Tuesday, November 9, 2010

12 months with George and Alan

I was going to skip the whole burro calendar thing for 2011, but certain family members might disown me if they do not receive one in their Christmas stocking. (Hi, Mom and Dad!)   Last year, I had the calendars printed locally and fulfilled the orders myself. The price was right but the hassle factor was in the stratosphere, being that the post office is so far away and the one clerk and 20 people behind me in line cursed me every time I showed up. This year, I've taken the easy – but pricey – way out. If you really want to spend your hard-earned money on a George and Alan calendar, you can order one from Café Press here.  No pressure.  (I went this route for the 2009 calendar, and can vouch that the quality is excellent.) 

Here are the 12 photos that are included:

I'll keep a link to the Café Press site at the bottom of this page through the end of the year.

Meanwhile, let's have a contest and give one of these away.

Just answer the following question in the Comments:
Which calendar picture is your favorite?

One entry per person. No entries after 7 pm Mountain time on Thursday.
Winner will be chosen at random and announced Friday morning. If you post your comment anonymously, please include your name or initials in the comment so I can identify you if you win.

A 2011 George and Alan Oversized Wall Calendar from Café Press

Good luck!


  1. I would have to say the January picture is my favorite .. this was a hard decision though.

  2. I love December, no wait I think september, no, no July ,August? I can't decide. I love them all Do I really have to pick just one?

  3. Wow. That's a hard one! November or December. I just can't decide!

  4. Asking which picture is my favorite is like asking me to pick a favorite child or something. I love them all!

    But if I could only have one favorite, I think it might be February with the cones. Or wait, I do love May, and August, and December.

    Oh heck, I pick them all. (Does that disqualify me from the give away?)

  5. July. My granddaughter loves to sit with me and look at this site. She picked July. I loved August. But September is awesome. A donkey plus the rainbow. That is something.

  6. I'm glad you did this. Hard to choose, but I'm going with February.

  7. June! Because of the light!

  8. June is my favorite, its the landscape that makes George look extra sweet.

  9. It's a tough decision but I think February is my favorite. That one really shows their personalities.

  10. I like the August picture best because it shows our favorite boys but looks like there are twice as many of them--perhaps a little hint about the future on the ranch?

  11. August! No, wait...October! Or maybe it's August after all. Depends on my mood. So there.

    (Of course, June's nice too, with that dark sky. And February's fun and cute. But I don't want to muddle the waters here...)


    August. Thank you very much.

  12. That's a hard choice but I like May best.

  13. A hard decision. It was between Dec. and April but I'll pick April because it has Hank in it. I love paints and he's so beautiful.

  14. The August is my favorite.

  15. August!
    nice pictures of the boys
    Theresa in Alberta

  16. Tough decision, but I think August.


  17. August.... Definately August. Which is good cuz that's my birth month.....

  18. August is my favorite -- I like tandem as do the boys.

  19. JULY!

    I am glad, Linda, you did this!

  20. DogpackMOMMA11/9/10, 6:38 AM

    December is my favorite because it shows so much of their humor & spirit! Thanks.

  21. It's the January for me.

  22. I love the July dancing extravaganza pose. This calendar is so wonderful. Every month a goodie. The Olde Bagg

  23. Jeezzz very hard to choose, especially between September & December! Eeny meanie miny moe came down on September but I hope that's today's toughest decision!

  24. April, of course! I love cute burros - but Hank always holds a special place in my heart.

  25. So many are GREAT, but I like the humor of the December picture, a great Merry Christmas shot!

  26. september is my favorite the regal stance and rainbow captivate me

  27. Hey Linda,

    Love your calendars. Couldn't pass up a chance to win one. So many choices.

    January Posers
    July Kung-Fu Fighters
    December Santas
    November Buttheads

    But, I'm going with the Road Crew.


  28. Very hard to choose, but I have to go w/ September, just BARELY, over December!

  29. Ok - I like Jan. No, wait - I like Mar & April also. Hold on! I really like Sept. & Nov and how could you NOT like Dec???? It's Sept. - that's my final answer...Yes Ma'am - September's

  30. All of them?! October is so sweet. Reminds me of the donkey hugs I would get from my little guy. Such a content look. So comfy.
    THANK YOU For doing this calendar!
    Jenny in MN

  31. I like April b/c it has Handsome Hank in there, too. It looks like something from an old West movie and they are saying...... We're a comin' to clean up this town.......

  32. It would be hard to pick a favorite, every pic has a little detail that makes it special.

  33. Without a doubt, November.

  34. September but with October, April, March, January - ahhh, you get the picture (yuk) - they are all good - such photogenic models you have!

  35. I love them all! My fav is a toss-up between Feb. and April...I love when you catch the boys playing like that, but I also love the 3 of them together too. Thanks! Love, Patti

  36. Awesome calendar. Love them all of course and I tend to lean towards the "personality" ones. Cone has to be one of my favorite games to "watch" in your pictures, but I will choose January with the boys in what looks like a singing pose. Every picture just makes me smile.

  37. I like "peaceful puddle" (Aug) and "the mind meld" (Nov), but April is good, too, cause Hank managed to sneak in. October is nice, cause Alan almost got a solo photo (what's with George getting TWO!?), and July shows that great NM sky, as well as being playful.
    What the heck, just give me the calender!

  38. It's gotta be January hands down because they look like they are hamming it up for the camera!

  39. April. I know it's George & Alan's calendar - but the Three Amigos just look so darn cute in that picture!! It's the "Special Guest Star" episode - er, photo. :)

  40. I have to say that January would be my favorite one. For some reason it reminds me of my kids when they are all together.

  41. February!!! Love their noses and mouths!

  42. I love March's picture, :) It just looks so lovey dovey, :)

  43. I think February is my favorite because it shows love, friendship and humor..

  44. This is hard....ummmm, I like April because the boys are all together...like the tight-knit family that they are. Pat

  45. I love the perspective and those blue skies of July.

  46. I like January...Donkey kisses! What could be better than Donkey kisses! They are all a joy to see. Thanks for putting a calendar together again. I missed out on the other ones but I'll be getting mine this year.

  47. Oh it has to be December, - that cap on the mouth made me LOL for real.

    Christina / SVG

  48. Ooh, tough one!

    I love the light in the June pic, and November is just so darn cute!


  49. I love the way the rainbow almost seems to be coming out of his ears on September--a nifty juxtaposition!

  50. If I had to pick one, I think I like June the best. I love the dark sky, the composition - everything. I think it is a great picture.

  51. hmmm.... April. They look like they're coming in for a gunfight. (I can hear the Good the Bad & the Ugly theme song playing in the background.)

  52. April. All three boys in one photo!

  53. Oh, so hard to choose! But, if I have to pick one, I'll say September... what an awesome shot.

  54. June! The lighting, the background and the sweet look on George's face.

  55. November. Shows the love between the two boys. A touching moment in time.

  56. I was going to say November, but then I thought, "No. Hank's gotta be there too." So, April is definitely my favourite image.

    I hit a roadblock with my plans to make a calendar for this year. I think I'll start again in January. Maybe that will be enough time for me to get my act together and figure it all out. Sheesh. What a dweeb I am sometimes...

  57. Tough decision...I really like April because it includes Hank. But I think I'll pick November...a meeting of the minds!

  58. I like them all, but my favorite is August.

  59. I can't decide. I'ts either January or August ... or September. Air Kisses or Reflections or Rainbow ??? If I have to choose just one ... AUGUST !

  60. NOVEMBER! So sweet!

  61. September, but it was a tough decision. Katie

  62. Oh, I love AUGUST's photo...they have met thier matches!

    Thanks for all the fun and gorgeous scenes and peels of laughter!

  63. Well, it could easily be December... because the boys are too cute letting you dress them up...

    but...nope...it has to be April. The three amigos...... Hank hanging out with the Alan and George ... so sweet......

  64. I can't believe what a difficult decision this was to make. I finally went with my first choice of April. I love George and Alan's expressive faces, but there is something special about the three of them together that can't be dismissed.

  65. Awww, picking one is too hard!
    But, if I must, I'll take August. I love the reflection in the puddle.

  66. January - cause there ain't nothing better than burro kisses!


    Sorry, i can't remember my google acct info.

  67. I really love the personality in December but August is amazing!

  68. February is my favorite!

  69. I just loves November's !

  70. January!
    Airkisses...... xxx

    Elsewhere from Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  71. I really like November......two heads are better than one.

  72. I love them all... but November is the one that gives me pause and slows the heart rate. ;-)

  73. It's really hard to decide but I'll pick September.

  74. Wow thats a hard one, I really like June July and August (and all the other ones too), but I think August is my very favorite one :)

  75. I have to go with February because I always love the cone antics, but the sky in June makes it a close second.

  76. august, august, august and my second fav is every remaining one!!!

    i love George and Alan.

  77. I pick April - all the boys together.

  78. September!! Love that face!

  79. This is the first time I've left a comment but I love your website. I look forward to seeing your beautiful pictures each day and your humorous comments.

    My favorite picture is August but they are all great!

  80. You can't make me pick one. I love them all. I'm going with December, just because you're making me.

  81. These are wonderful pictures, I'm glad I found this site, I look forward to checking it everyday.

    It was hard to decide but I like the November head to head shot best.


  82. With Christmas and the manditory office parties looming again....I've got to pick December. So many people act just like your guys and make burro's out of themselves.


  83. Definitely November!!!!

    Looks like hey are transferring forbidden thoughts from one to the other


  84. Carson, these are wonderful pictures! Cafe Press is a good idea. That way you have more time to...take more pictures!! This is the truth -- I really love all of them. August, November, September... January, February... all of them! If I have to pick one, I guess April is my favorite because Hank is sauntering along with the gang in that one.

  85. I am going with December as my favorite! Only because I have five donkeys and I know how entertaining and comical they can be. I actually love all the pictures, but to me December is the best! Love the calendar!!

    SAM From Oklahoma

  86. August....cool drink(s) of water on a hot day

  87. May is my favorite - something about the look in their eyes. Maybe it reminds me of being chased by some of their like-kind near Oatman Arizona!

  88. July! Has to be July- Spectacular photo (as always!) But the contrast in colors really grabbed me in this one. The shadow of donkey play just tops it off!

  89. I have to choose?

    I guess it has to be August!


  90. I think I will have to go with February!

  91. March march march march.... Too cute!! Ann in WI

  92. I find myself coming back to April over and over. And...I am more than ready to win SOMETHING, anything!

  93. Oh this is a difficult choice, and I have to say it's a toss up between August and November for me.

    I'm going to go for August!

  94. July. They look so feisty...are they fighting or dancing?

  95. I love October best. I can feel the love in that picture!

  96. I love July's action shot.

  97. My favorite page is July. The boys are just so joyful. It makes me happy just to look at it. The wonderful background is probably a clue to why they are so happy. Living at the 7MSN Ranch would make anyone jump for joy.

  98. April. I like the three of them and someone had to break 99 comments.

  99. I'm partial to closeups of your guys, so I'm going to pick my birthday month - January!!

  100. Ooh, a contest.
    I really like the color and reflections in August's picture, especially along with the sense of peace that comes from two sweet animals drinking calmly in the huge outdoors.

  101. Simply, I like the August picture the best of all with the reflection seeing their own twins' faces on smooth water with little "rings" near their mouths.

  102. Wow! Where did all these comments come from? I love all the pics, but will choose.....

    January as my favorite. It is such a sweet shot of the 2 guys and their loving hearts.

  103. Tina from Tillamook11/9/10, 8:30 PM

    December - love those two goobers!!!
    And thank you for sharing your daily life - so much fun!

  104. december...they are ho ho ho-larious!

  105. April - maybe it's because I'm in the sterile "flatlands" of the midwest, the naturalness of the setting and those mountains really did it. All the photos are amazing, though! Glad you're continuing the tradition.

  106. March...is this my best side? ahem you look fat from that angle.I obviously look best from all sides

  107. I can see that I wasn't alone in not being able to decide which one was my favorite. I finally narrowed it down to the month of JFMAMJJASOND :)
    OK - November.

    Kristin - The Goat

  108. Love 'em all, but July just jumps out and grabs me.

  109. Great pics - it's hard to choose but I think October is my favorite.

  110. I am really drawn to August. It looks peaceful.

    Thank you for putting together the calendar for us. I'm going to get one to hang in my office so I can visit George and Alan every day.

    In a non-stalker-ish manner, of course.

  111. Hi, I'm new to your blog and just love it! I've been lurking for a while and trying to read all the archives, but I had to get in on the contest! My favorite picture is August. I love that you're living your dream. I've been fortunate to always be guided into my dream life. Every thing happens for a reason has really been true in my life. I have a question about the equine furminater. Is it really the large dog one? I did not see an equine one listed on their website. Thanks, Jennifer

  112. Jennifer, the blade on my equine furminator is 5" wide and it's got a green handle. And it works great!

  113. Sadly the only way I'm going to be allowed any burros at my house is if they are on my wall, so my hands down favorite calendar photo is July. August was my second runner up. Nice job with the calendar, Linda.


  114. My fav: Mister and Mister November!

  115. September. It's actually been my desktop background at work for a while now. ^_^

  116. September! I love the light.

  117. Pick just one? Not "my favorite with reflections" or "my favorite with Hank" or "my favorite goofy Santa hat shot"???

    Ok, if I have to pick just one, it's November. Love the relationship between them..........

  118. The mutual burro consent makes the november date sheet to my favorite.

  119. August does it for me...awwww, too darn cute! Each one is great though, hard to pick!
    JK in MN
