
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

George looks for his pot of gold

Nature must have heard me whining about running out of subject matter to photograph, because she served up some light Monday night that would have made anything look beautiful.

After I took a few shots of George taking an after-dinner nap, I stood up to dump the dirt out of my clothes and saw that the real action was going on behind me.

Post processing: 1. PW's Cooler action at 75%; 2. MCP's High Definition Sharpening action; 3. PW's Boost action at 33%.

George followed me into the pasture and posed for the longest time, giving me every opportunity to adjust composition and exposure. I am forever indebted to the cows on the other side of the fence for causing the ruckus that kept George on high alert.

Alan couldn't be bothered to lift his nose out of the grass for a portrait, but I did get some good shots of Hank in this perfect light. I'll show you those tomorrow.


  1. WOW ... beautiful pictures! George is really locked in on those cows ... you couldn't ask for better then that.

  2. The picture of George's head with the rainbow is calendar worthy!!
    But I really want an after dinner (breakfast) nap,,,,,,,,
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. Oh what a beautiful shot!! Gosh, I am so in love with your animals, landscape, etc, etc.... :)

    Have a great day!

  4. Love the silvery white lining in the last picture, like whipped cream on a dark cloud sundae.

  5. Great shots. But that last shot is the prize winner for sure!!

  6. Your photos are perfection as are your subjects.


  7. Absolutely gorgeous photos. The landscape and the skies with the rainbows are unique and dramatic.

  8. Super! You caught this at the perfect time, and George certainly did his part posing.

  9. Again - great photo's! Thanks so much for sharing.... and never, ever have that evil thought of stopping this blog again!

  10. The last one...unbelievable. White clouds, blue, blue sky, rainbow, brown contrast & a beautiful animal.
    Like a backdrop on an old movie. Reminds me of the movie, Funny Farm, where they say "cue the deer".
    If you ever have time to post it about a photo, I wish you would say what you put the exposure on and why. I know there are a million photography sites but I don't I think I will ever get it.

  11. I knew 7MSN was at the end of the rainbow!!


  12. Awesome, looking forward to tomorrows picture/s.

  13. Absolutely Beautiful!! Thank you, George (and Hank, tomorrow) for posing so artistically.

  14. Wow. Absolutely breathtaking...and breathgiving! That last photo doesn't even look like it could be real - it looks like a painting! Glorious...

  15. George is the "POT OF GOLD". Right place at the right time. These photos (and George) are all keepers!

  16. Love the last photo! Beautiful colors of the New Mexico landscape and George of course.

  17. lol, maybe you should whine more often about lacking good subjects! :D

  18. Wow I really liked the firstshet, then you showed the second one-amazing! What awesome subject matter you have.

  19. WOW! WOW! WOW!! Those are jaw dropper photo's!!

  20. What wonderful photos. I love your blog.

  21. Oh! I really do love that NM light. My favourite is the last shot of George. He looks quite stately there.

  22. I love all of the pictures, but that last one is absolutely gorgeous.

  23. Mama Nature threw you some good light, great job.

  24. How perfectly fitting. Love the shots. I suppose you and the 7MSN are the end of the rainbow for the beloved creatures in your care.

    Love it, love it, love it.

  25. My thanks to Mother Nature and her partner, the 7MSN.

  26. Holy cow, that last shot is so perfect in composition and light! It's almost looks like it's painted.

  27. CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! (all while standing) :)

  28. do u OUGHT to publish a book of your lovely photos!!!!!

  29. Amazing, beautiful shots! You sure have a lot of rainbows in NM! And George is such a great model.

    Thanks again for making the end of my busy day more peaceful :)

  30. What stunning country. The kind I dreamed about when I was little. I had to be a cowboy...

  31. you know that last one has to be in "for you", don't you?

    and were you just giddy while snapping all those shots? I had perfect light once on the beach with a rainbow, etc....but I don't have the same eye and talent so didn't get good shots...(but I got some good help on one of those shots :) )

    You sure have been getting some cool shots lately! And as always....thanks for sharing. They always bring a smile to my face.....

  32. Why does George remind me of Carey Grant in that photo? New Mexico is the only place that I've ever seen a double rainbow. You have the best sky in the world!
