
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Above the fray

Nowadays when I'm hanging out with the herd, I can't help but picture Lucy among us. Though I plan to introduce her to the boys slowly and individually, I know it won't be long before they're all sharing the same space. Admittedly, I have never met Lucy in person, but from everything that I've learned about her and from the comment she herself left on yesterday's post (did I mention she knows how to type?), I think the herd dynamics will play out like this:

Hank, in his role as boss hoss, will claim Lucy as his own.

Hank and Lucy will be the mature, sensible pair in the pasture, 

conserving their energy for important things, like eating, 

while the inseparable George and Alan will carry on with life as they've always known it. 

I've tried to explain to all the boys about the impending arrival of their new sister,

but I don't think they fully grasp the implications.

All that George and Alan seem concerned about is whether they'll have to share their toys.


  1. Congrads on adding a new long ear!
    don't be surprise if one of your boys tries to be romantic with her either (even if gelded some of those boys believe they still can,lol)
    I always for new animals put in the animal that is mellow, quiet and respectful that way they can start to bond and have a friend asap.
    good luck and can't wait!

  2. When is Lucky Lucy's ETA?

    She's going to fit in with the infamous 7MSN group in no time flat!

  3. It will be fun AND it will be interesting. I can't wait til this all happens. I'm off now to find Lucy's comment ... she is one talented girl!!!

  4. Mature relationships are a beautiful thing, at least that's this old woman's view.


  5. Like a new kid at school.
    Hey this is a little like online dating. Will she look like her picture? Is she tall enough? Will she like me?
    Hope it is like a match from e-harmony!

  6. I can't wait to see how it all works out. Harry and Gunny have the same toys as G and A. I bet yours will invite Lucy to play Cone! Denise

  7. Erika, I hear you about the possible romancing. The burros were gelded as yearlings, so I'm hopeful that will count for something. Hank has never shown any romantic interest in visiting mares, but there's a first time for everything. Anyway, I can keep them separate if necessary. I plan to introduce Hank to Lucy first - he's the closest to mellow, quiet, and respectful that I've got.

    C in Wi, call me superstitious but I'm going to keep the ETA under wraps for awhile longer.

  8. That 4th photo is priceless, ad I hope it makes your next calender.
    I can just picture George as saying, "C'mon Lucy, join in the fun!"

  9. Great photos! LOL Gee, George and Alan seem like perpetual toddlers! Are all donkeys so playful or do these two have the market cornered? :-)

  10. Good morning, Lucy here..I just love watching the minis play and George and Alan will make me feel right at home. My brothers here, Zur and Zech, ALWAYS have their toys around underhoof. Buckets, ropes, cones, EVERYWHERE..and they also run around like chickens with their heads cut off...BOYS. I'm excited about meeting Wyonna face to face. POOR THING has such small ears I will be glad to help her out with hearing things. After all that's what my ears are good for AND having them massaged is ONE of my favorite things. OH! in the summer when the bugs are bad there is NOTHING better than a warm wash cloth and a good rub of the ears inside and out. Of course, I get to wear one of those funny looking masks with the ears and long nose piece. Well, breakfast is on it's way and I'm out of here. Have a good day and smile life is GOOD :)

  11. I can't wait to until Lucy arrives. The cheek to cheek photo of the boys is adorable!

  12. It has been fun to see the introduction and the preparations for Lucy. It will be better, still, to see all of this play out. I can't wait to see your new herd and to learn of the herd dynamics...
    Maybe when we move to our new house we'll increase our herd with a few longer-eared critters! (No...not bunnies, but they'd be OK, too!)

  13. Those two crack me up! Hank does seem the the sensible one. I hope the burro brothers will enjoy having a big sister! :)

  14. Oh, I don't know about that. Lucy is quite the looker and I think George & Alan are going to start acting even goofier (if that's even possible) in an attempt to catch her eye. Oh, yes, Lucy is gonna shake up that place, you better believe it. Soon, she'll be putting curtains in the corral.

  15. I really like the photos! I have a chance to buy a full size donkey ( 1 year old) this spring and will be real interested in seeing how Lucy relates to the horse. I am not sure how i donkey and 3 horses will do.

  16. So true! I can't wait to hear how it all pans out...

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  17. Lucy's getting pretty good at commenting. Next she's going to be wanting her own blog!! The Lucy Longears blog!! :)

  18. LOVE that 4th shot....just makes you wanna say "awwwwwwwwww!"

  19. Yes, I saw the sweet message from Lucy yesterday! I've know a few geldings in the horse world that would claim the new mare. That is, one of them would act silly or possessive when she was present:)

  20. I'm so happy that a girl is coming to the 7MSN Ranch -- help even out the numbers there. I've got a good feeling that she'll be a great addition.

  21. And...being the only gal on the place (the four-legged kind) you might find the word "sister" isn't in any of their vocabularies. Lucky you, huh?
