
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday encore ~ Alan helps with the chores

I asked Alan if he wanted to help me haul hay today. He respectfully declined, which is too bad, because those pictures would have been fun. Instead, I'll have to repeat this post from October 2009, when he was willing to help me scoop poop.

Alan: Maybe she'll give me extra carrots if I help her clean the corral.

Alan: Let me take her this bucket.

Alan: Yikes. That's too heavy. Maybe I should just hand her this rake.

George: Step away from the wheelbarrow. It's my turn to help.

Alan: How do you move this thing?

 Maybe if I put my teeth into it...

I suppose I could just tip it over.

I give up. Maybe she'll bring me carrots if I ring this bell.

And she did.


  1. That last one melted my heart.

  2. George and Alan always brighten my day! Have a great weekend!

  3. Ahhh, an encore of one of my favorites!!!

    It's a beautiful sunny 50 degrees here - I just need a pair of donkeys in the grass outside my living room to make the day perfect!

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. aww thats adorable, he deserves carrots for ringing a bell, and trying to help!

  5. Firstly, love the chicken header :D.

    You know why they won't help you now, do you? They're a pair of Blog Stars now and therefor too good to scoop poop :P

    I have to say putting Wynonna on my desktop was the best thing I ever did. To see that lovely smiley face when you switch on can shift even the foulest of moods. Give her a kiss from me :-*

  6. Love those burro pics, especially the last one. Isn't their help the greatest? :) I spent time with a rescue donkey late this afternoon, he's getting closer to me, and I still have that warm & fuzzy feeling!

  7. This is one of my favorites. I just wonder.. what if you brought them in and laid out the broom and tied the dustcloth to a tail and set back and relax.

  8. Sigh...I've often thought how nice it would be if my horses would clean up after themselves. I may have to trade them in for burros.

  9. did you work with them/coax them to pose for these??? too great...

    and what's with this "hay" excuse again? :) hope you were able to get the beer arm working......

    you need to teach Smooch how to do that asian massage where they walk on your back!

  10. I like Brenda's idea. See what other chores might interest them.
