
Monday, October 18, 2010

Alan's makeshift Q-tip

Alan: Oh, man, my ear is so itchy.

Alan: Ahhhh. Much better.

Alan: *shake shake shake*

Mom: Yuck!

Alan: Smells so good.

Alan: Did I gross you out? Sorry.

This is a very big day for Alan, George and Hank. I am loading all three in the trailer and hauling them to the vet in Albuquerque for their annual preventive maintenance visit. The vet will float their teeth, clean their sheaths, give them their fall shots, check out Alan's itchy ears and evaluate Hank's bum knee. My house guest will come along to talk me down from the ledge should things go south. I'll report back on the twitter feed later today. Think good thoughts.


  1. Everything is going to be ok, not to worry, but I understand how intimidating vet visits can be.

    Denise is sure getting a good taste of ranch life .. you go girl!

  2. Good thoughts coming your way. Hope all goes well.

  3. Ewwwwwww ;-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  4. Have a good trip. Everything and everyone is going to be fine.

  5. Nice you have your friend to ride shotgun for the vet visit. Bet she's never seen a teeth floating or sheath cleaning before. Be sure to sing the sheath cleaning song on your way home. If you don't have it, I'll send it. (Ha-ha.)

    I was a little worried Alan might go too far with his makeshift Q-tip. Glad he stopped. Hope he gets relief today for those itches.

  6. Good thoughts and prayers headin' to ya!

  7. Who woulda thunk??

    Good luck on the trailering and vetting.

  8. Hey there, just found your blog and I LOVE it! Especially the donkeys, I've got a miniature donkey(named Beauregard)that is a hand full.

    Have a great day!


  9. Ah, thinking fabulous thoughts for your day ahead.

  10. I don't know who will have it worse:
    you having to load up 3 equines and deal with anxiety of waiting for what the vet has to say (it will actually be ALL good....there are LOTS of good thoughts for you!)

    the animals having to get poked and prodded

    or the vet having to clean out ear wax, float teeth, and clean sheaths

    I would say the vet, but at least he/she is getting paid for all the unpleasantness!

    glad you have your BFF with you!

  11. Love the earwax photo!!!!

    Hope everything goes smoothly today.


  12. good health vibes to you all

  13. Sending good thoughts to all of you - I'm glad you have your friend there to go with you for this trip! That's a lot of equine loading/hauling/monitoring/loading/hauling for one cowgirl!

  14. Oh Alan, don't you know you aren't supposed to stick anything into your ear that is smaller than your elbow? Hope the vet vist goes well for everyone.

  15. Sounds like fun! Everything will go smoothly. You gals have fun!

  16. scared to ask ... but what is cleaning their sheaths??? the mental image is ummm gosh poor guys hope i am wrong LOL

  17. Good luck and safe travels to you and the boys! Itchy ears are no fun as my rottweiler can tell you.


  18. On the ear cleaning= ewww! I'm sure everything will go fine today. Fingers crossed anyway, hope he does well.

  19. wow thats a pretty big day, but Im sure everything is fine, they sure are all happy and thats gotta mean something.

  20. Soooo, how long do you think the boys will be mad at you for this little betrayal ?

  21. Yes, Alan, you did gross me out just a little bit...but I know how good an ear scritch feels. Very clever.

    Good luck at the Vet! I have no doubt that you'll receive a clean bill of health.

  22. Sorry boys, but this has to be done.......

    Sending positive wishes of safe travel and great checkup reports your way. Sorry, I can't send money :)

  23. Looking forward to a great report !!

  24. Personally I'm most interested in floating teeth - explain, please? So glad to see that all is well with those adorable guys.

  25. Skippa Little Lyle...sure do miss that guy. As do you... Hope you don't mind but his name plate spoke louder than your post.

  26. Alan is truly adorable! Safe travels to you and your crew tomorrow.

  27. C in WI, me, too about worrying about Alan getting too far with the "Q-tip" and so glad that he stopped before hurting himself. Those pictures had made me laugh so hard especially when he smelled his own ear wax!

  28. I'm *always* thinking good thoughts for your crew.
    Safe travels, you guys.

  29. Now I'm getting into my worried mom mode because there's not been a post yet.
    We're with you out here. XO

  30. Holy smokes! I had to look up one of those procedures and my eyebrows are still waaay up there. I'm glad this is not a DIY project.

  31. How did it go? How's Hank? Darn it I cannot follow Twitter at work if there's any hint there...

  32. How FUNNY! What are the chances to get something like this on film... GREAT picture story!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
