
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Counting the hours

Lucy spent her last afternoon in Colorado in the pasture with her friends.
How's that for a view?

The transporter picked up Lucy around 8:30 Monday night. He was driving to his home in eastern Colorado to spend the night and will leave for New Mexico around noon today. I warned him that the 7MSN was not a place he wanted to try to find in the dark, so he will deliver Lucy to me Wednesday morning. This hauler transports mules and donkeys exclusively, and I know Lucy is in good hands.

Lucy is dearly loved by her Colorado family and I can only imagine how hard it was for Estella to say good-bye. In the four weeks since we've connected, Estella and I have become friends, and this is no ordinary seller/buyer transaction. This is one mom knowing what's best for Lucy and doing right by her by letting her go to another mom who will love and care for her just as much. I promise not to let you down, Estella.


  1. WOW, what a view is right! That is totally awesome!!

    I know how excited I am waiting for news on your blog/twitter about Lucy and her travels, so am sure you are so excited you probably can't sit still or sleep, counting down the hours!

    That is so cool how you and Estella have bonded ... do you think there will ever be a time that she might come and visit 7MSN?

  2. Estella is my hero....saying goodbye to a beloved member of the family is heart wrenching under the best of circumstances

    Lucy will be loved and cared for like no one else I can imagine and Lucy's 'first' family will have the ongoing pictures to prove it !

  3. Wow! What a view! I bet you don't sleep tonight because of your excitement!

  4. So excited for all concerned!!! Safe travels, Lucy!

  5. What a beautiful view of the mountains. I'd love to hang out there and trail ride in those hills!

    It's like adopting a child. Lucy has two wonderful moms, and she is lucky to be so loved by both of them! I suspect we'll see Estella coming to visit her new friend(s) at the 7MSN in the future.

    I've never seen a donkey that well trained and behaved. She's a jem! Can't wait for Thursday's post and pics!!

    Happy Dancing in WI for you!

  6. Oh, how sad and exciting, all at once. If I had to say goodbye to such a special girl, I'd be relieved for her to go somewhere like the 7MSN, if only because I'd be sure to get regular blog updates! Can't wait to see your first pictures of the lovely lady.

  7. Gorgeous view! I'm sure she'll be happy in her new home with all her new friends.

  8. Happy tears for you and wistful tears for Estella.

    Can't wait to "meet" Lucy.

  9. What a beautiful place Lucy is coming from- of course, she's going to the beautiful 7MSN, and we all can't wait to meet her.

  10. Hugs to Estella---I know it was terribly hard.
    Prayers for safe and quiet travels for Lucy. She's one lucky girl to have two amazing homes in her lifetime.

  11. hugs estella and i am sure you can go visit anytime :)

  12. If I were looking for a new home for an animal I know that your place would be the first place I would want the animal to live. Can't wait to see the photos of Lucy. ((hugs)) for Estella.

  13. I'm so happy for you Carson, and hugs to you Estella - your Lucy will be very well cared for at the 7MSN....

  14. I agree with EVERYONE! AND I feel so fortunate to have found this wonderful blog where Linda makes each morning better for me and for all of us who meet here to share the journey.
    Thank you, Linda, and thank you everyone who meets here!

  15. I can't wait for your Wednesday blog!!

  16. Thank you all so much for being supportive in this some what difficult time, one minute I'm filled with tears, the next excited about seeing Lucy on the blog along with the boys AND other family members. Would love to see Lucy meet Wynonna for the first time. Once I know that she is there all safe and sound it will be better. Like so many, I'm also VERY EXCITED about Thursday's blog. Thank you all again and so nice to meet you here at Linda's little piece of heaven. Estella P.S. You bet we plan on coming down and visiting once Lucy gets settled in and winter has passed.

  17. Happy tears! It takes a lot of courage and selflessness to do what you think is right for an animal, even though it may be painful for you. Kudos to you, Estella....and WOW, what a view!

  18. Moms of 4 legged "kids" make great friends ;-)
    Theresa in Alberta
    p.s. Lucy is my kind of gal,,,I always want to travel 1st class also....and the movies are better eh ;-)

  19. What a love story - from all angels! Yeah, I misspelled that on purpose - my students used to do that frequently, and on occasion, the alternative spelling and meaning is most appropriate!
    So, today at the 7 MSN is like Christmas Eve and waiting for Santa - well, we are drawn into this as well and will truly enjoy getting to know Lucy through the blog.

  20. That sure is some view! Lucy will be happy to have mountain views in her new home too! You must be on pins and needles waiting for her arrival.

  21. Lovely view. Hope she gets to you and the adjustment goes well.

  22. Lucy is such a perfect name! It can be short for Lucinda...fits right in with the 7MSN theme. :) Congrats on your new girl!!

  23. Happy homecoming to Lucy and all the critters at the 7MSN Ranch!

  24. It is so exciting to get a new additon. I just added to my equine pasture. Lester, (the name WILL be changed) is 16+ years old, and I look forward to spending lots of time with him...but that transition is so hard. today is the 4th day, and he still walks around hollering for his buddies, and totally ignores me. I know Libby did it too, and it took her a good SIX months before she let me into her world. I hope it will not take that long for him. Since he is a gelding, I thought I could worm my way into his world a lot sooner. I really do look forward to how you and Lucy's relationship develops. It is so sad to see her with her buddies for the last time. That brought a tear to eyes, but on the other hand, I know she is going to a wonderful home. It is the transition part that is the hardest I think. She is going from one good home to another good home, and I know she is going to feel lost at first. But I know George, Allan and Hank and of course you, will make her feel welcome!

  25. What a magnificent view! Lucy is one lucky burro to have two loving homes. It will be fun to see how she adapts to 7MSN and meets her new family members.

  26. Lucy is going to the best home she could possibly have. No disrespect to Estella.

  27. My heart goes out to Estella - what an amazing and loving gift she is giving to you, Linda.
    I'm very excited for "Team 7MSN" - I wish I had a t-shirt to wear in honor of this exciting, upcoming day! :-)

  28. Look forward to meeting Lucy.

  29. Good, hard decisions make for the best friends...two and four footed.

  30. I live in the mountains in a pretty beautiful place... but WOW that view makes mine look pretty dull in comparison!


  31. Lots of emotions on both ends, I'm sure. I am so excited for you, but my heart goes out to Estella. And Lucy? Wouldn't it be nice if every donkey on this earth were loved as much, by so many.
    Best Wishes to All....

  32. I don't bite my fingernails any more but this is truly testing my resolve! lol

    Come on Wednesday morning!!!!!

  33. I love your stories of life on the ranch. Please tell us more at some point about Lucy and why she had to leave the CO ranch. You mentioned something about rich grass? As I learn about burros from you, I am wondering about Lucy's diet. Was the green rich grass of CO too much for her? And look out boys, the gracious lady is about to set new guidelines for acceptable behavior!

  34. Heather from Montreal2/15/11, 7:37 PM

    Can not wait till Wednesday!

  35. I am so happy for you and yet so sad for Estella. Lucy must be a tad confused but she will be in loving hands and hooves.
    Fingers crossed.

  36. Dorothy and the boys are still looking for Lucy..I thought they were over her leaving until last night and they must have thought if they ALL got together and brayed she'd hear them. They have never done that before. It will pass in time. As for my husband and I we're so excited we just haven't been able to sleep. I caught him in looking at this blog last night and reading all the lovely things being said about Linda and Lucy. He had a damp cheek, but knew we had made the right decision. This morning I'm SO EXCITED I can't stand it, I wonder what you're doing about now, Linda?? It won't be long now...keep busy :)

  37. I am so excited for all of you on Lucy's arrival.

  38. Well, now it's Wednesday morning and we are all counting down the minutes. I second North Idaho Dreamin's comment above.

    Thinking about you and the gang this morning. Exciting times.

  39. I am so excited for the boys and you! I can't wait to see your blog today, hopefully with lots of pictures!

  40. The suspense is killing me.... can't imagine how you feel!

  41. Lucy should be arriving at any moment to the 7MSN Ranch. I can't wait.

    Estella, you are an awesome mom to be able to let Linda adopt Lucy. we all know Lucy is going to have a wonderful, loving home. God bless you and your husband.

  42. I keep checking in for an update Lucy is a lovely girl - the boys are all going to be smitten for sure.

  43. Checking your Twitter updates.
    Hang in there. :)

  44. You know what they say about a" watched pot never boils" Keep busy cleaning the corrals again and she will be here before you know it....I think I heard that on the Waltons one time, only it was mop the floors or something like that:)



  46. I don't know how you can stand it, the wait is killing me!

  47. I think we should have pitched in and hired Anderson Cooper to cover the arrival story for us because you KNOW Linda's going to be multitasking like a crazy woman and it will be hard for her to break from the action to update us. Besides, it would be nice to look at Anderson Cooper as he covers this happy story.

  48. So happy that she's arrived. Happy Happy Joy Joy for you and your crew!!!

  49. Awwwriiighttt! Welcome, Lucy! Congratulations, Carson & gang! Best wishes to all at the 7MSN for a long and happy life together. Sundog

  50. I am so glad to hear she made it there ok! Can't wait to see pics of her with the boys! :)

  51. Hooray!!!

    I feel like the long distance auntie who can't wait for more pictures. Welcome Miss Lucy Lou! So glad to hear you are finally there.
