
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Too much to ask?

Before Ethel Louise Shirley Gus Denise headed home to Ohio yesterday, I handed over my camera and asked her to take a few pictures of me with the boys, as I do not have one single photograph of us all together.  I wasn't looking for a formal family portrait – just a simple group shot. How hard could it be?

First Hank ducked behind the tree while Alan took center stage.

Then I tried to herd them all to the same spot.

So much for that idea.

Me: Alan, could you move that ear a little to your left, please?
Alan: You didn't comb your hair...I'm doing you a favor.

Hank: Even with dirt all over my face, I'm the best-looking one in this picture.
George: What in the hell does she need a family picture for anyway? Just look out the window, woman!
Alan: Humor her. Maybe she'll go get us some carrots.
Me: Denise, you'll just have to come back next year so we can try this again.


  1. Cute pictures that just made me laugh and smile thinking about what fun you all must have had! Bye-bye Denise!

  2. Boys will be boys! ;-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. You know, it's like that commercial on tv, the one where the computer gives you the family nature never could, or something like that. The one where they move the heads around in the picture program.

    Someone always has to be a clown ; )

  4. I love the mayhem of the third picture!
    Get your clicker back out, Linda, time for a little proper positioning animal training!

  5. It's Alan's fault. He set the "circus" tone for the whole thing with that first pose.
    Excellent pictures anyway!

  6. Oh, now that she's gone, there will be no more Lucy and Ethel posts. :(

    Invite her back, fast!

  7. Glad you and your friend had such a great time this past week. The pictures came out great!

  8. What is it with equines and family portraits? Impossible! At least you had fun and laughs trying.

  9. Hi Linda glad I found your blog. I am out and Blogging early this m orning from Texas. Saw you have a paint horse. We raise Quarter Horses. My oldest so though has qualified for his first Wrangler NFR this year and he did It with the help of his great paint heading Horse he calls Buffalo Hunter. He will be taking him to the NFR but I think he will be riding another one because of the set up in Vegas. I joined your blog . Stop by sometime nice meeting you.

  10. In that last pic, Alan and George look like they're planning their next caper, once you and Denise have turned your backs.

    Hank looks like he's gonna go back behind the tree and finish his nap.

  11. LOL - those donkey boys are hilarious. I love all the photos - they're real family photos, not posed ones!

    It also just occurred to me as I was looking at the last photo - that space to your right - I think Lyle is standing there right beside you.

  12. Well you got them all in them but just not posed as the artist in you would like. It's like trying to get pictures with grandkids. You have to take what you get.

  13. They just aren't used to sharing the limelight!

  14. Alan what a ham. Hank, you are handsome, honey. Denise, time flies by too quickly at the 7MSN, doesn't it?

    I have an idea. Knowing what a whiz you are with photoshop, why not just take a photo of yourself alone with each one of the guys and then fit it all together. You could even include Wynnona and the girls, too. Got ya thinkin', haven't I?

  15. The pics put a smile on my face. I can only imagine what it's done for you. :)

  16. Great family photos! Sounds like you and Denise had a great visit. Thanks for all the daily updates!

  17. Does Alan do that a lot!? Poor George :).

    To be honest I think you got photos that best capture the spirit of your little family - dare I say better that you would if the boys had behaved themselves!

  18. Laughing ensues on this side of your computer screen. Boys will be boys.


  19. Great pictures despite the lack of cooperation. Denise, er...Ethel did good! Now you have a Christmas card photo you can take to WalMart. You look great, ranch life suits you!

  20. I don't know about you, but I am totally happy with these pictures! You are all adorable!

  21. From my past experience with such, I can say whole heartedly that working with animals for a picture is impossible.
    I do however, LOVE the first one, lol. They are such hams! Speaking of hams, where's Wynonna in all this?

  22. Looking forward to Denise's next visit! Hope she feels the same after unloading all that firewood!

  23. The boys knew what they were doing the entire time! Be disruptive and always in the forefront / center of attention! Great pics by Denise.

  24. I LOVE These Family Pictures! You and the Boys look FABULOUS! Very sweet sweet photographs....!
