
Thursday, September 2, 2010

George and Alan rearrange the furniture

What started out as a relaxing Sunday morning sitting out at the barn drinking coffee with my house guest quickly gave way to a free-for-all. George and Alan decided it was time to rearrange the furniture.

George: I don't know why she ever bought this thing in the first place.
It doesn't match anything out here.

George: @#!$% flimsy piece of Walmart crap collapses every time I pick it up.

George: Alan, see if you can set this back up. I can't figure it out.

Alan: This might require opposable thumbs.
George: Use your head.

Alan: I give up. Let me try the white one.
George: Don't get your head stuck. Remember what happened last time?

Alan: Where do you want me to put this thing?
George: Next to the feed room. Maybe she'll get the hint.

Alan: What about this one?

Hank: They're totally out of control. You know that, right?

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George: Let's try it over there by the gate. I think the feng shui will be better.


  1. Hilarious!! Those two just crack me up. I hope you and your house guest had evacuated the chairs before the guys decided to do the rearranging ... how rude if they had dumped you both!

  2. Definitely they are into the whole feng shui thing.

  3. ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the pics and the captions! Oh, the captions!


  4. I think G&A Decorators could hang out their shingle and start a side business of their own. :)

  5. I can't imagine what it must be like with all these voices in your head!

  6. HA!! Those boys are just too silly :-)
    Theresa in ALberta

  7. are they for hire? I need some decorating help

  8. So adorable and lovable to help you trying to set up the furniture. I believe that they are enjoying the errands for you!

  9. I'll admit it... I freaked a little bit when Alan put his head in the white chair... :D

  10. LOL about Hank's conclusion!!

    And about their obsession with the blue chair. I have two gray ones that are similar in our barnyard that I tend to move around to where I want to sit with the equines. Every single day when I go out Rafer and Redford have collapsed and moved them around. I have no idea what the appeal is - there are (in my human opinion) many more interesting things they might get into, but they go for those chairs!

  11. Oh Carson - you are just too funny! I wish I had the quality of entertainment that you have on a daily basis........THEN life would be good!

  12. I just love this. What a good laugh they gave me. They really brighten my mornings.

  13. Thanks for the morning chuckle!

  14. My goodness, your decorators are handsome!

    Good workers, too. No slouching off for those boys.

  15. Those two are the Laurel & Hardy of New Mexico. Love the captions and Hank's take on things.

  16. They are funny, and Hank is so "grown up" compared to them, lol!

  17. Love it!!! They are really quite the pair of clowns, aren't they??? LOL

    I have been on vacation, but just got back and noticed that Carolynn came for a vist. How cool was that???? : )

  18. OMG...and I was moving from Seattle to get AWAY from the feng shui. The horror of it all...

  19. You sure are doing a great PR job for burros! Everytime I see these two up to some silliness, it makes me wonder how much acreage we'd need to invite some to live with us.

  20. They just can't help but get into everything those two! I love it!

  21. Perfect!!

    Love Hank's comment especially.

  22. Very funny! Thanks for the laugh!

  23. What great personalities, guess they have remodeling in their blood!

  24. Hilarious :):) especially when Hank stuck his head in the side of the frame :):)

  25. Best laugh I've had all week! I needed this badly this morning. I bow to your creativity.
