Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hell hath no fury like a horse scorned

Me: I know you live for having your belly scratched, Hank, but enough is enough. 
It's George's turn, and I've only got two hands...and one has to hold the camera.

Me: Hank, be nice...

Hank: Excuse me, but I do have seniority you know.

Me: Bad horse! Bad horse!

Hank: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
 Me: Don't try to impress me with your fancy-schmancy Latin. Go apologize to your brother.

Hank: Sorry, bro'. 
George: Apology accepted. But it would carry more weight if it came with carrots.


  1. Seriously ... I didn't know Hank had that in him! What a shocker!!!

  2. Burros and horses, they are so..............human.
    Hu, what teeth. Great photos, but better use both hands for scartching!

  3. oh my my my my .... i used to bite my kids when they bit each other... I dont think that would work in this situation... dang what a pic LOL... love it.

  4. Wow, would not want to find myself at the mercy of those teeth! What a bad boy.


  5. Hmmm.
    So jealousy would be one of the emotions that equines do, in fact, feel....
    And everybody knows that apologies should be accompanied by food of some description!

  6. It's all about carrots for those boys, isn't it? ;)

  7. Oh no! He didn't get him, did he? Look at George - you can tell he's already forgiven him... what a sweetie...

  8. No, Nancy, he didn't get him. Look at the curve of George's mane in the 'bite' picture - George knew it was coming and had already started to move away to the left.

  9. I can't believe you caught that shot. But I will have to say a word of caution. I went in the pasture with my granddaughter and apples and my best, gentlest horse turned and kicked us both. It grazed my G.d.'s head and caught me. Always be prepared that this could happen to the best of friends. New rule for me is no food in the pasture.

  10. Yikes! This is why I worship the magnificent horse from afar ... well, teeth and hooves ... GREAT captures, though...!

  11. Oh my goodness!! You can see in Hank's eyes, in the picture right before he bares his massive teeth, that he's up to something. So glad all are OK!!! Oh, jealousy is interesting, isn't it?
    Love your site - my mom got me hooked and now I look forward to logging in every day to see what's going on on the ranch!

  12. Oh Boy! In that last picture it seems Hank still has his eye on George. Never a dull moment.

  13. That's so unlike the gentle giant I met. He must really have wanted that belly scratch. Good catch with the camera, btw.

    As for George, good negotiation skills, fella.

  14. Hey, you have a Bitey Bitester at your house, too! Wow, those are some TEETH, too!! Glad George knew to step away. :-)

  15. Oh dear! LOL! That photo with the bared teeth was scary!!!

  16. My goodness, what a naughty boy. At least he knows better than to bite the hand that feeds him.
    I love the 3rd pic where he gives you the "whatcha gonna do about it?" look.

  17. Wow you are quick to get the teeth shot! Guess you better not be missing out on any belly rubs fro hank now.

  18. all I have to say for today is "ouch!"

    I finally have internet....I've gotta catch up.... thanks for the good reads for tonight :) glad the fire didn't make to you!

  19. Do the burros ever bite Hank? Or lay their ears back at him? Just wondering since I've never been around them before.

  20. C, the burros lay their ears back at Hank all the time when he comes over to their hay tub. Hank ignores their display of anger and moves in anyway, then the burros politely back off and go eat Hank's hay.

  21. As usual, great job with the photos, and the story you tell with them!

  22. George, I wouldn't be pushing your luck in the apology department!

  23. You are sure fast to get a shot like that. Me, I'd be still fumbling with the camera and the situation would be long settled.

    One things for sure there's no doubt in anyone's mind what he's up to.

  24. George is so forgiving - I would demand a carrot!

  25. I think your caption in the photo after the "attack" is way off. It looks like he's saying..."Desired result achieved with little waste of energy. Badda bing! Works every time." :)

  26. Naughty Hank! - Pick on someone your own size! :)
