
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On the ninth day of Christmas


  1. Hap, hap, hap HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Lots of love from Québec! May your day be merry and bright!

  2. Happy Birthday Carson! Sending lots of hugs to you from Morning Bray Farm. Have a great day!

  3. Happy BIrthday, Carson!!! Love the new lyrics. I'll be singing them all day. Hope you have something wonderful planned for yourself. Have fun!

  4. Got me there, too. Forgot you had Pronghorns to use!

    Can't wait for the rest. :)

  5. i love hidden pics... so felt like a search game to find all 9 :) loveing the days pics :)

  6. This is just classic! I wish I could download it somehow just to perserve it! Thanks for sharing your talent w/all us city folk who love your blog! Merry Christmas 7MSN!

  7. It's interesting as to what seems normal vs. exotic---I had 16 deer in the front pasture this morning. No big deal. I see your pronghorns and think "WOW, so cool!" Lovin' the progress of the song.

    Poor Wynonna--I had no idea the chickens could pierce her hide. I'm sorry you're having to play musical chairs.

  8. Happy birthday to you!
    Feliz cumpleanos!
    Woo hoo!

    Go Pronghorns!

    (this is totally the best thing on the internet)

  9. Happy Birthday! (I don't know it's your B-day but everyone else seems to)
    Loving the 12 days of Xmas, I wondered what you'd do for #9... can't wait for the rest!

  10. Happy Birthday, Linda. Let us know what the herd has cooked up for you today! With George & Alan involved in the planning, I'm sure it'll be a doosey.

    BTW, excellent capture of the pronghorns. I found them all. *smile*

    Big Hug!

  11. Of course I had to search for them all. Some of them were really well camouflaged!

    Happy Birthday....what is it, your 40th???

  12. Well if it's not ignore this, Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday!

    I want to tell you how much I look forward to visiting your site and seeing what the next day brings. But then, this morning, it sent me in panic mode. OMG - only 3 more days! Yikes!! Can we put it on hold for a bit?

  14. I'm really enjoying your exotic Christmas song and pictures. We had snow last night so I couldn't see the moon. I hope you had a view! Great that it was on your birthday.

  15. I am so loving your 12 days of Christmas!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face EVERY day.

    And, Happy Birthday!!!

  16. All this creativity and a birthday, too? A very happy one to you! This song just keeps getting better...

    Nancy in Iowa

  17. Wishing you a bit late today, but better late than never....Happy Birthday Carson on the 9th day of Christmas and 1st day of Winter!

    Yes, 1st day of winter and we set a new record high of 80!
