
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Here comes trouble

George's ears perked right up when I told him the news that company is coming. In fact, everybody around here is pretty excited. My best friend from high school, my partner in crime, my accomplice in all sorts of teenaged adventures and escapades is arriving tonight for a 12-day visit.

Can you tell we went to high school in the seventies?

When I asked Denise what she'd like to do during her stay, she said she wanted to "help around the ranch." She's going to be eating those words by day two. But there will still be plenty of time for fun and adventure. And getting into trouble. And laughing. That is what we do best when we get together, and I don't think that will ever change.


  1. That is too cool that you and your bestest friend will get to spend time together! Love the pictures. Hope you're able to post of some of your time together. Have a great time!

  2. LOVE the John Denver glasses, what memories :-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. Love the 70's photos :), I hope your friend has a wonderful time on the ranch!

  4. Way too much fun!

    Hmmmm, I had those same glasses.... and hair!

  5. All my friends from school are lost, soooo far and soooo many years ago. Lucky you to have been able to keep in touch. Have fun making new memories for you both!

  6. wow, you could be sisters!

  7. I can tell from the expressions in the pictures that you two must have been trouble divided by two. It's so nice that you have stayed in touch all these years. I know you'll both have a great time together. Love the hair and the glasses!

  8. It's so nice to keep friendships going since HS. I too have a best friend from the 60's. Our lives have taken different directions but we're still good friends.
    Best always, Sandra

  9. The pics are adorable and you both look gorgeous, but also like you're up to no good!!! I am guessing there will be a few "beverages" and lots of laughing. Good for you - enjoy your friend! Laughing is good food :)

  10. You look like twins! Sounds like great times are planned. Enjoy!!

  11. Ohhhh - I have pictures with exactly the same hair style! I'm also a product of the 70's... and my BFF is still the same. We met in 3rd grade. So glad you're getting a visitor for an extended stay. Have fun, make your famous margharita's and scoop the poop!

  12. Yay, Denise! You're going to have a blast. Wait til you hear the morning alarm clock (aka Wynnona). Sweetest sound ever. *grin*

    I'd tell you to have fun, but that's a given.

    Love the photos.

  13. Oh goody...more blog fodder!

    Have fun!

  14. I'm so envious of these relationships. I have friends from school I talk to but not see.

    My Mom is 86 years old and she still has two friends from high school she gets together with whenever they can coordinate.

    I hope you and your friend have the greatest time with your visit!

  15. My hair was exactly like that :) I have been blessed by getting in touch with a lot of H.S. friends in the last year. Wow, 12 days! Have a great time!

  16. That is awesome!!! Have a great time!!!

    ~The Mama Monster

  17. Have a great time you two. I envy you both, having a buddy from back in "the day". Mine all faded away when I moved in the late 70's and I never heard from them again.

  18. Wow that will be a tone of fun!

  19. Cool! Are you dragging her to the clinic too?

  20. Wonderful!! How fun... I don't often wish to be a fly, but I'm thinking now would be the time to be one on your know how I *love* to laugh! :-)
    Love the school portraits you included. I hope you two have the BEST time ever!!
