
Monday, September 27, 2010

Fringe benefits

George: You're not going to show me like this on the blog again, are you?

Post processing: PW's Boost action at 66%; 2. PW's Cooler action at 53%; 3. PW's Quick Edge Burn action at 15%.

Me: George, don't walk away all embarrassed. Everybody thinks you look real cute in fringe.

George has been wearing his fashionable fly fringe for a week now, and it's holding up just great.
He can spot trouble Alan from far away...

...and the bugs aren't bugging him even in the tall grass.


George: Are you okay, mom?

Me: !@#$%&* cactus.


  1. So glad the fringe is working out, but seems someone in the family needs a cactus detector!

  2. cactus's are not poisonous are they??
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. As us southern's say " Bless his heart". Now his whole world is red-striped. But he looks good in it. Kind of like red dread-locks.

  4. Thanks to trendsetting Alan, I ordered fly fringes for my three horses last week. It's getting colder in WI, and the flies aren't very bad right now, but NEXT year, watch out. (WI is a bit behind in fashion sometimes...)

  5. George does, indeed, looks handsome with this RED fringe and it's good to know that it's working so well for him.

  6. We think George looks real cute in fringe!

  7. I'm ordering two. Maybe three.

    We all appreciate your blood sacrifice, Carson. :)

  8. Funniest last line of blog post EVER!!

  9. The fringe makes me think of the flapper era. It's definitely leading edge fashion and if it works, I'm all for it.

  10. Yep, that last line had me laughing out loud :)
    I'm loving the fringe. I bet my old Jack would like that too... I'll be scouting my feed store!!

  11. George looks so dashing in his fringe - kind of western bandito!!!

    Nancy in Iowa (without donkeys, sigh.)

  12. Love the last line as well! All through the post I was thinking you needed a fringe to, but dont think it would help against cactus though.

  13. Very handsome lad, well what can be seen of him through his hula skirt.

    Aren't those cactus needles a b &*!ch!

  14. I'll be looking into the fringe for next year, but I wonder if they can withstand the Boyz's playing. Poco is the culprit.

  15. So glad everyone found something practical that holds up and makes a fashion statement at the same time!
