
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Smooch dresses up as a Santa Fe tourist for Halloween

Not really. But yesterday's encore post with the lamb pelt reminded me that in the hubbub of a houseguest, I had neglected to share bore you with the treasures found on our trip to Santa Fe. Tradition dictated that I bring home a hide, so I did, this time in the form of a cowhide-quilt rug for the bathroom. It wasn't nearly as heavy as the hides purchased on two previous trips, but it did get its own seat at lunch.

And no trip to Santa Fe would be complete without bling. 
I told Smooch she could borrow my new necklace, but only on special occasions.

Tradition also dictated that I bring home some ponytail holders. As my collection of these continues to grow, I'm destined to wear long hair forever.

Before we left Santa Fe, we ventured over to Canyon Road, where more than a hundred art galleries line both sides of the street. There was some sort of special event going on, and many artists were outside their galleries painting.  We walked up to one artist to take a peek, and imagine my surprise to see what she was painting...


The artist, Barbara Meikle, pointed us to her gallery, where we found boldly colorful paintings of burros on every wall. I was all set to start a new Santa Fe-shopping tradition ... until I saw the prices. Maybe I'll win the lottery and can pick one up on my next trip.


  1. Oh my gosh but Smooch looks like a true beauty in her Santa Fe bling, and I love her poses! You are so lucky to have that relatively close-by ... mine comes via QVC!

    The burro painting is awesome ... I love the colors!

  2. Holy smokes, that's spendy art. Very cool, but too rich for my blood.

  3. Hope Smooch scores lots of trick-r-treat milkbones tonight. You look "marvalous, darling".

    And I loved the burro paintings. So much color. Maybe you should pick up some art supplies on your next visit, and give it a try!

  4. Did you buy the painting???!
    I'm a bit worried about your twitter from yesterday. Ever find out the source of the jet fuel smell?

    Smooch is lovely model for jewelry. :)

  5. I think Smooch knows how lovely she looks :) Happy Halloween!

  6. Love the new hide, lucky you, you went to one of my favorite places in the world. I have yet to aquire any art from there for the same reason. I will have to be content with prints of the originals. Looks like it was a fun day!

  7. I love Smooch's new look. The painting is awesome. I would hock my hubby for it. LOL The jet fuel may have been from a fuel tank being jettison off a jet. With you so close to a military base-it might explain it.

  8. The bling looks good on Smooch. I especially like the hair ties. Looks you and Denise had a great Santa Fe Day. The Olde Broad

  9. Smooch looks very chic, but could probably use some nail polish to set off her bling.

  10. Oh, tell Smooch how lovely she looks, although the ponytail holders on her toes might have been a bit over the top!

    I love seeing paintings in the works....but prices of paintings,not so much! Too bad that real works of art (as opposed to Hobby Lobby prints) are so expensive!

  11. Smooch looks divine in her bling :) Love the burro artist. Makes me want to live there, it's all so beautiful.

  12. Smooch is the perfect model. I love your purchases.

    The art work is spectacular. The painting of the two burros would be fantastic as tribute to your boys... If you were a Rockefeller.

  13. very nice bling smooch! does the bling store have a website?
    Theresa in Alberta

  14. well, I say this with every Smooch post but...I love me some Smooch! LOVE the bling on her. Really love that necklace. If I ever get a chance to make it that way in my life, you better hide it :)

    Too bad about the pricey burro paintings. I bet you'll come across some affordable ones at some point.....

  15. Gorgeous paintings! Did you see the one called Heads and Tails, under New Work (bottom row)? Reminds me of your two!

  16. Smooch is luv-ly my dear.
    Maybe you can do a trade with that artist lady- you got burros, she likes burros, you want painting, she got painting...

  17. Yeah, on outings like that I've found my imagination limited only by the size of my wallet.

  18. Smooch looks marvelous in bling. It's been 6 or 7 years since I've been to Santa Fe. I'd love to visit that gallery. Makes me want to plan a little road trip.

  19. Santa Fe is on my husband's bucket list but I shy away from busy and expensive places (could be talked into it though).
    Love the ponytail holders. If I ever get to retire (ha!) I will grow my hair long, long, long and will need to get me one of these beauties!

  20. Such a pretty girl! Maybe Smooch could earn commission or modeling fee??

    Not sure if I want to see a picture of one of your chickens eating a tarantula :o

  21. 'K.....just had to come back for aobut the 4th time today to get a smile! Smooch is certainly top model quality and she is sportin' some attitude, too! She knows she is all that and a bag of chips!

  22. Oh, I mourn the loss of my ponytail. I love ponytail holders, but not as much as short I suffer.
