
Sunday, December 12, 2010

The countdown to Christmas

Lord help me, Christmas is a mere 13 days away and here I sit, killing time blogging. Perhaps the hairdresser cut off my common sense when she cut off much of my hair yesterday? What will I do with all that ponytail bling I've been collecting? I'll worry about that tomorrow.

Meantime, the countdown to Christmas officially begins on Monday for all of us here at the 7MSN Ranch. All I can say is, if you've never been able to remember the words to all the verses of "The 12 Days of Christmas," don't worry. We'll teach you ... in our own sick and twisted way. Come back tomorrow and every day until Christmas for the first ever 7MSN singalong. One way or another, we'll get ourselves in the holiday spirit.


  1. I'm excited about your "12 Days of Christmas" singalong and hoping you can bring some holiday spirit my way. I'm dragging my feet on decorating (too lazy to drag everything out of its hiding place), but I do have all my shopping done.

    I'm wondering about your hair ... mmmm, too short to use your ponytail bling??? You must show us your new self!!!

  2. Ha Ha can't wait! It might be a bit impractical to put a burro in a pear tree, but I'm sure you'll come up with something great :)

  3. Can't wait to see what creations you will come up with for this holiday celebration. You already have the hens. Are they French hens? Turtle doves not on your life in NM!
    I'll be there front row center.
    Best always, Sandra

  4. This should be fun!
    We all want to see the new do!

  5. This sounds like it is going to be fun!!
    Theresa in Alberta

  6. Smooch will be happy to wear your pony tail bling if you can't. She's modeled it before for us, and she wears it well. (See, it's nice to have daughters...)

    Hooray for the Holiday singalong. Can't wait to see what whackiness comes from the 7MSN crew!

  7. I can't wait for each day! Surely it will put me in the Christmas spirit also.

    Hope you didn't cut your hair above your neck. You'll feel the difference once it turns cold! Happy 13th day!

  8. Oh boy!
    My favorite!
    Sick and twisted: Even better!

    Ponytail blingy things might make excellent ornament holders...

  9. Oh, Thank you....I can't wait for the 12 days to begin. I know whatever you do will put me in a good frame of mind and will perhaps help me become a bit more motivated!

    Picture....need to see the new you in a new 'do'!

  10. Okay then... I'll be back!

  11. hope we get to see the new haircut.

  12. Alright, I'll bite. See ya tomorrow.

  13. I'm sure Smooch will be a big help with the Christmas preparations! :) Can't wait to see the new hair-do. I chopped most of my hair off a few years ago and I love it!

  14. Ditto on the new do!!! I wannna see it. As for the next 12 days - I'll be here - just can't get motivated! I need your blog! With all my family on the East Coast, I feel no need to bother with tree or other decorations, so you'll be doing it for me.

    Nancy in Iowa

  15. You are so funny ... I just love your blog and all your critters! I'll definitely be checking in to see your version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" ... I can't even begin to imagine!! LOL Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with much celebrating amongst you and the "Boys!"

  16. I can tell already that this is going to be fun.

  17. Boy, I love that song. We do a whole dance number with it every year.
    I can sing lyric soprano or mezzo soprano. But I'll need to warm up for lyric. Any peppermint schnapps lying around?

  18. went short? All your talk about pony tails has made me thinking I should grow mine back out some so I could have a pony tail...a gray one this time! Oh, I hate this part, even though my hair grows fast. I might succumb to the scissors before it's over though.
