
Thursday, October 28, 2010

An unsolicited testimonial for Vetericyn

A few months ago, I was at the vet clinic to pick up Hank's medicine and used the opportunity to ask our favorite vet if this Vetericyn stuff I'd been hearing about was any good. Vetericyn, a "one-step wound and infection treatment," is being advertised heavily on RFD-TV and in all the horse magazines, and it sounded to me like it was way too good to be true. Safe as water! Designed to replicate the actions of the animal’s own immune system to heal wounds and fight infections! Call me a skeptic. But when our vet said, "we're using it here," that was good enough for me, and I bought a bottle to have on hand if when one of the boys wounded himself.

Ironically, George wounded himself on the way to the vet last Monday. He managed to rub off the hide at the base of his tail during the trailer ride. The wound was almost bad enough to make my houseguest swoon. When we got home, I pulled out the bottle of Vetericyn and gave the area a few squirts.

There are several really cool things about this product, aside from the fact that it works, which I'll get to in a minute.
1. The stuff sprays out of the bottle as a liquid but turns to a gel when it hits the wound, so it stays put and doesn't drip.
2. The spray bottle works at any angle, even upside down, and is the best spray bottle I've ever used. Whomever invented this spray bottle should be given a Nobel prize. If fly spray came in this kind of a bottle, I would be the happiest horseowner on the planet.

Here's a picture of George's wound about 20 hours after the injury, as I'm spraying Vetericyn on it for the second time:

About 12 hours later, I took this picture:

I was amazed at how quickly the wound was healing, and Vetericyn is not paying me to say this. There will always be a bottle of this stuff in my equine first-aid kit.

Here is a link to their website if you're interested. I bought the Vetericyn VF Veterinary Formula HydroGel - it was $32 for a 16 oz bottle at my vet's office, which seems like a bargain considering its effectiveness...and the fact that I'll be able to recycle the perfect spray bottle once it's empty.


  1. I like this stuff already!

  2. WOW, that's amazing!

    Glad George is healing so quickly.

  3. That is worth its weight in gold! Amazing difference in such a short time. I'm sold.

  4. Ouch! Poor boy :-( I wish I had this stuff when my old dog hurt his tail...
    Theresa in Alberta

  5. Something that WORKS is good news, and a bargain, no matter the price. It's a great comfort to see improvement so fast, isn't it?

  6. Wow. Does it work on people also?

  7. Super!
    And may I say that Hank has such a cute round butt?

  8. Oops! Make that George, but I'm sure Hank's is cute too.

  9. Sounds like I need to have one of those bottles of magic on hand in my emergency vet kit, too! Thanks for the heads up!

  10. Thank you for this post! I did go to the website and it (or a version) is available for dogs and cats also...endorsed by Cesar Millan for canines which is enough for me :)!

  11. That looks like an awesome product! I think I need to pick up a bottle too as it seems our equines can get a wound on thin air sometimes. Thanks for the "commercial". :oD

  12. Poor George! I'm glad you got it for him, spraying it on him and it's working. PLUS - I love the fact that you'll have a GOOD spray bottle! When you have too many of them, send one my way!

  13. I am going to check to see if it works with sheep. We just went through a nightmare scenario with one of our ewe lambs where we nearly lost her several times due to a similar type injury that didn't heal right, infected etc etc. We used pine tar (which our veterinarian recommended also actually) and finally came up with our own idea of vaseline with powdered antibiotic in it to protect the wound from further infection while the body healed but it wasn't nearly this effective. We even have a store nearby that claims to carry it; so we will check this out with the vet to double check on sheep but if it is safe on cats, it should be okay on sheep and cows

  14. Ouch, that looks nasty. I think I'll get a bottle or two for my accident prone bunch. Thanks for the tip.

  15. Yogi, there is a formula of this for humans, called Microcyn. But I'll grab the Vetericyn next time I wound myself and let you know how it all works.

  16. wow, i'm sold. going to order a bottle right now for my accident prone herd and give it a try :-) thanks!

  17. Vetericyn is wonderful. One of my daughter's horse bit me while I was feeding him treats. I used the Vetericyn on my finger and it didn't sting. Finger healed pretty quickly too. My daughter slammed a door on her hand recently, she grabbed the Vetericyn to spray on the cuts. This stuff is amazing. It can be used around the eyes of the animals without harm. It's well worth the money. We like Swat too for the flies around the eyes.

  18. Wow! Thanks for the great tip! I will check my local feed store on my visit this Saturday. They seem to carry bunches of medical stuff for farm animals.

  19. That's miraculous! I notice George is completely unconcerned, with his head in the food bowl....

  20. This stuff works pretty good. Russell rubbed his ears raw...they were bleeding. (darn gnats) I sprayed this stuff on and in 2 days his ears were healed. :) But I paid $32.99 for an 8 oz. bottle! I think my feed store is making a pretty good profit on this stuff.

  21. Looks like a very uncomfortable boo boo on his hiney. Glad this miracle med is working it's magic on him.


  22. Yep, I got some too, although not the gel kind. But it works and it works good. Healed up a nasty puncture wound on my horse. I'm a strong believer in this product too. So Vetricyn, are you out there? Send us some free product, we can't get enough of this!

  23. Yours is the 2nd endorsement of this product I've seen in the last 24 hours. Looks like I'll be needing to pick up a bottle. Thanks.

  24. That's so interesting that you write about this right now. On 10/25, there was a discussion on Vetericyn on my Yahoo Donkey news group. A number of people heartily swear by it, but one person claimed that her vet laughed laughed at her when she bought it because it's #1 ingredient (or so she says) is water.
    Here's the quote: "I bought some vetricyn and suffered the laughing wrath of my vet. He asked me to read aloud to him exactly what was in it. When I got done, he said- OK what is it. WATER.
    He said use hydrotherapy out of your hose and save your money. If you want to buy a bottle of similar water, get sensitive eyes sterile contact water for 95% less and you will have the same thing in a bottle."

    Can't argue with your pictures, though, Linda - George looks like he healed incredibly quickly! Thanks for the testimonial!

  25. Carson, I heard / saw testimony to this a few weeks ago while at a team roping at our local arena. It was used on a horse who had a bad cut on his leg near the hoof just a few days earlier....

  26. That is AMAZING! As much as Indigo hurts herself I am getting a bottle. I hope it would replace the 73248327648382 things that heal wounds that I have collected. Oh check out their case study page you can get a free bottle

  27. Thank you for sharing!!!!

    ~The Mama Monster

  28. Curious, I just got a bottle given to me from our drug rep here at work, and wouldn't you know it, when I got home Harley had wounded himself...again. Blindness sucks. So, I tried it on his puncture wound, scrapes near his sheath and cuts on his chest and front legs. *sigh* I too, have heard good things about this product, both from several clients and one from the local vet teaching hospital surgeon who recommended it on the discharge papers for a horse. The ingredient list is laughable though...electrolyzed water is 99%. Huh? Plus a few other ingredients which I can't remember. Plus, the stuff smells like bleach - have you noticed that? Here at the clinic, we recommend hydro-therapy via garden hose all the time. Best wound treatment EVER. Cleans and oxygenates at the same, we'll see. I'm not convinced, but I'm giving it a go. Lord knows I get plenty of opportunities to practice wound management. :)

  29. Thanks for the bottom of my heart and Pete's nose. He cut it pretty good last week, the slice of skin was hanging off the end of his snout when we brought him in at night. I suspect he reached under the fence and snagged it somehow and couldn't get his nose back without cutting it. Poor buddy. I could have SO used something like this. I have been a Schreiners gal but with the pepper spray component, they don't stand for you to put it on more than once! I will buy a awesome spray bottle of this pronto!

  30. Sounds interesting. I might have to try some, too. Our GSD was pestered terribly by biting flies this summer and the tips of her ears we're a mess. We used what the vet gave us, but it took weeks to completely heal. This stuff sounds like a miracle. Thanks for the heads up.


  31. We are very glad to see the results you are having with Vetericyn, and we appreciate all the feedback and comments. We'd like to invite you all to connect to our page on Facebook where you can find product information, communicate with other users of Vetericyn, share your stories and read some interesting animal wellness related information.

    Thanks again for the feedback and support.
    Vetericyn team.

  32. I wonder if this will work on my husband's head. He is always smacking it with something.

  33. Haaaaa! Hiiiii Vetericyn!!!! :-)

  34. Wow sounds pretty good, All I want to know is it available in Canada??

  35. We have been using it around our place, too. It really does work. People will always be skeptical, but hey, if it works... I'm going to use it!
