
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Encore ~ Are you in the holiday spirit yet?

Last year at this time, when I posted these pictures originally, it was snowing, it was cold, and I was training all my animals to be elves. This year, the sun is out, it feels like spring, and I'm in total denial that Christmas is less than two weeks away. Somebody needs to get her act together real soon because the party is at her house on December 25 and not a gift has been purchased nor a menu planned. I keep reminding myself that I do my best work under pressure.

Smooch: The hat is a bit much with the coat, don't you think?


  1. Smooch ... cute, cute, cute!!!

    Even though we've had snow, cold, winds already, with some springtime days mixed in, AND another arctic storm moving in, I still can't believe Christmas is just around the corner, but I do have all presents bought and my menu planned. Whew! Good luck bringing it all together Carson. I know you can do it and it will be grand!!!

  2. Time for a Walmart visit. I found lots of cute little gifts for my friends. They even have the latest HD or 3D or whatever TV over there. Needless to say a little pricey.
    Good luck with your shopping.
    Enjoy the holidays. It's a great time of the year.
    Best always, Sandra

  3. WOW... you an I both are floating down the River of Denial today. I have not done one thing to ready myself for the Holiday... NOT ONE THING!


  4. I was hoping you would repost the gang in their santa hats ;-) Yes, I have the christmas spirit these holydays !
    THeresa in Alberta

  5. Oh, that Christmas spirit is hard to come by - I'm struggling with it too. But, I did 'wear my fingers to the bone' shopping yesterday. I did all of the shopping for my family for my MIL. Still need to tackle our gifts for our family. Ugh!

  6. I'm with you. I put a lot of pressure on myself. Not one Christmas present purchased. Not one Christmas card sent. No treats or meals made or planned.......

    Another day in the 70's before a cold front blows in tonight. Temps up & down, no wonder we are all sick with respiratory problems.

  7. i put everything off until the last minute too. but now i slipped on the ice and broke my wrist so nothing is going to get done.

  8. Ha! I am in the same boat as you! I have a party at my house on the 23rd and other than the fact that I am decorated, I have no gifts and NO IDEA what my menu will be. So glad I'm not he only one :) Smoochie girl is adorable.

  9. love me some Smooch :)

    PS: why does your tweet say Nov 10?

  10. Holiday dessert suggestion... Make a No-Bake Peanut Butter Tart from
    I made this for our Thanksgiving dinner and it was a hit! We all agreed the recipe was a keeper and we would definitely eat it again. I made it even easier to make by buying a ready-made graham cracker crust. And I only used 1-1/2 cups heavy cream (divided) and it was still plenty. Yum!!!

  11. oh.....I get the humor in the tweet....I'm a little slow these days (somehow I was thinking you were literally saying it was Nov 10........maybe one more glass of wine will clear my head :) )

  12. I have a bad case of bah humbug. Ok, Smooch might be able to change that. She is so stinking cute!!

