
Thursday, December 30, 2010

George and Alan's play group

George: Here they come again.
Alan: Where do you think they've been all these months?

George: No idea.
Alan: I hope they're bringing us carrots.

Cow #1: Think we should charge the fence and go eat their grass?
Cow #2: Not unless you want to get charged - it's electric. Don't ask me how I know. 
Besides, those things with the long ears are fun to watch. We should probably be nice to them.

Alan: I think they're up to something.
George: Don't worry. Mom's right behind us. She'll protect us.

Alan: But there's 24 of them and one of her.
George: Well, excuse me, Mr. Smartypants. Since when did you learn how to count?

While George and Alan continued to quibble about Alan's math prowess, I climbed through the fence to get some close-ups of the cows. They all seemed very docile...and wide. I figured this was probably a herd of pregnant heifers.

Whoops. Make that a herd of pregnant heifers and one great big bull.

George and Alan must have sensed my trepidation. They took off running and started a stampede.

Me: Wait! Come back! Your butts aren't nearly as cute as your faces!

Hank: Do you think they'll come back? We could use a little excitement around here.
Me: Hard to say. We might have scared them off. 

Fast forward 30 minutes, when Smooch and I walked down the driveway for our evening constitutional:
Cow #1: Can George and Alan come out and play?


  1. The last shot was cool. I bet those babies are adorable when they finally arrive!

  2. LOl LOL at the last picture and sentence! that is so exactly what it looks like they're asking!!!

  3. Then again, it could be: "We've heard you have carrots here?"

  4. Awww thank you Linda, this one made my evening! You have such interesting neighbors :)

  5. Too cute. Has George got a boo-boo on his left hind leg? It looks like he is favoring it and his coat is darker and uneven in that area. Hope all is well and you did not get hit with the blizzard. Keep up the great blogging, I visit you first thing each day I am at work.

  6. I wish I was such a great story teller! You make me smile everytime I come over and visit.

  7. Sweetest story ever! Happy New Year, and thanks for every day's adventure!

  8. I love the commentary - just great! Thanks for sharing.

  9. How cute!! This is one of your best post yet!! Love the pictures and especially the one with the cows running away and the cow on the left kicking up his/her hooves!! Thanks so much for starting the morning with a smile!
    Have a good day. :)

  10. Aaaaaw!!! What an awesome post!!! That's some serious excitement for 7MSN. ;) Awesome pictures and commentary. :D

    Has anyone brought the boys carrots yet? Sheesh!!!

  11. There are so many pics that are just wonderful in this post. I love the heifers faces, George and Alan nose to nose, and most of all, the second to last shot of Hank, Alan & George. They are three very handsome boys!

  12. Moritz Help Desk, George's leg is fine - maybe what you're noticing is dirt. He thanks you very much for your concern.

  13. too fun :) you are nervy getting that close to the whole herd. I'm not afraid of a few cows but a whole herd that could stampedd in the wrong direction???

  14. That was so fun to read and love your pictures!
    I received my George and Alan calendars yesterday and love, love, love them! The bigger size is awesome too! Thank you!

  15. Love the last photo. They do appear to want something, don't they?


  16. Love this post. Our neighbor has Black Angus and puts the mamas and babies across from Harry and Gunny for about a month. My boys just love to watch them, especially the calves when they start to play.

    Glad you're back to regular daily blogging - I must have my coffee with a side of MSN escapades to start the day.

    Denise in CA

  17. It's a party at the 7MSN!! I love watching the cows, I find it to be very Zen. Can't wait to see all those babies pop out!

  18. I'm still worried about you crawling through the electric fence.

  19. I loved your story and got quite a few laughs out of it. I also have to agree that the last picture and quote is too cute ... it does seem like that is what they are wanting!

  20. Howdy, I think you electric fence is great looking. How far apart are your t-posts and where did you get the straps and insulators?

  21. I thick cows are so cute! I bet the boys love having something new to ponder.

  22. Oh, I just LOVE the cows! Well, and George and Alan, too...those big 'ole ears! And, a stampede! Oh, my! What a morning!

  23. I don't know if it's that great to have pregnant cows stampeding.....

  24. This post is perfection - especially the last line! I hopped over here from PW and am so glad I did, I'll definitely be back later to look around more!

  25. Where DO they go for all those months, I wonder...? Glad to see they chose to stampede in the other direction, away from you.

  26. Love the story and pics. Too cute! And the weather... we are burried under snow and ice, and more wind and snow and cold to come. Yikes!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  27. Yep...that herd will be doubling in size in a few months or so.

  28. This was absolutely delightful!!! The last photo is magnificent - reminds me of when the Norwegian Elkhound around the corner from me in CA got out of his fence and came to my front door, rattled the doorknob. Scared me to death, but I figured he just wanted to see if Fritz (my German Shephard) could go out and play!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  29. I'm glad you're monitoring who Greg and Alan hang out with - it's easy for the innocents to get mixed up with the wrong crowd.

    That said, that has been one busy bull!

  30. Ruthlynn, the t-posts are 16' apart on the front 40, which I fenced first. They're 14' apart on the back 40. As windy as it can get out here, the 14' spacing works best. All of the tape and connectors are from Here is a link to a post I wrote about the fence:

  31. Great photos and story telling!
