
Friday, October 22, 2010

Lucy and Ethel build a culvert

Culvert-building was not on my to-do list for Denise's Ethel's visit, but ever since the great gully washer of 2010, I've been wanting to fix the arroyo running across Wynonna's path to the porch. I was just waiting for some rain so that the dirt would be easier to dig. Wouldn't you know it? It finally rained Wednesday night and I had some help the conditions were perfect for a little excavation.

Ethel raked ...

...and Lucy shoveled.

Then Lucy made adjustments...

...while Ethel took pictures. She's pretty good with a camera, don't you think?

Peach supervised...

...while Lucy put the timbers back in place.

No chickens were harmed in the swinging of that hammer.

Ethel put the finishing touches on the dirt work...

...then tested our bridge over sometimes-troubled water. It's sturdy enough for a person, 
so unless Wynonna goes on a feeding frenzy, it should be sturdy enough for her.
The true test will be the next gully washer. Look for that post next summer.


  1. You two sure have had the projects going on around the ranch! Instead of Peach supervising, I thought it would have been Wynonna, and perhaps her using her snout to move dirt, aaaaah, but then a diva such as herself probably rested in the barn til the work was done and then she gave her approval.

  2. Good work, you two. You could have your own 50's style TV series! The "I Love 7MSN" show.

    Oh, but trouble lerks ahead. I see a great place for snake and skunk hideouts. (Poor Smooch - can see but can't touch!)

  3. Oh, how I remember the gully washers of the Southwest. They were awesome. Can't wait to see how the drainage works for you next summer. Certainly looks like it should.


  4. I love your narrative to go with your pictures! Good job, ladies!

    When your finished with her, can I have her? I have some chores, errr, good times planned!!

  5. Are you two available for hire? We have some things that need fixin' at MBF. ;)

  6. You might want to set a couple of large rocks on either side of the pipe at both ends, to prevent your recently excavated soil from washing out. Also, while you've got the help ;-) you could get a pickup-load of washed river rocks to put in your "dry creek."
    Good job, girls!

  7. So did she know she was coming to help? If not, she'll prbly rethink where she wants to "vacation" next yr! Just FYI - I'd gladly give up a relaxing vaca to come and hang out and help!

  8. Well done, you guys! Not only is it functional, it looks good too. How long do you think it'll be before the girls start roosting in there....?

  9. Now that's what I call a house guest. All mine ever want to do is eat, drink and be shown NM. Wow, I musta hung with the wrong crowd in elementary school.
    It looks like Lucy and Ethel are getting some "real" quality time with each other. You two are so blessed. How too much fun. The Olde Bagg

  10. I think you need to keep Ethel, she knows how to be a good house guest. work work work.

  11. The culvert looks good! I love this "Lucy and Ethel" thing. LOL

  12. Lucy and Ethel? I'm thinkin' LaVerne and Shirley. Whatever you call her, she's a keeper. Schedule her next visit/duties for hmmmm haying season?

  13. Wow thats the kind of guest to have, not afraid of hard work. Looks like the ditch should work.

  14. Good job ladies!! That looks fantastic! You are so inspiring, I swear. You know because you tweeted that Artisan bread I had to go make it? Turned out super good too :) Thanks!

  15. Love the Lucy and Ethel reference! Good job, ladies.

  16. Two girls and a truck.. I would hire ya'll.

  17. you go girls!

    and what a disappointment about the Rosebud......

  18. Wow! She really IS helping out around the farm! I think it's awesome that you are an independent self-sufficient kinda gal. It's also great to get help once in awhile.
