
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pampered poultry

Clara, Lorena and Peach are laying machines. Since the day they started producing eggs, rarely have they taken a day off. A mere "thank you" seems inadequate for the many contributions they make to my breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, so I've been looking for tangible ways to keep them happy.

My most recent attempt to bribe spoil pamper them involves this treat ball. I fill it with lettuce or other vegetarian delectables, and they seem to enjoy pecking the heck out of it, nibbling every last morsel. Or at least Peach seems to enjoy it.

Clara and Lorena still have a little trouble figuring out how to get from point A to point B.
Pssst. Girls! The door to the coop is open - walk through it!

I often find myself wondering how chickens can be so smart about some things and not so smart about others. Why did the chicken cross the road? Who knows? They act so confused sometimes, they don't know themselves.

Clara: Peach ate all the good stuff. What do you expect me to do with these leftovers?

Post-processing: 1. PW's Warmer action; 2. PW's Boost action at 50%; 3. PW's Dim the Lights action on the background; 4. PW's Quick Edge Burn action at 56%.
Clara: Where are the sunflower seeds? Don't be holding out on me. I know they're in your hand. Give 'em up.


  1. Your girls are absolutely beautiful! I love the treat ball and have never seen anything like that before, but then it's been years since I have chickens.

  2. If I die and have to come back as a critter I want to come back as one of yours.

  3. I love your chickens - the last photo really cracked me up!

  4. I hope you never tire of just showing a little of your every day. I never get tired of looking at it. I also try your photo fixes on mine and it helps me learn. Thanks

  5. "Why did te chicken cross the road", you ask?
    To show the possum it could be done.

  6. They aren't nearly as cool as donkeys, but chickens can be quite entertaining. :)
    My four new Buff Orps are full of surprises and silliness, too.

  7. Beautiful chickens! I love your "comments" that "they" make. :) Really like that last picture!

  8. Such beautiful chickens! I love the last photo, LOL! Love the idea of treat balls, cool!

  9. Your girls are are all beauties...but methinks one of them may be smarter than the others. shhh...don't tell them I said that. :)

  10. You're like me - if I love you, I'm going to spoil you! It's just my way....Thanks for the great pic's and always funny commentary.

  11. Those chickens enjoy a luxurious lifestyle and are so content & healthy. They're a joy to be around, actually. That last shot of Clara is priceless!

  12. Pampered chickens - what do you expect when their lady gives them manicures? They ae lovely!

    Nancy in Iowa

  13. They are gorgeous chickens - And I envy all those fresh eggs!!

    I think you have probably been sent many egg recipes, but here is another :)! - my current favorite is this Green chile apple dutch baby from Homesick Texan's blog. It is one pan easy. I am a solo - I make the entire recipe and eat it for all meals until it is gone.

  14. I don't have a treat ball, but I tried stuffing a suet feeder with greens and my girls weren't too impressed. So, you bought them some sunflower seeds, did you? Around here, we call that treat "chicken cocaine". They love it!

  15. Oh dear - please don't tell my girls that your girls get their treats inside a fancy metal cage with a tinkle bell. My little ladies get their lettuce/cabbage heads tied with a brown (sometimes recycled even) piece of twine. lol

    Your second picture made me chuckle - SO true... :-)

  16. Ann from Montana - who would have thought to pair green chiles and apples? Thanks for the link!

    Lilla, yes, thanks to you, I did get the girls some of those black oil sunflower seeds, and there's a story that goes with it. Maybe I'll have to do a post about it...

  17. The last photo is absolutely gorgeous!

    ~The Monster Crew

  18. Oh my! In that last photo Clara looked down-right perturbed! I sure hope she got her sunflower seeds!

  19. Wow. I had no idea about the relative... iq differences.

    I remember them when they were just smooth headed little things. They grow up so fast.

    Lovely end photo.

  20. Don't forget to let them be cannibals now and again. Giving them eggs or just the shells makes their eggs stronger. I always liked the fact that we had so little garbage — the chickens ate almost everything we tossed to them. We sometimes got triple yolk eggs that were close to the size of my fist.

  21. What a cluck-up! Your "family" of feathered & non-feathered children are a constant form of entertainment for those of us otherwise trapped in a metropolis of concrete. Thanks for the never ending stories and for sharing such wonderful memories with all of us.....

  22. I believe in pampering my chickens too. I must get them a treat ball or two or three.
    Amy at Verde Farm

  23. Gorgeous shot of all but especially that last one of Clara. She could be on the front of the "Saturday Evening CLuck"!

  24. On October 17th I'm driving a long, long way to take a chicken clicker training class. Not because I want to be able to train chickens, but if you can, the other species are so much easier. I've trained with the best with horses and llamas, why not add chickie to the list? Get this, the class is called, "Poultry in Motion"!
