
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Such a little smartass

Alan may be the littlest equine in the herd, but what he lacks in stature he makes up for in intelligence, bravery, and survival instincts. Needless to say, he's adorable as well.

Fly mask? Who needs a fly mask? Even the flies know better than to mess with him.

He knows the grass is always greener and taller under the cactus and adjusts his ears perfectly to avoid getting stuck...unlike some other equines, who shall remain nameless, who come home wearing it.

Alan knows exactly how to maneuver his ears around the electric fence to not get zapped,

Post processing: PW's Dim the Lights action at 55%; PW's Quick Edge Burn action at 75%; MCP's Touch of Lightness action on Alan's eye

and he can see right through you if your intentions are less than honorable.


  1. Alan does seem to be quite the guy and also oh so photogenic!

  2. He is beautiful - I love his coloring, it reminds me of a donkey we had growing up. I had not thought about electric fences in years either, I used to get "stung" every now and then playing in the fields.

    I just love your blog!

  3. Did that handsome boy already figure out how to loose his fashion fly fringe?


  4. And I just love the tufts of hair coming from his ears.

  5. C, I haven't been putting Alan's fly fringe on - the flies truly are leaving him alone. Perhaps they're too busy harassing George.

  6. Love,love,love that last picture. Those two really are best buds.

  7. He is beautiful! And such great pictures! WOW! What kind of camera do you have?

  8. Of course Alan isn't just another pretty face. I always figured he was smart. :)

  9. A smart ass is he ...

  10. That's a beautiful tribute to Alan. He really is a clever fellow and loving, and cute, too.

  11. He is a cute little smartass. Very sweet and photogenic too.

  12. Smart, brave, street wise (er, ranch wise) and handsome to boot!

    Nancy in Iowa

  13. Attaboy Alan! People could take lessons from burros.

  14. That looked a bit close at the electric fence! The last photo and comment are precious.

  15. He is so handsome! It looks like they've shed their summer coats in favor of a warmer winter one?

  16. Alan's dark coloring is a benefit in the fly department. I have always found the darker the critter, the less torment from bugs. I saw it in my dappled gray Peruvian Paso, the light colored llamas, even the white leghorns.

  17. Journey's Mom, I use a Nikon D80.

    CeeCee, they wore their smooth and slick summer coats for about a week before their winter coats started to come in - so very different from horses.

  18. They are so cute, I love the last picture, but Im amazed they seem to know how close thier ears get to the electric fence.

  19. What a talented guy! And no cactus thorns? Amazing. Especially considering.. er.. well earlier in the week...

  20. I miss him...I love that sweet face of his!
    I want my portrait done with him :-)
