
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug


  1. Great picture! We have many of them around and I find them quite interesting.

  2. And I swear every frickin day lately I feel like the bug. Somethings gotta give!

    Speaking of bugs, that Praying Mantis sure is a handsome one, even if it does look like a rather menacing one.

  3. I haven't seen any of these guys in my neck of the woods in years. I wonder what that means.
    Best always, Sandra

  4. OH, these guys are GREAT for keeping pests out of your garden.

    Last year I released a bag full of newly hatched mantises, and watched them grow all summer as they patrolled my flower gardens.

    (However, there is a limit on the size of spiders they can keep at bay!)

  5. Awesome picture! Making me want that DSLR even more.

    Even though we are told they are pretty benign creatures, my son was on eye level with one and it attacked him. Scared him more than hurt but it gave him quite a scare and a lesson on how fierce a little praying mantis could be.

  6. She is beautiful! Love how she's looking right at you, almost rolling her eyes.

  7. very cool shot. Thanks for sharing.

  8. It's terrible that praying mantis' always make me think of Kung Fu Panda.

    Just another casualty of motherhood.

    Love the tilt of the head, giving you that "here, this is my good side" look. :)

  9. Beautiful! Reminds me of the time I came home one summer evening to find a stick insect had crawled in through my bedroom window (which was quite random because this species was native to Greece!).

    I called her Twiggy (yes, original I know) and kept her for a few days before realizing I couldn't look after her properly so she went to a good home :).

  10. How many ways can we tell you how amazing that shot is? Absolutely wonderful!

    Nancy in Iowa

  11. Praying or Preying ? ... or both ?
    Either way I love its little "E.T. the Extraterrestrial" face.

    Cool Shot !

  12. Preying mantis are so creepy funny, LOL LOL My Hubby used to find them where he used to work and would fight with them LOL Mean little boogers!

  13. I love praying mantis. I hardly ever see one though. Thanks, great pic!

  14. Hey...Mr. Mantis....looking good!
