
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Caught napping

I took a peek out my office window Friday morning to see what everybody was doing. I didn't see anything. Hmmm. Suspecting a photo op, I grabbed my camera and headed out to the barn.

Me: Don't anybody wake up on my account.

I wish you could hear the way Alan snores.

This is why I'm not too concerned about putting George and Alan in with Lucy. 
They're all getting along just fine.

Lucy is relaxed enough to sleep beside George and Alan, and they choose to stand as close as they can get to her.

Me: I think you're starting to like it here, Lucy.

The only one missing from this group nap was Hank.

He was busy cleaning up the breakfast crumbs.

Me: Alright, you guys, I'd better get back to work.
Sweet dreams.


  1. You better wake up boys! Today is the BIG day!

  2. Maybe they are resting up for the big get together today?

  3. Hello I found you on BumbleVees blog. I love your photos. I love when animals snore. I hear my calves snore it is so funny. B

  4. Always love a good snout photo with a whisker closeup... cute!

  5. Awwww...they all look so peaceful!

  6. awwww... A group nap. I can't wait to see them all together on the same side of the fence. Hope George behaves himself the little booger.

  7. Life is GOOD at the 7MSN, I loved it when Lucy would be resting and I would go up to her and love all over her, she's so trusting. I'm sure things will go just fine when the boys REALLY get to meet her. They ARE BOYS, one minute all full of it and the next minute just as sweet (when they are a sleep) :) My Zech and Zur are the same way...donkeys are just so much FUN to have around. Have a WONDERFUL day...

  8. I am fascinated by the fact that Lucy already lays down to sleep. She knows the herd well enough to know one of them is keeping watch.

  9. Donkey's having a cat nap eh! ;-)
    looks like Lucy is settling in nicely.....
    Theresa in Alberta

  10. Makes me think of a creche we had when I was little...

    Is Alan jamming his head against the wall so as not to fall over while he sleeps?

  11. Can't wait to see them face to face without barriers! I bet they will all be great buddies. Glad to see everything is going so well with Lucy and the boys.

  12. Lucy has looked really relaxed and "at home" all week. Glad you didn't wake any of them! Ha!

    Best wishes for a great Saturday and looking forward to the photos!

  13. Peace in the valley! Hopefully there'll be not too much drama when they are all put together.

  14. I wanted to tell I think Lucy is beautiful! She has such a sweet face. I am so excited for your new family memeber.

  15. You did it! Brothers and Sister - oh those sweet souls! Congratulations Carson, Hank, George, Alan and Lucy! And Smooch!

    : )

  16. Just like kids. If it's too quiet, you'd better go investigate. *smile* Not so in our house. Luna is the only rascal and she seems to carry her own brass band with her wherever she goes.

  17. Looks so peaceful now. I wonder what the boys will do when everyone gets together on the same side of the fence. Can't wit for photos!

  18. Now what in the world were they all doing under cover when the warm sun was shining! Silly donkeys. And would you look how close George is standing to sweet Lucy. I think everything is going to be just fine!
    Today's the day, right?!!
    :-) :-) :-)

  19. Cutie patooties. Really looking forward to your photos/story of today's adventures.

  20. Maybe Hank is feeling out numbered. Three to one just is not fair, you know. LOL

    Lucy does look quite content.

  21. AND the first ride! That is so absolutely, totally wonderful! Sounds like Lucy was all you hoped she would be, and I wish I could give her a hug for that. Here's wishing you innumerable happy rides - and then some!!

  22. Great pics and I love the "beak" shot. Burro nostrils are the best and I wish I could hear him snoring too. Just looked at your tweet. Awesome!

  23. Oh, gosh. They are so cute and peaceful looking!

  24. Just read the twitter! WOO HOO!!!
