
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Coyote Moon

The full moon this week seemed freakishly bright. I kept waking up in the middle of the night thinking I had overslept, only to realize it was the moonlight and not dawn out my window.

I took this picture just before 7:00 on Wednesday morning as the moon was sinking below the mountains. Smooch and I could hear coyotes yipping in the distance. Use your imagination and you might be able to hear them, too. What's that, you say? You can't hear them over Smooch's barking? Sorry. Next time I'll tell her to be quiet.


  1. She can't bark as much as my dog Lily!

    I had completely forgotten it was going to be a full moon until I looked out this morning and saw it in the sky, sinking behind the pine trees. Like you, I grabbed a few shots before it was gone. Not sure my view was nearly as pretty as yours.

  2. Wow, that's really eerie!

  3. Beautiful.
    And indeed, freakishly bright.
    It's been *bright* here too. Bright enough that I've been closing the shades on the bedroom windows so I can sleep!
    Northeastern coyotes yell more in the evenings, though. Probably something to do with the early morning temperatures being inhospitable.

  4. Probably the most beautiful photo of a setting moon I've ever seen. Your blog is priceless; we thank you so much.

  5. The photo is beautiful and yes, I can hear the coyotes howling. I bet it's cold too.

  6. What a breath taking and gorgeous pic.

  7. My sis lives in Calif. and she said the same thing about the moon and how extremely bright it has been. We've had clouds here in Virginia so have not been able to enjoy it.

    Great Shot you took!!

  8. Breathtaking. Almost surreal...

    Shhhhhh Smooch shhhhhh

    The coyotes get my boys barking too.

  9. Beautiful shot. It's been really bright here too at night. I attributed it to the moonlight bouncing off all the snow we have. Everything's quiet here though no coyotes. We do have them but they must be hiding in their dens with this weather like the rest of us.

  10. Beautiful shot! One day, I'll learn to get pictures of the moon.
    Can you imagine how frightening coyotes were to folks crossing the country in wagons? City folks hearing what sounds exactly like banshees.
    It makes my skin crawl every time the ones around here get wound up. Especially when they are on the chase of their dinner.

  11. You captured a beauty of a moon set. This morning it was even more ruddy looking from here. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  12. That picture is gorgeous!
    We've had so much cloud cover lately, I haven't noticed the moon much except for when the clouds thin for a few moments here and there.
    (Good girl, Smooch, you just keep on doing your coyote-keepin-away job!)

  13. Looking at your photo albums must be like looking a photography books. Beautiful photographs that evoke feelings every time.

  14. Stunning photo. The moon was amazing looking with the new snow we received last night.

  15. If one didn't know better it, which we do, it almost looks like a sunrise.

    Your pictures are never a disappointment.

  16. Gorgeous pic! It has been bright this week! There is a mated pair of coyotes in the field that backs on to my backyard. The last couple of nights they have been howling at the moon, right outside my bedroom window. It has been so bright with the moon and the snow, I was able to use my binoculars to get a close up of them. It was beautiful to see them this way. Perhaps they were chatting with your coyotes, long distance. :-)

  17. Eerie and strikingly beautiful. I love the sound of coyotes yipping, as long as they're in the distance. *sigh* You really do own a piece of heaven there...

    P.S. Your boots have enjoyed great success. *smile*

  18. That's OK...I can hear them. They are south of our pasture partying in the woods.

    Beautiful picture!

  19. Love moons like that one. We've been hearing a lot of coyote yipping and howling lately too.

  20. We (as well as our canines) hear those coyotes where we live at night, too! It's funny how canis latrans seems to call to them..the call of the wild, they have no idea. The photo of the morning moon is fantastic!

  21. What a pretty picture! We had a great moon yesterday as well...

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  22. In the Native American calendar (I think among Eastern tribes) this month's moon is actually called "The Wolf Moon".

    Be glad it's just coyotes...

  23. It's not often you see the moon surrounded by warm colors. Beautiful shot.

  24. is that REALLY the moon!!!! amazing!
