
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eat my dust

I love Sunday afternoons. My weekend errands and chores are done and I can kick back, pull up a chair in the corral, and enjoy a few peaceful moments in the sun. This usually lasts about a minute, then one or more of my pals comes over to visit.

Me: Don't give me that look, Hank. George was here first.

Me: George, you cannot get any closer, now please stop trying.

Hank: Time's up, George. It's my turn.

George: Eat my dust.


  1. Awwww...your animals are all so loving! They just wanna be with 'ya! :-)

  2. HA! I think those boys would sit on your lap if they could ;-) George needs a dust buster eh :D
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. I love your life! You have some great companions too!

  4. *koff koff* Guess the dust baths are working.

    Just wanted to let you know I've made your easy bread recipe twice now. The first time was so easy and so successful I immediately tried a more traditional recipe...which failed miserably. So back to the easy one!

  5. Another great post! You're absolutely right, George couldn't get any closer - that is sooo cute! Did you see my late post on the "gym" blog? You know it's true - it's that bread! But man, it is yummy....

  6. Would you like to borrow a little snow so George can have a snow bath? It works really well..... Velvet always leaves dirty snow after she rolls!

  7. That last picture did it to me! Forgot how dry and dusty your area is!

    They sure love you. :)

  8. Very cute. I'm surprised they don't try to actually sit on your lap.

  9. Are your skies really that blue??

  10. Looks like George is wanting a donkey butt rub!!

  11. My brother once asked me if horses had personalities....this post made me think of that!
    Love your adoring animals and it's very clear how much they love you!

  12. A fine way to spend a Sunday!
    I'm guessing the burro brothers have a Swiffer beat, hands down.

  13. Aaaah....brings back fond memories. *smile*

    Totally envious of that beautiful blue sky, btw....

  14. This is Lucy, just wanted to know how old the boys are? I'm 11 this year..I just know it's going to be a GOOD year for me.

  15. Now that's love! A donkey butt!!

  16. Lucy, the burrito brothers will be 5 years old in the fall, and Hank is 18.

  17. I believe you are getting the stink eye on the 1st picture!

  18. Awwww, I was totally sitting there next to you in spirit! Only it was a brown-black donkey hiney that had presented itself to me for scratchin'. lol

  19. I'm thinking you need a dance card, huh?

  20. I can't believe they actually left your magazine alone while you took your pictures. They are definitely camera hogs. Silly boys.

  21. Love the hairy knee shot! Looks like an awesome day in N.M.!!
