
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Down the Road with Smooch ~ February 2011

Date: February 2, 2011

Route: To the guestroom chair and back

Distance: 0 miles

Time: 4:30 p.m.

Temperature: 3 degrees

Humidity: 75 percent

Wind: 20 mph from the NE

On the iPod: Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand. Ranks right up there with the top 5 books I've read. Ever.

1. Dangerously cold. There was no walk yesterday, no walk today, and there probably will be no walk tomorrow.
2. We're all surviving but can't help but wonder how you folks who live in colder climates deal with this regularly.
3. For now, Smooch is content to sit in her chair and couldn't care less that she's missing her walk. She hates going outside in this weather.


  1. We're with you on the cold weather. I can't get ours to step off the porch to potty in the back yard.

  2. Gee gads Carson, what a time you're having!

  3. I read the title, looked at the picture and burst out laughing. I love your sense of humor. As for "but can't help but wonder how you folks who live in colder climates deal with this regularly." I dunno: you just get organised accordingly and say: 'Cold today, heh?"

  4. I bet Wynonna is as snug as a bug in a rug!

  5. LOVE Smooche's crossed front paws. That's adorable. And Wynonna looks snug as a bug in her igloo.

    Okay, inquiring minds want to know what you consider too cold? :)

  6. Oh, 3 degrees. I should have read more carefully! (I'm still waking up...) That qualifies as cold. :)

  7. I was not too bad here yesterday, the snow was melting and the sun was shining! You are very lucky smooch will forgo a walk (she looked very stressed BTW) my dog will NOT! It is a toss up puting up with the cold or the spiders and snakes that you have too!
    Theresa in Alberta

  8. Well of course you can't walk if Wynonna won't give up the coat! Smooch will soon be running around the house at full speed. You better get ready for some action shots!

  9. when I first saw the title I was like "no you didn't!". then I realized that you indeed didn't. brrrrrrrr!!!!! I guess I won't complain about the 26 dgrs we had last night......

  10. 3 above ???? HEAT WAVE!!!

    Oh, then I saw the wind and the humidity...humidity in NM? - anyway, wind and humidity make 3 feel much colder than 3.

    And even though I'm in Northwest MT, we generally only have spurts of below zero weather - even of single digit weather and when we do the upside is clear, sunny skies and nights full of a billion stars.

    I always worry about the animals though, even knowing that the overwhelming majority make it.

    I am a lover of Winter but I know that one reason I can love it as I too work at home and do not have to drive in it unless I want to. I do walk/snowshoe with my dog in it no matter what - down parka, fleece face mask, cowboy hat with ear flaps, good boots and a northern breed dog (Karelian Bear Dog). Karl is reportedly good to 40 below. I don't tend to get cold but I'm good and have been out and about at 25 below. All's relative :)!

    Hope you bounce back to normal temps soon!

  11. Yeah---you put your babies first. Just like me. Three dogs that sleep with me. I complain about being a terrible sleeper. My Son says to put them in the garage at night,
    All I respond is "You're kidding, right?"


  12. Smooch is one smart girl! Stay inside and keep those tootsies warm! I hope it starts warming up soon. I'm wishing I had one of those heated waters for my boys right now...

  13. Wow! 3 degrees?

    Since the digital revolution, I have not had TV, so only get weather on the radio. They normally don't cover NM in DC. grin Just looked at the maps on TWC. WOW! Didn't know the US was in *such* a deep freeze! Thought it was only us behind that storm!

    Stay warm out there!

  14. Smooch has the right idea! My Border Collies don't really care what the weather is - we play frisbee every morning despite the weather.

  15. Woke up to 12 here in AZ. Now a balmy 20... I've been out breaking water on the horse troughs (we rarely ever have even a little ice). Got a work out breaking through this stuff. Stay warm
    7MSN crew!!!

  16. You were wise to stay in.
    I really want to know how the animals survive unscathed with our temps being -27F last night, because humans are warned that 30 minutes in temps that low will cause frost bite. My horse, llamas and goats have thick fur coats, but their noses, udders, inside of legs and even parts of their back end are naked.
    I was outside doing barn chores yesterday afternoon, when it was only 3F for only 20 minutes and was close to getting frostbite. Thawing out my fingers was painful.

    So how did your solar water tank do with the freezing temps?

    The WNCR horse rescue's solar tanks froze solid last night and several pipes are broken along with the water pump. It's a dire situation because there is no water for 67 horses today...


  17. Ah-ha! "Unbroken"...I just read about it on the NPR Books FB page. Sounds wonderful. Will get it on my iPad to read. Laura is my favorite author only because she wrote Seabiscuit, my favorite book and favorite movie. Grand slam, huh?

    What are the other top 5 books in your life pray tell.

    Stay warm and HYDRATED!!!

  18. Been bitterly cold here in northeast Kansas. We put on so many clothes to do chores that I can't hardly move.

  19. It has been cold here in Northern Michigan. Reached 30 today but the wind was awful and felt really cold.
    BTW, I get so many compliments on your calendar I have hanging in my kitchen! I bought the larger size and I just love it!

  20. Wynonna deserves an award for being such a trooper. I love her coat by the way.


  21. My immediate thought was surely she isn't walking today! Glad Wynonna still has her coat! It must be a Super Bowl curse in Texas since a most unusual "below freezing since Tuesday". Just trying to make the Steelers & Packers feel at home, I guess! And possible snow tonight..Can't imagine below zero for all of you. You are like us. It may snow one day, but melt the next! Take care....

  22. How do we who live in colder areas deal with that weather? To be honest I think its all a matter of what your acclimated to.
    Winter temps in the -20s (celsius) are pretty normal here so not a big deal. But earlier this week it was -45C (that's about -48F) Now THAT was cold!!
    Mother Nature was trying to make up for that today - it was +3C!! Snow on the roof of the haybarn was melting, water running off the roof and mini snowslides. Made trimming the colts feet for the first time a bit interesting lol
    On the other hand we have some pretty nice winter temps too, and I have to admit I like having 4 'true' seasons.
