Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I've created a monster

When I first made Paco's Favorite Treats back in July,
little did I know I was creating a monster...

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...a cookie monster, that is...

...actually three cookie monsters. They cannot get enough of these treats.

Me: Hank, you had yours. Now quit with the stinkeye.

Alan: Theeth things are tho thewy.

Alan: Ith thuck on the woof uf my mouf.

George: Maybe if we ask her nicely, she'll serve them with a glass of milk next time.


  1. I love Hank's look and laughed myself silly over the pictures of Alan and your comments for the boys. Good way to start my day!

  2. A glass of milk, indeed!
    And perhaps a little floss, after?

  3. Cute, there's nothing they like more than treats. And homemade by mom have to be the absolute best. My guys love Stud Muffins the best.

  4. Those boys never fail to entertain eh?
    Theresa in Alberta

    p.s. those cookies look good

  5. This is hilarious! They look really cute and the cookies look yummy! LOL

    I love seeing your world. :-)

    Luciane at

  6. Hee hee.... how funny. Great morning laugh for me.


  7. Too bad your equines are so mistreated. :)

  8. On these cold mornings, maybe the boys would prefer a cup of java. I love the boys!!!

  9. Hank's face cracks me up in that photo! Your boys are sure do get trated well! :)

  10. I would love to have a farm but since I probably never will ... I will love your gang from blogland.

  11. cookies for the boys, how fun. They did such a good job taking turns too, although Hank's face tells of wishes for being an only child at cookie time that is.

  12. yep - looks like you found their crack! Especially Hank - that stink eye looks like it could do damage!

  13. The stinkeye...gawd I love that. He doing a fine job of it too.

    Everything is just more fun with a burro or donkey it seems. And those nostils...too dang cute.

  14. I am LOL'ing! You captured his thought bubble quite well!

  15. Hank called Paco and compared notes with him. He now knows that Paco gets 3-4 of these at one sitting, and he wonders why he can't have the same?

    Sorry, I tried to put a block on Paco's cell phone for long distance calls, but you know how determined kids are today...


  16. They're so polite around those delectable goodies. Have you sampled a nibble yourself...?

  17. I've made that expression too when I've eaten a Butterfinger candy bar. :)

  18. I just love their mouth expressions. :)

  19. I love all of their excited, mad, sticky expressions!!! Maybe Alan should chase the cookie with some water like George did........

  20. Hard to handle a toothpick with a hoof!
