Lucy. When will they and Hank get to meet Lucy up close. I'm so excited for all of you.

  9. We love her already. Can't wait to meet her soon!

  10. Tongue out = One of the gang already! (Was there ever any doubt?)

  11. Yep, she's a quick learner! And she is adorable and looks like a big stuffed teddy bear I'd like to hug. :)

  12. Lucy seems to be fitting right in. She's really cute.

  13. She seems to be a practical minded gal---settling right in and not fretting about anything. Just the sort of equine you want under saddle.
    I'm glad she's doing so well!

  14. Cuteness factor is right up there with George and Alan!!She's going to be a great addition to your calendar.

  15. Looking at her eyes, she is definitely an old soul and I imagine the boys will be in awe of her wisdom. Of course, boys will be boys and that doesn't mean they will change one iota:-)

  16. Well, I can see she's settled in just fine. For my husband and I, this is the first thing we do in the morning. Check out what Lucy and the gang is doing. We couldn't be happier that Lucy is loved and by sooo many people. I'm sure The 7MSN Ranch can feel the LOVE. Estella

  17. She's adorable... and so are you for attempting to spend the night with her. I'm sure that she appreciated the company even if you had to slip out early and head to the comfort of your own bed.

    Looking forward to seeing so much more of Lucy.


  18. I'm so glad to hear she's setting right in with all of you. I guess Smooch was not happy about sleeping alone. :) Love the last photo of Lucy!

  19. Thanks for sharing her info. She is darling. The boys look just as enamored with Lucy as you.

  20. I absolutely adore the shot of Lucy at your gate. That's a great shot of a great donkey at a great place!!

  21. Lucy is such a princess! What is it with the tongue thing and donkeys?? It cracks me up! Love the last photo of Miss Lucy!

  22. She has such a cute face. How exciting for you to have a new friend to get to know and so many things to look forward to with her.

  23. aww she is so cute! You are gonna have a blast with her!

  24. When will you let the boys meet Lucy in an open corral? It will be fun to see what photos Justina takes when she visits and read about meeting Lucy

  25. It looks to me like she's going to rule the roost and they will be happy to let her do it. She is a beauty

  26. *snort* I'm totally smitten with her. Can't wait to meet her *wink* So happy to hear that she's fitting in well, although, she seems like such a gentle, well mannered girl, I really didn't have any doubts.

    Big happy hugs, all 'round.

    (Hi Mom & Dad!)

  27. That's one more kissable face at the 7MSN!

  28. You really DID try to sleep the night in the barn on her first night! I thought you were being playful when you said that at first! I love this. Despite the discomfort, how fascinating it must've been to be included in the secret "nighttime goings-on" - wow.

    Lucy has the most amazingly soft and gentle eyes, doesn't she? I'm so happy to hear she has adapted so quickly and well to your place.
    (How's Estella doing?)

  29. awww.... what a sweet face she has...

  30. Lucy looks just about PERFECT ... wise, confident, calm but not lazy or dull, interested in what's what all around her but unafraid. She's going to be a FANTASTIC trail mount. Nothing could be safer or more fun. And she'll be a wonderful influence on young Ellsworth as he learns how to be a good trail Donk too.

    Congratulations on the find of the century !

  31. Lucy is so adorable. I just want to give her a big hug. It looks like the boys already consider her part of the family. Looking forward to hear about the Smooch and Lucy adventures.

  32. Beautiful, gentle, and a quick learner - what more could you ask for!! I would love to rub my hands on her coat!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  33. Oh no! Not the sticking tongue out for camera trick! Lucy's head seems so large (not talking about the ears :)). You'll probably need a special bridle. I have friends who ride mules in parades and on trail rides with us horse people :) Lucy seems perfect for that also!

  34. This is so interesting! I'm fascinated and glad to get a little bit of a peek at life with Lucy at the 7MSN. All the pictures are wonderful, but I especially like the third one with her face framed by that blue sky. I just love to visit here!

  35. What a princess. I can't wait to hear about her routine at 7MSN farm!


  36. You may want to look into Guffey saddles when the time comes.

    I have one and LOVE it. Very well made.

  37. All this cuteness is just killing me! I love this blog!

  38. Lucy is a beauty. I can't wait for more pics and updates on the 7MSN crew!

  39. is good.
    I love you will give her and yourself to get comfortable together. As always, you impress the hell out of me. I'm so happy for you!

  40. so glad that everything is settling on in; what a rush it must have been for you to take her for a walk off the property! How fun.... how too much damn fun!!!!

  41. that last picture. Lucy is adorable.

  42. That's one for the coffee table book of equine raspberries!
