
Monday, February 14, 2011

The boys send their love to Lucy

The boys and I are about to receive the best Valentine's day present ever. Lucy should be leaving Colorado sometime late today, to arrive at the 7MSN sometime Tuesday. I'll update the twitter feed at the bottom of this page as I hear from the transporter...assuming I can remain calm enough to type.

Meanwhile, the boys are jockeying for position to be Lucy's valentine.

Valentine card templates from MCP Actions.


  1. WOW, this is SO exciting! I bet you are besides yourself, and you got the new pasture ready just in time!

    The boys Valentine's are so cute, how could she refuse any of them?

  2. Awwww, what sweeties!!!
    Looking forward to Lucy's arrival.
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. Haha! Sweet. Happy Valentine's Day :)

  4. My money's on Hank - tall, dark and spotted - whoohoo!

  5. Ah ha ha! How will she ever choose?!!
    Safe travels, Lucy! :-)

  6. Oh, how exciting! I can't wait for tomorrow's post! All your boys are so handsome!

  7. What a bunch of Casanovas you have there! LOL


  8. What wonderful news for you all! I'll keep my fingers crossed for a safe and uneventful journey. The good news is that Lucy couldn't have any better weather for her trip.

  9. Happy Valentines day to all your boys. May the best man win Lucy's heart.

  10. You are too funny...cute Valentines! I know you are so excited to get your Lucy and I can't wait to see and hear all about her when she arrives to her new family at the ranch!

  11. How cute!! Love the valentines from the "men". I am so excited for you!!! I can't wait to see what the boys think when she arrives.

  12. Good Morning BOOOYS (Mae West style), I CAN'T make up my mind which one... you are ALL soooo darn cute. George and Alan are MORE my type, BUT Hank you are a horse of a different color AND soo BIG and STRONG. Oh! shoot, I'll just have to wait and get down there to choose. Call me old fashion, BUT finding TRUE love on the internet JUST IS NOT my thing. I understand hooves tell alot about an equine and you JUST CAN'T really see in a picture (they can doctor up photos, now a days). ANYWAY, time IS short and mom got me all ready to go yesterday and the gentleman had trailer problems (thank goodness, I wasn't on it when the bearing went). Mom is doing much better, the smile it back, though she did say her and dad were going down to the local Mexican resturant for acouple of drinks after I leave. To tell you the truth I'M REALLLLY EXCITED, TOO, new mom. Now getting the Valentine's from the boys well, that just makes my day. Oh! goodness, looook at this breakfast. Mom out did herself this morning...gotta go LOVE YOU ALL and see ya SOON Miss Lucy

  13. How is Lucy going to select-hum? They are such handsome boys and loaded with loving personality. What's a girl to do?

    Can't wait for Lucy to arrive. We are having glorious warm weather here in Colorado. It's a perfect time for the arrival of a new family member.

  14. Lucy is probably thinking... So many men, so little time.

    Can't wait to meet her!

  15. I have a feeling she's going to love all three of those handsome fellas!

    Can't wait to hear she gets there safe and sound. :)

  16. Safe travels Lucy - Linda, I look forward to very happy times as this new journey begins! HVD!

  17. Thank you so very much for welcoming Lucy into Linda's family. I'm looking forward to seeing her on this blog. It has been VERY hard to let her go, but I know in my heart this is the BEST place for her to be. As you all know Linda is THE BEST, and I know they will have a WONDERFUL relationship. (as she does with all her critters). Thank you Linda for being just the right person for Lucy...on Valentine's Day you make MY heart HAPPY..Thank you again new friend. Estella

  18. Yipee! Looking forward to meeting Lucy. This is going to be great!!

  19. I agree with just can't trust anything over the Internet!!!
    I can't wait to hear more about her arrival. I know we'll see lots of pics.
    Travel safe, Lucy!

  20. Oh the boys are just so darn cute!
    Lucy is one lucky girl. Happy Valentines Day to all at the 7MSN Ranch.

  21. I can't wait for Lucy to get here! Since I made my husband watch the Lucy video, now he comments about riding donkeys. We'll be tuning in daily.

  22. Well I am am totally excited about Lucy arriving! I can't wait to see posts about her. Love the Boys' valentines....Adorable!

  23. Love Hank's card the best. Can't wait to see Lucy!

  24. Estella, thank you so much for letting Lucy adopt the 7MSN. You know she is already loved and Linda will take great care of her
    It is going to be a long day waiting for news of Lucy's arrival and meeting her new family!

  25. This is so exciting. We are all waiting to help you welcome the new girl!

  26. How exciting! Lucy is going to have a hard time choosing she's got lots of handsome guys vying for her love.

  27. Such exciting news! I can't wait to see and hear more.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all at 7MSN!

  28. Lucy sure is a lucky gal to have 3 such handsome and kind boys vying for her attention! My....they are sooooo handsome :)

  29. OMG, how could Lucy possibly choose amongst such handsome fellas?! I'm tickled pink for you and the boys on Lucy's soon-arrival!

  30. I have my nose pressed to the 'window' looking for that trailer to come up your apt that Lucy is journeying to you on Heart Day..........all her Aunties are SO excited :)

  31. what a great valentines present. I can not wait to hear of Lucy's arrival.

  32. That's cute, the cards, and very exciting on her arriving so soon. I am happy for you and glad to read this

  33. What a bunch of sweeties. Lucy is a lucky woman!!
    Happy Valentines Day to all.....

  34. How exciting! I'd be squirming waiting for news if it were I.

    I wonder if Lucy will just play the field or what? Make those boys work for her affections. It will be fun to see her personality and how it affects your herd.

  35. Laughing at Hank's valentine. He has such a GREAT stud muffin look on his face!!!

  36. Cute, and congrats. What exciting news.

  37. That lady is in for a treat when she gets to her new home - I wish I had four hunks vying for my attention! haha.

  38. Such exciting news! Lucy will love all the boys - how could she not?

    Safe travels, Lucy. You are one blessed donkey :)

  39. George and Alan are precious, but Hank is quite the looker! Can't wait for the new chapter to begin! Happy Singles Awareness Day Boys!

  40. Bon voyage Miss Lucy!
    See how many blog readers can´t wait getting to know you!

    The valetine-boys are irresistible!

  41. I have to say, Hank is looking My-T-Fine in that picture.

  42. Such choices! Good luck with that one Lucy... She has NO idea what she's getting herself into. :)

  43. Oh, this is crazy exciting!!! I hope you and your lovesick puppies can all sleep tonite!

  44. What a fabulous Day After Valentine's present this is going to be!!! Smooch will be watching out the window all day tomorrow. I hope Lucy likes beautiful porcine princesses.

    Up on my tippy toes, waiting!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  45. What an exciting time for all of your!! Can't wait to see how the next few days/weeks unfold! :)

  46. Lucky Lucy- she'll have all the boys attention! How exciting for you too. Hope Lucy has a safe trip.

  47. Fingers and toes crossed in a big heart that she arrives safe and sound in 7MSN Heaven!

  48. I am so excited for your new arrival!

  49. PS: okay....I was just thinking... those 3 head shots should be your next header. Not that you need any ideas for your headers b/c they are always amazing (even a couple of months ago when it made me shiver when I came to your page) but I just thought I would throw that out there.

    I'm giddy for you as the trip has been started. yee haw!

  50. What a wonderful late Valentine Lucy will be!!!

    All of the boys look so handsome on their cards, but I agree with Lucy... online dating is tricky. Wishing her a great trip and wonderful weather on arrival!

  51. Won't it be fun to see who she hooks up with?
