
Thursday, September 30, 2010

The girls and I get together to make lunch


  1. Carson that video is simply too cool! You have a strong left hand that you didn't shake/wiggle around, and what fun to see your lunch in progress, truly from beginning to the end. Thanks for sharing ... I enjoyed that!

  2. Phew!!! I was worried you were going to have chicken salad for lunch!!
    anyway that omelet looks very delish,,,,,,,
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. Loved the background music! Never heard that one before.

    Looks like you have enough eggs to invite your cyber comment buddies over for breakfast. Looks lip smackin'!

  4. Fantastic Linda! The soundtrack is perfect too. Oh how I love you and your ranch!

  5. L.O.V.E. the music!
    "Lori Darlin'" I can hear Robert Duvall now.
    I have to mark my egg cartons too. I used to write the date on the eggs with pencil.
    After eating those marigold yellow eggs, there's no going back to grocery store eggs. :)

  6. Great chicken movie, Carson. Since your girls moved in, you inspired me to stop at a local farm to buy my eggs. What a wonderful difference in taste! Thanks to you I'm now eating healthy eggs. By the way what are the treats you are giving them.
    Best always, Sandra

  7. Bravo, Bravo! Two thumbs up. :)

  8. Love it all - the video, music and your girls! And, again, I sure like your life!!

  9. Fun video!
    You can cook for me anytime. The girls are adorable too.

    Ha, ha ...'who am I kidding, I can't do this?'
    Just as you were doing the one handed egg crack thing, I thought to myself - wow...she can do that with one hand.

  10. That is so great, music and video. Love it!

  11. Pat, I shot the video with my iPod! I swear, it doesn't weigh more than an egg.

    Sandra, I treat the girls with black oil sunflower seeds after they lay their eggs.

  12. Great video. Never heard that song before, perfect though. The omelet looked delicious. Just wondering did you share it with the girls and let them see/taste how all their hard work pays off?

  13. Wait, wait, wait... Ipod shoots video????? You lost me there!

  14. Mmmmm, yum! What a wonderful looking omelet. Nothing beats fresh eggs!
    Thanks for sharing. Think of me as I start my day with Cheerios and skim milk - no yummy omelet here!

  15. Carson, you are very talented with that camera and one hand maneuvers, especially cracking an egg! Love the song and the video. Glad the girls like their chicken cocaine...I mean, sunflower seeds!

  16. Grey Horse, I did not share my omelet with anyone around here, not that they didn't ask.

    Sigrid - true story, my ipod nano shoots video. I was just as surprised as you are to find that out. I feel a blog post coming on...

  17. Mmmm, I think that's what I'll have for lunch! However, it will be made with - gulp - store bought eggs! I've got to find a farm that sells fresh eggs. I'm in rural Iowa, for Pete's sake!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  18. Great job Carson! Filming, checking eggs, feeding, cracking, cooking.... The girls are great actresses also!

  19. One of the most outstanding things about a fresh egg is the yolk...the color and the way it stands up in the pan for all the world to admire. People who only eat 2 - 3 month old store bought eggs don't know what they are missing!

  20. Oh, they look yummy!. I would love some chickens :D.

  21. I just love their fluffy butts.

    And, your omelettes. You make a great omelette!

  22. Great video!! Loved watching the girls in production and seeing the final product. :) It looked absolutely yummy!

  23. Darn, for a minute I was hopeful... Alas. Your Nano must be really recent. Those indeed can shoot video. Mine looks exactly the same... but didn't have that feature yet! Oh well... good for us yours does anyway ;)

  24. Awesome! Loved this video! That chicken sure was "graceful" walking down the coop ramp. "woops!" Love how you did stuff one-handed. :)

  25. Great video! And I love that music! Where on earth did you find that song???

  26. Rosanne, finding the song was shamelessly easy...I went to the iTunes store and searched for "chicken"!
