
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wynonna on the beach at low tide

Wynonna spent yesterday morning relaxing on our new beach.

Post processing: 1. PW's Warmer action at 100%; 2. PW's Lovely and Ethereal action at 100%; 3. MCP's High Definition Sharpening action at 75%

The tide was out, so she didn't get a chance to dip her toes in the water.

A couple of jackasses were mixing it up nearby,

but as long as they weren't kicking sand in her face, she figured she'd let them be.

Ahh...the sweet ocean imaginary breezes. It's enough to make a princess swoon.


  1. It really doesn't look too comfy where Wynonna decided to lay, but to each 'her' own. Those jackasses do make for good entertainment while a lady is relaxing, but aren't there always a few of those at any beach!

  2. She doesn't appear to mind at all that the ocean and the breezes are imaginary. As the old song said, "heaven is in your mind."

  3. Is that a fly mask on George? How come Alan doesn't have one? Does he freak?

  4. where is her bathing suit? ;-)
    theresa in Alberta

  5. Oh I love this. Wynonna, you are an inspiration to us all. I knew I could identify with you. I have had that same exact look on my face as in the last picture. Remember if you start smelling bacon, get out of the sun.

  6. Yes, Justina, George is wearing a fly mask. Yesterday was his first day with it on. His eyes are very drippy from something - I think he might be allergic to something. Amazingly, Alan did not rip it off his face...yet.

  7. HA! thanks for the smile....needed it after worst battle ever with my 3 year old.

    the size of those trenches makes my back hurt just looking at them....that is some serious digging, Linda....

  8. Wynonna looks very content and quite the sun bathing diva. Of course, the only thing missing for her absolute comfort is a beach umbrella to shield her from uv rays. We wouldn't want her to get wrinkles to mar her perfect complexion.

  9. It must be hard to be a princess! She sure is a happy pig!

  10. Very fun post.
    Dang, you did some back-breaking work digging that trench!

  11. All she needs is an umbrella & a margartia! One of your delicious margarita's... matter of fact, you should make 2, pull up a chair and hang out w/the diva...

  12. What a bathing beauty! Tell her not to spend too much time in the sun as it is tough on the complexion. Maybe a nice straw hat or umbrella would help. :)
    My Russell gets weepy eye if I leave him out without a flymask. Those durn flies irritate him something awful.

  13. Nancy, Wynonna left her margarita over in this post:

    CeeCee, don't be fooled. I dug that trench as soon as the rain stopped – it wasn't bad at all.

  14. I can't help it. I love that girl!

  15. The last photo made me laugh out loud! I loved your captions and the background antics.

  16. She is so cute and obviously has a mind of her own.

  17. LOL...a beach fit for a queen indeed. : )

  18. Lol, love that pig!!!
    Heck of a trench you got dug there! You're amazing!!

  19. I kept waiting to see a shot of the Princess in a pink bikini!

  20. When you glance out someday and see her working on her sand castle you'll know she has gone over the deep end!

  21. I think she's waiting for you to fill up the trench with water, so she can go skinny dipping.

    Seriously, that girl needs a tiara.


  22. After seeing the pictures, I was going to ask if Alan had tried to take the fly mask off of George.....then I saw your post. It's amazing, that was the first thought that crossed my mind.
