
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Magic Pan

Just before Christmas, I found myself near a Williams Sonoma store with a few minutes to kill. I ventured into the baking section and found (cue the dramatic music) The Magic Pan. Its real name is the Goldtouch Nonstick Perforated French Bread Pan, but that doesn't come close to describing its wonderfulness, so I'll continue to call it (more dramatic music) The Magic Pan.

Though I've had great success with baking the world's easiest artisan bread recipe on a pizza stone, my loaf-shaping skills left alot to be desired:

The minute I saw The Magic Pan, I knew it would be the answer to my lopsided, conjoined loaves. 

If you've tried the artisan bread recipe, you know it's wetter than typical bread doughs. The first time I used The Magic Pan, the moist dough worked its way into some of the holes in the pan. It was still easy to pop the loaves out, but I had to poke a toothpick through a bunch of holes to clean it. Life is way too short to be doing that, so the next time, I sprayed the surface with Baker's Joy and none of the holes got clogged.

Anyway, I'm here to tell you that this pan is magical, but you probably already figured that out.


  1. Wow, neat pan and that bread looks sooo yummy, especially first thing in the morning! Wish I could just reach out and break some off to have with my cup of coffee sitting here on my desk.

  2. I'll be there when the next batch comes out of the oven. Please have coffee (or beer) ready.

  3. That looks delicious! I actually like your non-magic pan loaves. They look so much more...rustic and homemade. :)

  4. oooooo,ahhhhhhhhh! interesting pans eh!
    THeresa in Alberta

  5. That reminds me, I need to bake more of that yummy bread. It was a huge hit with the hubs.

  6. I finally tried that recipe a few weeks ago and my family and I LOVE IT!! What a nifty baking gadget, looks like it's worth every penny.

  7. Wow, that is nice! I've never seen a pan like that before, but I want one too!

  8. I want one! How cool is that thing?

  9. Yummy! That bread sounds wonderful this morning toasted with some butter and jelly on top! What cool pans, will have to look into getting some. Thanks for the tip!

  10. I have a pan like that - picked it up at a garage sale. Guess I had better start using it! Your bread looks yummy!

  11. I bought one of those pans years ago when I didn't really know how to make bread and I didn't have great success. I'm going to have to try using it again now that I know what I'm doing. I see it in the back of the cupboard now and then and wonder if I should drag it out. Now I know -- YES!

  12. Beautiful bread!! I can smell its deliciousness clear over here in Texas! Have not tried the recipe--think I will now. Love the pan.


  13. Have it. You'll be a pro before you know it. I'm sure you save the little crusts for the "girls", right? You'll know you're wacky when you start baking for them... ;)

  14. I abhor shopping. As a result I don't get to see what is "new" on the market. While I may not like to shop, I love new things that make life easier. I had no idea about the pans OR drum roll please, the bakers joy which will be added to the shopping list pronto. THANKS!

  15. Beautiful bread, I'm impressed. That store has some great stuff, my prized possession is a cherry pitter believe it or not. My older daughter used to actually go to the mall and take cooking lessons at that store. She has lots of great gadgets and time savers. I'm not much of a cook so I let her find all the good stuff.

  16. What a cool invention. Those engineers, I tell ya'.

    Mmmm.....I could really go for a warm slice of bread with melted butter on it, right about now.
