
Friday, January 14, 2011

George's new water source

Our new solar-heated water trough is working just great. We've had some wicked-cold temperatures this month, and it's kept the water flowing (despite the dirt and hard-water spots on the collector panel).  The only complaint the boys have with the trough is that just one of them can drink from it at a time. When you have two burros who prefer to do everything together, this can present a problem.

But not for George. He has figured out a way to solve it.

He collects the drips falling out of Alan's mouth.

Me: George, you're being ridiculous. Just wait your turn. Alan will be finished in a minute.

George: But I'm thirsty now.

George: And besides, look at how cute I am when I do this.

It took me a few years of watching George and Alan to figure this out, but here's my theory on why burros stick their tongues out while they drink water. In their natural desert habitat, water is scarce. They have to take advantage of it when they find it. So when a burro comes across a watering hole, he slurps up as much water as his mouth can hold, then stands up, uses his tongue to hold the water in, then swallows it at his leisure. If he has to leave in a hurry, he can take his water with him. That's my theory anyway. It may not hold water with the scientists, but it works for me.


  1. Great pictures and too funny how George deals with the water situation!

  2. I think many of us would agree they've cornered the market on cuteness.

  3. and I thought you were showing how well the boys were improving on their sharing skilly ;-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  4. I don't think he looks one little bit ridiculous. I think he looks clever and inventive. And affectionate.
    And fuzzy. And smiley. And cute.

    ...but I digress.

    And I think your conclusion about the tongue acting as cork is sound. But what if they were running away and choked? :-o

  5. Very interesting! And I love the close-ups!

  6. Whatever the reason behind it, sticking their tongues out is awfully cute.

  7. That is beyond cute! Leave it to those two joined at the hip to figure out a way to drink together (on opposite sides of the fence to boot)!

  8. Some horses stick their tongues out but mostly they have to have their tongues against or between their teeth to allow suction to suck the water out of their cheeks into their mouth's.

  9. Not just cute. Sweet too.

  10. Too bad they don't just have a hump like a camel to store the water. Such cuties they are. Love your photos by the way!


  11. The only thing with the desert/tongue theory is that my horses do the same thing in the dead of the Minnesota winter. I always thought it was because the water was cold and they were protecting their teeth. :>

  12. Thank you for supplying my ration of donkey cuteness today. As always the photos are great. I love it that George can't wait his turn. Too funny!

  13. George is just trying to help out. If all that water stays on Alan's face it could collect dust or possibly freeze if the temperatures are low.

  14. LOVE this post.....I just can't get enough of donkey cuteness, whether it's ours or any others. Their bond of friendship is so delightful.


  15. Ohhhhh, awwwwww, what can I say, these are the most adorable pictures yet!

  16. I think your theory makes sense.. Burro nostrils, lips, and tongues are the cutest things.

  17. I love watching my donkeys (and yours, too) drink - I've often wondered why I find this SO entertaining, but then I remember that everything they do is entertaining to me. lol
    Is it ever NOT brilliantly sunny at your place? sheesh. :-)

  18. Wow those tounges are adorable! As are the donkeys, but the tounge sticking out just makes them irrisistable!

  19. Pete does the same thing...but he has this look on his face that says, "Water? What water?" A moment later I hear a swallow and the tongue goes back in the mouth!

  20. I really get a kick out of these two. They are such funny characters! :)

  21. Remember these pictures when it comes time to assemble next year's calendar. The cuteness factor is out of this world.

  22. LOL! Now THAT'S friendship. :)

  23. I think George is just aiming to get the "most adorable" award. I love the way that Alan just kind of ignores him. BTW, I just dropped by to virtually soak up some of your 50 degree weather- thanks for the note of support and commiseration! We're going down to 2 degrees tonight.

  24. they are ridiculousley cute!

  25. Those 2 are just to cute!! I've been looking at different types of Solar Water Troughs . Found this on that looks interesting... Wonder what the horses would think of the bubbles!
