
Friday, September 24, 2010

Don't make us come over there

I happened to be at Morning Bray Farm yesterday, and Justina let me give her boys their morning carrots. But first I had to take a picture. Clearly, I was taking too long to set up the shot and they were losing their patience.

Well, hello, Nigel. Are you going to let me touch you today?

He did, and I must admit it brought a tear to my eye. Like most adopted BLM burros, Nigel has some trust issues. Don and Justina have patiently worked with him and had their breakthrough moment a few weeks ago. Yesterday, I had mine and Nigel let me scratch his butt. It was truly an honor.

I made the trek to the big city to accompany Justina and Don to the New Mexico State Fair. Yesterday's schedule included 24 donkey classes in the show arena – everything from Donkey Walk-Trot Pleasure to Donkey Barrel Racing. Much to our dismay, no donkeys showed up! Apparently, the donkey owners and the State Fair folks had some falling out. We were all so very disappointed. But we made the best of our situation...

We ate pie.


  1. What a day you had, from Nigel butt scratches to yummy looking pie, but what a bummer that the donkey events fell through. That really sucks!

  2. Pie comfort!! sounds good to me eh!
    Theresa in Alberta

  3. Love the photo of the boys. They have become quite the handsome little herd.

  4. Plan B looked delicious!

    Guess you guys will have to bring your burros to the classes next year. But how could they only pick ONE blue ribbon winner when clearly there are SIX blue ribbon winners in your herds?

  5. VERY sound. When all else fails... have pie! I'm glad you have such solid principles to fall back on. Don & Justina, you make SUCH a handsome couple and I'm not kidding this time.

  6. I sure hope you brought some home for Smooch!

  7. Awww...Sigrid, thanks. :D We definitely made the best of it... the pie was delish, it was a beautiful day, the company was great and there were plenty of other things to see. :)

    Carson, I love the picture of the boys and how you can see Fergus has a combination of red and grey in him.

    And next year - we've got some blue ribbons waiting for us for sure.

  8. A picture is truly worth a thousand words! I just love the look on their faces! And, that pie looks sooo yummy!

  9. Justina still looks a tad ticked! Maybe she hadn't tasted that yummy deliciousness in front of her yet....Hooray for getting to touch Nigel! Amazing how I get caught up in their stories...I wish I could wrap my arms around him and feel that soft muzzle....

  10. What a bummer there were no donkeys at the fair...but, pie eases all pain! Looks like you all had a good day. And best of all, you got to scratch Nigel's cool is that?

  11. I hadn't noticed before the red in Fergus. Bernard is sure getting to be a big boy! But it's Nigel for me, and I'm so tickled that he is finally learning that people are burro friends.

  12. I'm so thrilled for Nigel!!! He doesn't have to miss out on all the lovin' anymore. How exciting. I'm definitely going to have to come back now to get my snuggles in.

    Re: the state fair falling sounds like both parties were being big enough asses that they didn't need to bring along any of their burros...

    I'm glad you found a way to feel better.

  13. That's a bummer that the donkeys didn't show up at the fair. But seeing the Morning Bray boys was even better in my book! I think eating pie at the fair is something we should all do! :)

  14. For me, pie and ice cream would almost make up for the missing donkeys. Almost.

    Scritching Nigel? Congratulations!!! Happy dance for you!

  15. The irony of a fight breaking out over donkeys is just delicious. I guess the land of enchantment spirit was a little out gunned on that one.

    Glad to hear Nigel is extending is trust bubble.

    mmmm. pie. mmmm.

  16. When ever I'm disappointed I eat pie too. As a matter of fact when I am not disapointed I eat pie...

    But perhaps next year you could bring your boys?
    I love that there are many ranches that raise burros around where you live. I have a special fondness for them, but we have almost none around here! If I ever get any land of my own I'll get one for myself! And then I'll eat pie!

  17. Great donkeys! And how kind of your feathered girls to share some of their eggs with Justine, especially in such a classy container.

    Did the boys notice that you'd been with other donkeys when you got home? I wonder if it's like dogs and even cats - immediately sniffing out where you've been and whom you've petted!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  18. Ohhhhh, the looks on Justina's and Don's faces speak volumes on their disappointment! Thank goodness for PIE!
    (wonderful news about you getting the honor of a nigel butt-scratching. high-fives from oregon!!)

  19. How sad no donkeys showed up for the classes! We have a Donkey and Mule days here and its amazing how many show up there! I never knew wo much could be done with them before I went there!
    Pie, the solution to all problems!

  20. Pie is a GREAT consolation treat! I wonder if Margarita's followed later?!!! I love, love, love the pic of the boys. I think a donkey or two is in my future :)

  21. Okay, that is the cutest carton of eggs I've ever seen. What a wonderful idea!

  22. Well, crap! I guess just cuz there are classes for the longears it doesn't mean the entry will happen. Pie isn't a bad substitute though. Maybe next year you all can make the trek to Bishop, CA for Bishop Mule Days..the Superbowl of donkey/muledom showing.
