
Friday, October 1, 2010

Down the Road with Smooch ~ October 2010

Route: Up and down Rock Hill road

Distance: 2 miles

Time: 5:30ish - 6:30ish pm

Temperature: 82, too hot for this time of year at this time of day

Humidity: 35%

Wind: no

On the iPod: Audiobook "The Kitchen House," by Kathleen Grissom – beautifully written historical fiction about slavery in the early 1800s in Virginia

Attire: Sneakers; shorts; the oldest, most favorite t shirt I own which should have been thrown away several years ago; baseball cap

Observations: Tumbleweeds are about ready to tumble, grass is three-strands high. Found the missing running-light lens from the horse trailer, which fell off in July - it was hiding under a bush. The mud from the big rain eight days ago has dried and is getting curly. Shadows getting very long.


  1. What awesome pictures of your walk. Smooch is such a pretty girl ... I know I'm always saying that, but she sure is! I love the last picture.

  2. There is nothing like a good walk with your dog ... Or in Smooches case, her favorite person!

  3. On the road again ....

    Great self portrait.

  4. Beautiful photos. Especially love the last "self portrait" one. Those long shadows at low sun are fun!

  5. I felt myself relaxing as I imagined walking amongst such beautiful scenery. I especially loved the pic of the barbed wire fence. Thanks for helping start my day off with a smile!

  6. I liked the fence photo and that is one FAT spider.... and I'm not talking PHATT! Is it poisionous?

  7. I love that final picture - and the curling mud. That's exactly the image I remember most from my walks with my grandfather.

  8. My goodness, Carson, you certainly are tall! :)

  9. I opened your site and found a chicken looking at me!!! How cool! Those pictures sure made me feel that I was on the walk with you girls.

    Nancy in Iowa

  10. Smooch: Gorgeous as ever.

    Love that last shot!

  11. Love the pictures of your walk with Smooch. Smooch looks so regal and alert all the time, and your landscape and fence pictures are perfect for capturing the desert. You should send #'s 2,3 and 4 to a picture contest somewhere.

  12. The color is so intense, so much the energy of fall. Lovely photos that say so much

  13. Beautiful photos!!! Your dog is absolutely gorgeous!

    ~The Monster Crew

  14. I love your new header! And I enjoyed your walk so much -- so full of the curly bits of your life. Thanks, Carson.

  15. What a great place for a morning walk. Love the intense blue sky.

  16. I love the picture of the yellow flowers. It's beautiful.

  17. Beautiful pics as always! What a road to haul a trailer on. Glad your lens is still in one piece.
