
Monday, February 21, 2011

Down the Road with Lucy and Smooch...sort of

My neighbor K came over Sunday afternoon to help me take Lucy and Smooch for a walk together. Erring on the side of caution, I decided our first time out should be in a smaller area than the wide open range, so we did laps around the corral instead of miles down the road. The plan was for K to walk the easiest of the two – Lucy – and me to walk Smooch. But Lucy wasn't ready to trust yet another new person at the end of her lead rope, so I took Smooch in my left hand and Lucy in my right and off we went. K took over as official photographer.

Me: Lucy, dear, you need to go back over to your side please.

I totally underestimated Smooch's ability to behave herself. 
She stayed on her appointed side and acted like Lucy wasn't even there. 

We practiced for about a half an hour. I think we'll all do fine once we hit the open road.

I was so very proud of both of them.

Smooch: Thphthph. Tweren't no big deal at all.


  1. Hurray for Smooch! What a good girl. I love your big smile Carson ... I can see that this 'event' just made your day, and by looking at your twitter notes it seems like everyone's meetings are going extremely well. Life IS good at 7MSN!

  2. Love the nose to nose shot!

    Smooch is saying "You look MUCH bigger close up, Miss Lucy! Mom, I promise I'll behave."

  3. They're so cute! I do believe Lucy and Smooch could turn out to be very good friends indeed!!

  4. What well behaved animals you have!

  5. Any one of today's pix should be on next year's calendar - so happy it's working out for all of you :)

  6. Lucy's just DYIN' to get a good sniff of Smoochy Girl!

    And, btw, lookit those baggy jeans! ;-)

  7. Loved all of these, 7MSN! Your love of animals is so apparent. And I might add that you're looking mighty slim these days (smile).

  8. Way to go Lucy and Smooch..GOOD KIDS :) Keep up the good work, Linda. Are George and Alan halter broke to any degree? Continue to have FUN, by the looks of it this week should be a good one for you..up here oh so so, hope to get a ride or two in before the week is up.

  9. Loved the smooching Smooch shot. I keep thinking how wonderful it must be for Lucy's Colorado family to be able to keep up with her adventures every day.

  10. Love the nose, to nose shot. You guys make quite the trio. My Haflinger girl has her own dog. Bestest buds.

  11. Good doggy smooch!!! something tells me you,lucy and mom will be going "out on the road" more often eh!
    comment on the first picture, Lucy thinks she is a dog and wants to cuddle ;-)
    Your neighbour needs to come over more often to be the photographer, it is so nice to see you with the gang!
    Theresa in Alberta

  12. So good to see Lucy and Smooch getting along well. Cute pic of them touching noses.
    Now about George.....

  13. Considering that donkeys don't generally like dogs ( they use them to ward off coyotes here )these two got along good; love the "kiss and make up" photo.You're looking good too!

  14. aww Lucy is so cute and she looks like she just wants hugs all the time:)

  15. Congrats Linda...and Lucy!!! You both look quite happy with each other. Enjoyed reading your past few posts...such anticipation...well worth the wait!

  16. What's not to love! They are both darling.
    I am infatuated with Lucy's brows and ears. Do you brush her every day? Her coat looks so smooth.

  17. What a duo. Looks like the start of something good!

  18. Now that's what I call a happy trio! I love that Lucy isn't bothered by dogs. Russell doesn't like dogs at all. :( You're lookin good Carson!

  19. Smooch is well adviced to behave good. Wow, Miss Lucy is king size!

  20. Looks like one big happy family! Glad everyone is getting along. Lucy seems to fit right into the picture. She looks so sweet.

  21. Smooch needs a best animal friend and it looks like Lucy may be the one.

  22. A lovely trio of friends. The girls rule. The Olde Bagg, LInda

  23. It's so funny that our critters surprise us and do the opposite of what we think they might it when that happens - looks like you will have many successful journeys down the road! Lucy is so sweeeeet!

  24. I love how you are so careful and considerate with all of them. Lucy is so peaceful and yet she seems curious. She wants to get right down there nose to nose. It's always seemed to me that Smooch had a good attitude toward everyone. I remember Alan inviting her to play with a piece of cone once and she seemed thrilled. Lucy seems so big boned, so sturdy. It may be her winter coat (which is gorgeous), but she does look big and strong. I'm loving your big smile and how well this is working out! I look forward to every post.

  25. I love the photo with Hank in the background. Just another wonderful day at 7MSN.

  26. Lookit that smile! Your happiness is contagious.


    I'm really really excited.

    Could you tell?

  28. WOOHOO! Girl power :)

  29. All in a day's work for a rattlesnake wrangling, coyote patrol, Senior Ranch Security Officer, right Smooch?

    Lucy is such a sweetheart. I'm surprised she didn't mind having Smooch along on their stroll.

    You sure do look happy, by the way. *grin*

  30. Wow! Amazing shots - good job, K!! Lucy is certainly beautiful, and I know you were very proud of both Lucy and Smooch. I love the nose kiss! Of course Smooch had to pretend she didn't like it, but she didn't back away, either!!! I love Lucy's face.

    Nancy in Iowa

  31. Totally awesome. It's really nice to see you in more pictures too.

  32. Looks like Smooch wanted to give Lucy a lil smooch! You are doing such a great job of letting them all "work it out."
