
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Down the Road with Smooch ~ January 2011

We seem to have picked up some new readers lately, so allow me to explain. Smooch and I go for a walk every day. "Down the Road with Smooch" is a post that chronicles for posterity the who-what-where-when of our daily walk, on or about the first of every month.

Date: January 3, 2010 2011

Route: To the northwest corner of the ranch and back

Distance: 1.5 miles

Time: 5:00 - 5:35 p.m.

Temperature: 42 degrees when we left, 35 degrees when we got home

Humidity: 35 percent

Wind: A little breeze

On the iPod: The Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. Interesting, but moving a little slow compared to Pillars of the Earth and World Without End.

Attire: Me – baseball cap, wildrag which served as a babushka, quilted barn jacket with the hood up, two long-sleeved shirts, jeans, two pairs of socks, sneakers, two pairs of fingerless gloves with the mitten foldover things. Smooch – fleece-lined jacket.

1. Compared to the weekend, the temperature seemed balmy.
2. We were a little overdressed – three-day habits are hard to break.
3. Smooch thinks brown is boring and is envious of Wynonna's lavender parka.
3. There was just enough light to take a picture when we arrived home, unlike December when I couldn't find the gate.
4. Most of the snow from Friday's storm has melted except for the patches atop the gypsum. What's up with that?


  1. What an interesting idea for a series. Great way to catch up on the lovely area that you and smooch live in as well. Things look so...golden...there.

    Good night!

  2. Now THAT'S a nice looking doggie coat on Smooch. Rowdy is hard on his coats... rolls around and gets them all dirty so he gets cheap ones. HA!


  3. I love this post and the pictures are awesome, 7MSN! What beauty you're surrounded with and how great that you're living your dream. Your love of your little corner of the world and your animals is sooooo evident. I love coming here to see what you all are up to!

  4. LOL. Two pairs of socks, two pairs of gloves and two shirts plus a jacket? At 35-42 degrees? Why, we'd be dancing around in single layers and no gloves in WI if the temps finally reached that status!

    Well, at least you didn't get chilled. :)


  5. lovely walk :) love the views

  6. Good Morning 7MSN! Smooch's coat looks great on her - is she becoming a little diva also? I've been visiting my Mom so I've been out of touch for a few days. Happy New year!

  7. I love the pictures of your gate (I think it is a gate). Love to hear about your walks. I take one every morn at 6 AM with my dog and a friend who comes over. I overdressed today also.

  8. I'm right there with ya, wearing my long johns and 3 jackets, lol.
    I just love your gate! Really pretty! Looks like you've still got good patches of ice and snow there. Won't be long though, the rain we got has already started to green up the desert and it's warming up a bit. I don't think we've seen the last of it, but it was enough!

  9. If I have my camera, then my walking time is always sloooow.

  10. Knock Knock
    Who's There?
    A pig in a parka.

    The things we do for our animals:-))

    Denise in CA

  11. Brrr....we've definitely entered Winter here. The temps. have been hovering at or below freezing for several days. So far, it's been too cold to snow, which is good news, I suppose.

    Tell Smooch I think she looks lovely in her brown coat. Very elegant and fashionable.

  12. Isn't it fantastic how you can already tell the days are getting longer? Smooch looks great. She's ready to hit the road whereas Wynona is a diva who lolls around.

  13. Tell Smooch I think she looks just as lovely as Wynonna in her coat :).

    Can you get coats for pigs??

  14. Any chillier and Smooch might be shopping for leggings to go with her coat.

  15. I think color would only distract from Smooches beauty.

  16. I just love that you and Smooch walk together every evening. She must so look forward to and enjoy her walks with you. She's such a good girl.

  17. I love the second photo, with Smooch's profile lit against the night sky!
