
Monday, January 31, 2011

You know you live in the middle of nowhere when ...

... when a trip to Walmart turns into an episode of Wild Kingdom.

I was driving to Walmart for provisions Saturday morning, minding my own business, listening to a book on my iPod. A few miles from home, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I switched the iPod over to the video camera mode and pretended I was on a photo safari.


  1. My trips to Wal-mart are never that exciting!

  2. Very very neat.
    Thank you for that.

  3. Ha-ha. Loved the mooo at the end. Great song and video. Laughed when you backed up and STILL kept recording and driving. You've got talent!

  4. You could sell this one. I smiled through it all.
    Now I would love to hear your explanation to the tow truck driver who could have had to get you out of the ditch. "You see I was driving backwards with a camera..."
    I love your sense of humor that comes up with something like this.Not sure the antelopes have the same opinion.

  5. Oh, my. Here in the city everyone's all in a swither about people merely talking and texting on cell phones while driving, and here you are--driving (in two directions, no less)--while filming. I guess it helps that there isn't any traffic.

    That's a lot of antelope! Now I'm off to see if you were tricking me about iPods, especially since my post today is all about mine!

    Loved your "shot" video on Vimeo, by the way.

  6. Still laughing... You sure have the knack for making great movies and your subjects always cooperate in the end. LOL


  7. HA! laughed my head off. Don't think Jim's narration was ever quite that quippy :)

    and you could do a simple poll to get an idea of the age of your audience. that would be: how many of you remember Mutual of Omaha? I certainly do :)

  8. I remember those days in NM when U could possibly C antelope and/or deer and cattle almost anytime U drive on the dirt roads. Great shots. Good driving too. Those trees R always in the wrong place!

  9. Good hand eye coordination. I'm surprised Smooch wasn't with you. Great video of your wild kingdom, I particularly liked the driving backwards segment and the cows.

  10. Your posts never disappoint. Fabulous!

  11. HA!!! The only "animals" I see on my way to shop are the ones driving!! you really do live in the middle of nowhere eh!
    Theresa in Alberta

  12. Deer & cattle on the way to the supermarket? Apart from the sand & sunshine, it's just like Scotland!

    Also admire the driving + filming skills :))

  13. Great captions! I was cracking up!

    We have zebras on our way to the grocery store.

    They are pretty acclimated to traffic, and barely swish a tail.

  14. Can't complain about that commute, can ya? What a way to get stuck in traffic!

  15. Perfect ending! How'd you get that cow to moo on cue?

  16. Cute. They probably were trying to decide if you were a poacher reaching for your gun. Cows didn't have that concern as if you were a rustler(or the rancher) and after them, you'd probably have a trailer on behind. Our cows now run when the mobile slaughter yard arrives. As soon as they see his truck coming down the road actually...

  17. That's my kind of traffic delay!

  18. OMG! That was so much fun - thank you! :-) I don't post often but I check in at the ranch almost every morning to see how y'all are doin'...

  19. WOW Today was a bonanza day at your website. I love the wild kingdom video, I loved the Alan/George nap page and I followed the links to the BUCK movie and interview. No wonder you went to his clinic. He is a true gentleman. Linda, you could be doing what she did. I can see your name up in lights some day. Thanks for sharing.

  20. The animals I see on the way to walmart have their pants down to their knees!! Now THAT is something to see!

  21. There is always that last antelope (or deer) that crosses the road WAY after everyone else.

    Thanks for sharing your animal-adventure!

    Who did the song, by the way? Nice rendition!

  22. Fine work, Carson. It's nice to see such a big crowd still surviving in the wild these days.
    Best always, Sandra

  23. You made my day. I smiled and chuckled. Thanks for my Monday Morning Funny

  24. Cathy R, the song is Mo Bandy's rendition.

  25. I love your humor. Thanks for making my Monday

  26. Where were the buffalo? I loved the video. Great talent to film, drive and back up but then you know how to back up to hook up the trailer. Great job!!

  27. You are gifted! Incredible captions, music and photography...on an iPod?!!! How did you manage to keep it so still, while driving, while backing, while not going off the road?!
    I've never seen pronghorns that close before. What fun!
    (And of course, the cows are too darn cute!)

  28. And you didn't even swear when you had to make that quick stop!

    I'm sure the cow was mooing 'love you back' at you.

  29. Antelope and moo-cows! Cool!! Great job!!!

  30. I had no idea Smooch was such an excellent driver! Or was she the cameraman?

    Love that I finally got to see these, almost live & in person.

    They way they kept running back & forth, I felt like was in a genie bottle that kept getting tipped one way and then the other, like sand.

    Love the cows, although I thought they might be statues, at first. The guy bringing up the rear blinked though.

  31. OK. I can go to bed now with a smile on my face...and wake up to whatever frozen precipitation that is supposed to hit...even down here. I loved your camera work and the Wild Kingdom 7 MSN actors! I get to see bison (buffalo) when I drive east to my hairdresser :)

  32. Love how you added the music to that. Thanks for sharing!

  33. Loved it! What a hoot! LOLOLOL
