
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The benevolent dictator and his new loyal subject

Sunday morning, I decided it was time for Lucy and Hank to finally meet on the same side of the fence.

Me: Heads up, Lucy. I just let Hank in the barn and he's probably going to come over to see if there's any hay in your tub.

Lucy: You know him too well.

Hank: You got a problem?

Lucy: Mom, I don't think he plans to share.

Me: Let me pull some hay from the tub so you don't have to dive in there with him. 

George: There goes Mr. High-and-Mighty, getting seconds for breakfast.
Alan:  Maybe that new girl will show him who's boss.

Lucy: Excuse me. I can see that you're handsome and powerful, but that is my hay you're eating.

Lucy pins her ears, then Hank half-heartedly pins his ears...

...and that's all it took. Hank wins. Pecking order firmly established.

Lucy is more than happy to play second fiddle and let her mane man watch out for her.


  1. That was really an interesting, and cute, account of Lucy and Hank's first meeting.

    I love the pictures, especially of George and Alan looking from afar.

  2. ah yes, the animal kingdom eh!
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. I love that last picture Carson. Hank is such a sweetheart. We can't wait to see George and Alan meet their new sister soon. :)

  4. Oh, Hank is so funny! I love their faces!


  6. Mr. High and Mighty. That made me laugh!

    Can't wait for the underlings to mingle with Miss Lucy. If all the meetings go this well, the herd can be together at last.

  7. Well, that went just about as good as it could. Love the expressions on George and Alan (the eyes). The last picture tells it all..LIFE IS GOOD and I'M HOME.

  8. I love the last picture. Obviously, Lucy already trusts Hank if she's willing to lie down and nap.

  9. Short and gentle steps..glad she is being accepted. It must be tricky to wean a new member into the family and keep an open mind! So far - it's working and so fun to watch from afar.

  10. Wow, that was easy enough wasn't it? Hope it goes as well with George and Alan too. Suzanne

  11. All the orange cone carcasses in the first photo crack me up.

  12. Haha that Lucy shes a smart one, easier to just let Hank keep being the boss. Wonder if she will be the boss to the boys?

  13. That went really well! Hank is such a gentleman...err, gentlehorse! George, on the other hand- if looks could kill, Lucy should be worried!He looks like he has a serious pout on. I think Alan will be more inclined to buddy and not boss Lucy.

  14. I laughed and laughed over the title of this post! Wonderful pictures of the power of ear pinning. :-)
    I love how relaxed and at home Lucy looks in the last photo...

  15. Oh, my. The face-off is priceless!

  16. Well that was certainly a civilized debate. Little does Hank know that women usually let the men think they're running the show, when really, it's the other way around. I think Lucy may have just recognized Hank as her Royal Taster. *smile* I mean, who's standing guard here and who's reclining on her chaise lounge...? Huh? Huh?

    BTW, loved the long shot of Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum watching the action from the fence. *snort*

  17. And not a bit of aggression. Well done !

  18. Hank gets to remain herd boss...all is well in his world. Don't you love how the leaders really don't have to do much more than give 'the look' to assert themselves?

  19. Oh, good pun in that last caption!

  20. That's great as long as he doesn't pick on her.

  21. Hank, Hank, Hank....perfect gentleman wrapped in a gruff painted fur coat.

    What is it with Hanks and donkeys? My Hank LUBS his donkey.

  22. What Anne Boleyn said. The only thing I can imagine that might be even better than your blog: The Live 7MSN Barn & Corral Cam. Although, nah, I wouldn't want to miss your stories!

    Wishing you continued success - and that George will lighten up soon.

  23. Oooh - a 7MSN live cam in the corral! That's a great idea! I'm so glad Hank and Lucy did so well - of course he has to maintain his status, and Lucy is just letting him think he has.

    Nancy in Iowa

  24. I'm very happy that went well and loved the pictures of these two together :) Maybe you need to get Lucy a pink tub?? Thank you for making my day! I just got home from the dentist.....

  25. OMG, this is better than General Hospital.

    I knew Hank was a class act.

    Glad to see everything was readily settled. I can stop hyperventilating.

    (Pun intended)

  26. Looks like it worked out to me. Sweet.

  27. Looks like that went pretty well. Although I'm not sure that Lucy is all that impressed with Hank's good looks. He was a little bossy after all. LOL
