
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lucy and Ethel move the chicken coop

I'd been planning to relocate the chickens to the barn for the winter but wasn't sure how I was going to move the coop cross country by myself. Lucky for me, an unsuspecting city girl ranch hand arrived on my doorstep.

Denise: There's no way it will fit through that gate!
Carson: I measured. It will fit.

And it did...sort of...after I chiseled a little wood from the gate post.

Denise: There's no way we'll be able to cross that ditch.
Carson: No problem. I'll lift while you push.

Denise: How are we going to get it up the hill?
Carson: Brute strength.

Then the phone rang and I ran into the house to answer it.
By the time I got back outside, Denise Hercules had maneuvered the coop all the way to the barn!

I was very impressed. And Denise was very tired.

Once the coop was in place, we gathered up Lorena, Clara and Peach and escorted them to their new home.

Then we broke the news to Wynonna that she would have three roommates.

She was less than impressed at first...

...but seems to be warming up to the idea now that she's figured out there might be table scraps involved.


  1. I only wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see this adventure life, but the story/pictures had me laughing out loud! I guess you've really shown Denise that ranch life isn't all fun and games, BUT when she leaves will she cry from not wanting to leave or will it be tears of joy to be going back to her normal life? You're a good sport Denise!

  2. Ah, yes, FOOD — the great peace maker. Funny what can be accomplished when food is involved.

  3. You're making me want piggies and chickens and the whole bit! The coop looks 1 adjustment short of a full-blown rickshaw -- do you find many coolies in NM?

  4. HA!!! I donot know who I feel more sorry for, your visitor os wynonna :-) But I tell ya, I would rather move a chicken coop than spend my day in an office pod :-(
    Theresa in Alberta

  5. OT:
    I read your tweet about Smooches ancestry. I think you'll find some New Guinea Singing Dog in her genes!

  6. While Denise is there, you might want to have her hold the whole thing up in the air while you put wheels on each corner. Waddayasay, Denise?


  7. I think Denise is a keeper! But then anybody wrangling snakes within the first days has my total admiration.

  8. I love how you're including us in Denise's visit. It seems like you're missing some 'donkey butt scratching' sessions though.

  9. If I was Denise, when I got back home I would occasionally just smile thinking of all the fun I had. I might be putting groaning with sore muscles but smiling.
    A whole day at a mall or a day on your ranch--no question it would be the ranch.

  10. Probably the best thing that has happened to Wynonna. Looks like she's making friends already. *pats her on the head*


  11. It's always nice to have help, especially the kind that doesn't mind getting down and dirty. Poor Wynonna having to share her room with chickens, hopefully the table scraps will make up for her inconvenience.

  12. I just know Wynonna is going to love having roomates again. :)

  13. You guys just KICK BUTT!

    I am so envious!

  14. Lucy and Ethel would think you were both amazing!

    Way to go, girls. YeeHaw.

  15. so Denise, did you think you were going on vacation?

  16. Will Denise be returning in the spring to help you move the coop back out? Or, maybe you will buy/build a second coop for the garden area?

  17. LOVED this post-- got my day off on the right hoof! But I don't Tweet-- what's this about Smoochies ancestry?? Inquiring minds Need to know! (Hi Denise!)

  18. Yep, I think over the winter you can make yourself some wheels for this chicken house and come spring life will be so much simpler.
    Maybe you can cook up an egg dish for the pig. A treat for the inconvenience.
    Best always, Sandra

  19. Forget Lucy & Ethel - you guys are Thelma & Louise! Does Denise live in the city? I wish I could be there helping!

  20. Well done, ladies! I'm jealous that Denise got to cuddle one of the girls, but I'd say she earned the privilege. I'm thinkin' Wynnona will enjoy the conversation during the long winter days.

  21. Lilla, I asked Denise that same question...we'll see.

    Shadowlake, I ordered a doggie DNA kit to find out the answer to the question everyone asks me ... what kind of dog is Smooch? Of course I'll post the results when I get them.

    Sandra, the chicken coop does have wheels on one end but it is VERY heavy and awkward to move. I need to recruit more ranch hands.

    Nancy, Denise lives in a suburb of Cleveland - this ranch stuff is all new to her.

  22. Looks like a very productive day to me. Now is there any other winterizing Denise can help you with? It always looks sunny and dry in your pictures. What are the winters actually like?

  23. Watch out for Lorena. If she eats a bird, she might eat a pig!!!

  24. Denise is the bestest best friend ever and a very good ranch hand to boot. This was hysterical. Hope the girls, all four do well at the table scrap sharing thing. The Olde Bagg

  25. Such great pictures! I always look forward to your posts! :)

  26. Wow superwomen!!!! Great job!

    ~The Mama Monster

  27. Great job ladies! Now I am thinking...who gets to come visit next year to help move the coop back to it's summer location?

    Psst...see those long poles/fence posts in the pics? Try putting them under the coop and rolling it next time...ala Egyptian pyramid builder style.

  28. You two work very well together! The discussion involved in this complex task made me giggle. :-)

  29. I volunteer to help as long as there is good food and wine involved.

  30. great post.

    And how much did that well timed phone call cost you??

  31. Every Lucy needs and Ethel. It looks like you've got a great one!
