
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Beautiful in blue

I was on the phone with Lucy's keeper last week and asked her if Lucy had ever worn a blanket. She said no but that she would try one on Lucy to see how she would handle it.
Lucy: I like how it keeps my ears warm.

Lucy: Works pretty good as a butt warmer, too.

Lucy: I think blue may be my color.

Lucy: Of course I'm not afraid to walk on it. I'm not afraid of anything.

It's not that I think Lucy will need a blanket here in New Mexico, but I thought she might be more comfortable wearing one on the trailer ride from Colorado.

Wait a second...didn't you tell us you weren't going to get Lucy until spring?

There's been a change in plans. I got to thinking about the thousand-mile roundtrip to Colorado and how stressful it can be to haul the horse trailer, even when weather isn't an issue. Why not hire somebody to haul Lucy to me? So that's the new plan. I don't know yet when she'll be arriving, but she'll be getting here before spring does. And, yes, I'm so excited I can barely stand it.


  1. Good for you Linda! That face of hers is so funny looking. Like she had bangs that were cut. And maybe she did?

    A girl ... so exciting!

  2. Lucy is so cute and so calm. That is wonderful news about the early arrival and someone else hauling her! Perhaps her parents want to see your place? The NM-Colorado-NM trip would worry me also.

  3. That is so exciting!! It looks like very soon you'll be back in the saddle again.

  4. Have you told everyone about the new addition to your family? Every four legged? Bet they are busy making plans.

  5. I love it that you are so excited and rightfully so, she is so pretty. We're (grandkids and I) are so excited for you and the 7MSN kids. The Olde Bagg

  6. Blue is definitely her color! But you may want to think about using just a light, breathable sheet, to keep the chill off. I would think she probably has a pretty good winter coat to start with, and the inside of enclosed trailers and those pro vans can be quite cozy, even to the point of stuffiness. And if Miss Lucy is somewhere in the middle of a trailer load, the driver may not go to the trouble of checking under her blanket to see if she's TOO warm, let alone pulling it off if she is. Just a thought.
    How exciting that she's nearly on her way!

  7. Wow, this is going faster than I expected! You're right to be so excited--I hope Hank likes her.

    And I think her trail name should be "Bulletproof."

  8. This is so exciting!!!

  9. Excellent idea Linda. Much better to have Lucy chauffered to 7MSN than you having to go to and from Colorado. Then everyone will be relaxed and rested up. She really is an adorable burro girl.

  10. Awww, that very first pic? It makes my heart go pitter pat.
    What a love. *Such* a good girl. And blue is definitely her color.

  11. OMG! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!

    So exciting!

  12. yee haw! this is so exciting :)

  13. Good plan. I have heard on other horse forums how they have had good experiences with their horse transportation. Think of the excitement of the truck pulling up.

  14. When I checked into having someone professional haul my daughters mare to her in Colorado, from Washington it was @$700.!!!! That is way way cheaper than hauling ourselves would be!!! I figured with food, gas, tune up on the vehicle, the trailer needs tires, etc. etc., it was much much cheaper to have someone do it!! The company I checked into is based in Colorado Springs.

  15. I'm in tears happy for you! I think a professional hauler would be great, and much less stressful. I am so looking forward to when she arrives. Not as much as you though! Congrats again on such a wonderful new chapter in your life.

  16. That is so exciting! And she seems like such a calm and sensible girl.

  17. That is simply the best news yet!!! I bet you're thinking time is dragging til the day she arrives. How cool is that that you don't have to make that l-o-n-g trip. Woo hoo!!

  18. Hooray - I think we are as excited for this as you are!

    Can't wait!!

  19. Vicarious excitement! I never new it to be so potent!

  20. Blue looks very lovely on Lucy! Looking forward to her arrival to 7MSN :D
    Theresa in Alberta

  21. I think you've made a wise decision to have her trailered to your place. This way she gets there sooner and with less stress and wear and tear on you.

    She's unflappable and so cute. Love her ears and the expression on her face. Blue is definitely her color too! Good luck.

  22. Yeah!! Can't wait to see Lucy around the 7MSN with all her need friends. That is so great to find such a wonderful riding donkey!

  23. Congratulations, Carson. It will be fun to see how Lucy adjusts to her new home. I bet she will teach the two musketeers a thing or two about manners. "No more fooling around. It will be work from here forward"...ha ha!
    It will be great to have a new riding companion. Good luck and I'm sure she will be just fine for the trip. Best always, Sandra

  24. I love everything about Lucy, but especially her dainty feet and ankles in the picture where she's standing on the blanket. She's very feminine!

  25. Excellent idea! I knew you couldn't WAIT to get Lucy! She sure is cute!

  26. YIPPEE! I am excited too, what a perfect addition to your 'family' she is just adorable, and yes, blue is definitely her colour :)

  27. The Mother in me is so happy you are not making that 1000mi trip !

    The Grandmother in me is so happy that Lucy is named after my Grand Daughter :)

  28. Haha, I think you've got yourself another fluffy goofball there :).

    I think everyone who reads your blog is as excited about Lucy's arrival as you are :).

  29. Lucy is one cool chick! :) We recently purchased a new horse and had it shipped to us. We have used a few shippers in the past. Some good-but expensive and some not so good. This time we went through a website caleed UShip. You put in dates you would like your equine shipped and where to-from. Shippers will bid on the job. You choose the one you like best. The guy we used was great. If you want his name I'll let you know.

  30. Lucy is wonderful. Good for you!

  31. So excited for you! Went back to watch the video, as I didn't have time the other day..she is so appeasing! What a sweet addition to your managerie! You will have so much fun!

  32. Bursting with happiness for you, Carson. She is just perfect! The commercial hauler is a fantastic plan. Will you have your name legally changed to Ethel?

  33. Carson, you have an award over on my blog that you are welcome to take or leave, as you wish. Just wanted to send some new readers your way. Thanks for a great daily read.

  34. What an excellent decision to have a professional hauler bring that adorable girl to you. blue is definitely her color. I can't wait until she is in her new forever home.

  35. Yay! I can't WAIT to see you riding Miss Lucy. She is so adorable!

  36. Blue is definitely her color! Lucy seems to take everything in stride :) What a pretty girl! And she is ROCKING the "Moe" look - should we call it the "Moe-ette?"

    If I can't wait until she gets to the 7MSN I can only IMAGINE how you feel - lol

  37. That's excellent news! I'm so excited for everyone. Lucy is going to have so much fun in her new home. Yay!!!

  38. omigosh omigosh omigosh Excellent win-win plan. Does her saddle come with her?

  39. I was thinking the same thing as EvenSong. Depending on the kind of transport, Lucy could get too warm. I like something light for a horse that might get rubs from leaning into the walls.

    That picture is so sweet with her ears buried under the blanket. Just tickled me.

  40. Very exciting!!! I think the livestock transport is a good idea...there are some very reputable ones out there.
