
Friday, October 29, 2010

Wynonna's Ladies in Waiting

It's been about a week since Lucy and Ethel moved the chicken coop from the garden to the barn and Wynonna acquired three roommates. The relocation has been a resounding success.

Wynonna is much more active, now that she has to protect her apple peels
and other assorted snacks from the chickens.

And the chickens are dutifully showing the porcine princess all the respect she royally deserves.

Clara, Peach and Lorena have about 10 times the space they had in the garden to free range and parade around. They spend every waking hour looking for something to eat, and when the sun sets, they return to the safety of their coop. Before I go to bed, I walk out to the barn to tuck everyone in, and I sleep better knowing that Hank, George, Alan, Wynonna, Clara, Peach and Lorena are watching out for each other.

Now that the chickens are older, it's much easier to tell them apart without the benefit of toenail polish.
Clara is the one with the wild and crazy comb:

Peach's comb is more symmetrical and orderly...

And Lorena is my best hunter. She can always be found with a bug in her beak.
At least it's not a bird this time.


  1. Too funny how Wynonna is out protecting her goodies, and I love the picture of 'the girls' our parading around. They sure are beauties and look quite happy with their expanded space.

  2. Great pictures, I'm glad it's working out for Wynonna. She could use a little gal time with the girls to dish the dirt. It's hard being the only girl on the place and now that she has company, maybe they'll start a sewing circle.

  3. Hooray for compatible rooomates! They all look very happy and get bug patrol on a bigger scale!

    *Don't anybody tell Wynona there are egg snacks in the coop...we wouldn't want her to get stuck in the coop door!*

  4. Oh, I like Lorena! She's my favorite and has such lovely colors in her feathers.

    So nice they are all getting along. :-)


  5. It's a win-win for all involved. :)

  6. I'm a little surprised that Lorena didn't run up and steal an apple peel after swallowing the bird whole, just to keep from sharing! Wynonna had prbly been a little lonely and is now glad for the company. Have a good weekend!

  7. OMG! I just looked at the PEDICURE post! They were so cute and babyish before they got their combs. Now they are beautiful and elegant.

  8. Sounds like everyone is nice and comfortable, and I am so glad to see Lorena with a bug and not a bird. That kinda grossed me out.

  9. I'll bet Wynnona enjoys their company, however grudgingly.

  10. It's nice to see the ladies getting along so well. And glad Lorena is limiting her diet. I think her eyes were bigger than her tummy with that other long-legged, winged meal she consumed. They are all gorgeous girls in their own way.

  11. girls always liked to have a good 1/2 acre or more. All the more bugs for them to eat. And it was a delight to watch them on the hunt.

  12. Ya gotta have friends and Porcine Royalty is a good connection to have.

  13. I wasn't on the computer yesterday, so just now catching up. Read your Twitter post about Wynonna's hay confusing the chicken's egg laying. Yes, we've found eggs in hay bales, etc., instead of their nesting box, when they were free to roam.......
