
Monday, December 27, 2010

6 adults, 3 kids and 1 ferret

Christmas celebrations at the 7MSN are anything but traditional, so it came as no surprise to me that a ferret named Bella showed up for the party.

Snapper jumped up on Kim's lap, blissfully unaware of our special guest...

...but after a minute or so, he started to sense something was not quite right...

Snapper: OK, Kim is scratching my neck and that feels good, but what in the heck is nibbling on my back?

Snapper: Who are you and what are you doing in my chair?

Kim: Snapper, be nice. Bella comes in peace and means no harm.

Snapper: Whatever...I'm trying not to cause a scene here because it is Christmas and all, 
but would you please get that thing away from me? NOW?

Seeing as how it was another beautiful, warm, sunny day in New Mexico, we all ventured outside.

Hank: Pleased to meet you, Bella. Did you bring me carrots?

Hank: Good to see you again, Ruby. Did you bring me carrots?

George: I love you, Don, but did you bring me carrots?

Hank: You don't need to bring me carrots, Justina. I love you just the way you are.

Between the ferret and the frolicking out in the corral and the wine, I sort of lost track of what I was supposed to be doing back in the kitchen, so Christmas dinner was served a few minutes hours late, but nobody seemed to mind.  

After dinner, we retired to my office to watch the show.

The girls sang us their favorite carols (including a rousing rendition of the 7MSN's 12 days of Christmas).

Let's hear it for another fabulous Christmas spent with wonderful friends. 
Wish you could have been here.


  1. It sure does sound like a good time was had by all, and I love the big smiles on everyone in your pictures.

    Did anyone ever bring out some carrots?

  2. Ahem,,,and where is the audio of those lovely young ladies singing???
    My daughter has 2 ferrets and my 80lb Irish Setter is scared silly of them :p
    I hope santa brought carrots for the boys!!
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. We had a wonderful Christmas with you... thank you Carson! Can't wait to be back soon - with Bernard and Ellsworth in tow!

  4. Looks like everyone had a wonderful day.
    Lynda in Michigan.

  5. It looks like you had a great Christmas. I really enjoyed your 12 days of Christmas.

  6. Thank goodness we got to see our annual Ruby-at-Christmas photo. Long may they continue. I don't see enough kids in my retirement after working with them all my professional life, so keep those Ruby photos coming!

    Happy New Year, Linda!

  7. Wish I could have been there too! Especially since we have a garden full of undug carrots...

  8. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. I must say that in years of hosting Christmas, not once has a farret come to my house for dinner. Lucky you.

    And somebody PLEASE bring the boys out some carrots!

  9. Fun! Never a dull moment at your place. ;)

  10. Your photos always make me feel like I was there!

    Glad to see you had a happy holiday.

  11. This cute ferret suits perfect to the cat. Optical :-)
    You all, adults, kids and animals, look like a happy family!

  12. Love the photo story!!! That is a very pretty ferret, by the way. Ruby looks so natural with Hank! Carson, I woke up in the night (dammit!) singing your song in my head! Thanks a lot. But I got stuck on day 2 - could remember most of the other gifts, but could not come up with the jolly balls!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  13. Ahhh, friends are the family you choose. A "friend holiday" is so relaxing and fun.

  14. How much fun did you have!
    Merry Christmas!
    Thanks for the newest carol too! I'm still humming...

  15. Always great to spend quality time with family and friends. Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2011!

  16. Looks like you're having a delightful holiday - My daughter has been singing your version of the 12 Days of Christmas around our house too. I think you've got a hit on your hands!

  17. It looks like Bella was the belle of the ball. And, I think Snapper behaved admirably.

  18. Looks like a great day was had by all. :)

  19. nice post. thanks.
