The picture above and the series I posted yesterday were all taken one day last week during happy hour, the magical time I spend with the boys after they have finished their dinner. I pull my chair out of the feed room, the boys gather 'round, and we all just chill – until George tries to sit in my lap and I have to restore law and order, but otherwise we just hang out and do nothing.

Alan: If you'd let me rip that mask off, you'd see better.
A few of you commented yesterday that you were happy to see what good buddies Hank and the burros have become. Me, too! During these last six months, the boys have knitted themselves into a tight little tribe. Hank has adjusted to the fact that the burros are not at his beck and call, as was Lyle. If Hank wants to be with George and Alan, he has to go where they are. Who would have thought that the alpha general would learn the art of compromise?
And what's really amazing is how calm and mellow and burro-like Hank has become. The big guy doesn't get flustered by anything anymore. Things that would have justifiably spooked him six months ago – like white plastic chairs tipping over on his leg – don't even phase him.
The calming influence of two little burros cannot be overestimated. In fact, if doctors were to prescribe burros instead of blood pressure medicine, healthcare costs would go down AND every burro who needed a home would have one. There you have it, the answer to the world's problems – a pair of burros in every back yard.
I think a pair of burros in every back yard is just what the doctor ordered!
ReplyDeleteNow to convince my husband of that. Oh, and to buy property where we could have them in the backyard. Details...mere details.
Oh I like your idea of having a pair of burros in every backyard, I would be the first one to sign on for that. Just love those little gentle creatures.
ReplyDeleteA burro in every back yard. Sounds like a wonderful idea. Glad that Hank is mellowing out and has become friends with the boys. Wonder if since he's learned the art of compromise another horse for you could be introduced now? Have you thought about it lately? (not being nosy just wondering). I know you miss riding and he may be okay with a new buddy or maybe not, you know him better than anyone.
ReplyDeleteI've been saying every since Rafer and Redford came to live with us - every retirement home, nursing home, rehab center, etc. needs its own small herd of donkeys. You're right that there is something not only magical about them, but physically calming.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so happy that Hank has found that with his buddies there - he looks happy.
so interesting about Hank's change of behavior. I think we could all learn something from watching animals. The art of compromise is an important skill to have that unfortunately is becoming a lost art.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely-positutely.....burros should be part of our healthcare reform. Maybe I'll send a letter up to DC!
...and since for many of us, work is one source of high blood pressure, the next step will be National Bring Your Burro to Work Day. Of course, all workplaces will have to be modified to be burro-friendly, by knocking down walls and turning parking lots into pastures.
ReplyDeleteI think you're really onto something here.
Another good reason I can explain to the man who doesn't want hoofers.
ReplyDeleteI need a burro and a mini donkey.
I think you should run for President, Carson!
ReplyDeleteOh, SNAP! I will be stopping all meds and getting burro's!
ReplyDeleteWow, just think, the answer is right in front of us, donkeys prescribed instead of anitdepressants. I am all in favor of that health care reform. It's all "the boys" fault that I have become donkey fanatic. Every drive we take I have the kids on high alert for donkey sightings and Sweet Man has learned to just deal with all the stops and starts to check out the burritos, that is, if I promise we will get the hot kind for lunch at Twisters. As he puts it, "now is the time of his discontent, cuz I loves me some donkeys". I think he's a little jealous. Thanks Carson, for the introduction into donkeys and a grand addiction.
ReplyDeletesounds good to me,,,a morning dose of burro love!
THeresa in Alberta
Ah yes....I remember George's butt inching ever closer to my lap. If he wasn't such a charmer, it would be a big problem.
ReplyDeleteHank is the coolest, most gentle horse I've ever encountered. Truly. I loved just standing with him and soaking up his calm energy.
I love your idea about healthcare reform. Let's get this passed through legislation. I would dearly love to have a couple of burros around.
Hugs all 'round,
I wish I could fit a pair into my apartment. Emma could sleep on their backs.
ReplyDeleteNancy in Iowa
Awesome...all of it.
ReplyDeleteI would love to bring our mini home and put him in the back yard. Then convince the neighbors he is a new purebreed with a strange bark. I think everyone should have at least 2 donkeys of any size.
ReplyDeleteBurros as part of health care reform...what a marvelous idea! I think it would be great if we could claim them as a medical expense. :)
ReplyDeleteHow happy it must make you to see Hank adjusting so well to life as a trio - and so fascinating to watch the herd dynamic change. Love that Hank has decided compromise is not a negative to his alpha status.
ReplyDeleteThe calming influence of certain animals...yes, I noticed this with my llama and goat boys on our walk just the other day.
I've always had an ahhhhh feeling about donkeys and burros! Whether is it the biblical or cross donkey stories, their warm eyes or special personalities.... I agree with everyone having a least 2!! Sadly, there are many ropers, horsemen, cattlemen who don't think much of donkeys.
ReplyDeleteAnd there would be a lot less Acepromazine prescribed in the horse world too! The burros WOULD edge out the goats at the tracks...think of that?
ReplyDeleteHmm I wonder if I can add burros to my HSA? That would be perfect!
ReplyDeleteI've already tried to deduct board as a medical cost (mental health therapy), only to be rebuked.
I love that top pic of Alan. :D Thx for posting it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you're a good "mom" and love all your "kids" equally, vut it seems George is featured more often than Alan. He's so cute, why doesn't he make the cut more often?